Scott Mann Has a Policy Plan for Menifee's Future

The following is a paid political message from Scott Mann for Mayor When you go to your polling place next Tuesday, ask yourself these que...

The following is a paid political message from Scott Mann for Mayor

When you go to your polling place next Tuesday, ask yourself these questions…What do I really want from my local government? Who do I want leading this city?

Menifee incorporated to have better local control over our future. To me, it is this simple – make sure the city is safe, make sure the city is clean and make sure the city works. Beyond that, local government should get out of the way and stay out of your lives.

For two years, your local government has been reactive instead of being proactive! There is no Strategic Plan, there is no Economic Development Plan and the General Plan is now one year overdue and $200,000 over budget. There is an obvious disconnect between the council, the management team charged with implementing city polices and the staff who is charged with executing these policies.

Much of this logjam can be solved with the right leader as your Mayor. Instead of spending time on issues like anti-bullying, decorum changes, ethics policy and tracking which citizens request information from city hall, Menifee should be strategically focused on its future. Here’s what’s important:

  • Public Safety Enhancements – Restoring the city’s law enforcement to previous service levels to ensure that we have a 1/1,000 deputy-to-resident ratio in the city.
  • Advancing Economic Development – Creating an Economic Development Plan that focuses on job creation, retaining and attracting businesses to expand our tax base, and delivering value for all residents in the form of services.
  • Infrastructure Improvements – Developing capital improvement priorities with a local, rather than a regional focus.

I have the leadership experience that will deliver a strategic vision that achieves these goals. I’d appreciate your vote for Mayor on November 6th.

(Disclaimer: Photo does not imply endorsement)


Scott Mann 5016864313747964

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