Rotary Club Donates Dictionaries to Local Third Graders
Menifee Rotary Club President Carol Sullivan (right) was among club members who presented new dictionaries to third grade students. Here...
Menifee Rotary Club President Carol Sullivan (right) was among club members who presented new dictionaries to third grade students. |
One of the nicest parts about being a Rotarian is the pleasure that comes from working with youngsters. Whether it is handing out toys at Christmas, sponsoring a youth group in high school, attending and mentoring teenagers at our Rotary District 5330 annual Rotary Youth Leadership camp in the mountains, awarding scholarships, or honoring speech winners, Menifee Rotary members enjoy every minute.
One of the most rewarding is the annual distribution of Webster's pocket dictionaries to every third grade student in the surrounding areas of the Menifee and Romoland School Districts. Hundreds of dictionaries are hand-delivered by club members to each youngster, with an occasional hug in return. Often, heartfelt -- and a little humorous - thank you notes from students are forwarded by teachers for Menifee Rotarians to share.
Here are a few excerpts this year from Mrs. King's class at Quail Valley Elementary School:
Dear Rotary Club: Thank you for the dictionary it help alot on things and spell and slybales and that you guys are welcome to our big school and how are you Rotary club are you well and have you eat vitalmens to keep you well and warm and are you seling dictionary to schools over the world? -- Fatima
Dear Rotary Club - Hi my name is Taylor and I am in 3rd grade. I love the dictionary it is awesome. Thank you. I never knew that you guys did that. Did you know that my grama gose to the Sun City library, I sometimes go there to. Thank you again for the dictionary.
Dear Rotary Club, My name is Lizbeth and I'm in 3rd grade. Thank you for my dictionary I use it alot. It helps me find sylabes and how to pronounce a word. Now I have my own dictionary. I also use it with my home work. Do you giver all 3rd grader a dictionary?
Dear Rotary Club. My name is Jose I go to Quail Valley Elementary. Thank you for my dictionary. I use the dictionary alot and my teacher is Mrs King. Its cool because it has 311 pages that means it has alot of works. I like it very much because it helps me very much.
Dear Rotary Club, My name is Rebecca. Thank you for my dictionary. I use my dictionary to spell words and how to prunce words. I also use my dictionary to help find the speach. Our teacher is the best teacher we ever had. Mrs. King teaches us about the moon and moons phases. Also Mrs. King teaches us different verbs. Mrs. King puts a movie about the moon, the sun, and different other planets so we can understand the moon, sun, and planets in our science. Thank you so much for my dictionary.
Yes indeed, it truly is more blessed to give than to receive.
-- Carol "Red" Sullivan
Thank you for letting the community know about one of our projects for the the youth. This is my favorite. Red