Brian Plus Amanda Photography, Safety First

While one of the main goals of Brian Plus Amanda Photography is to get awesome newborn photos, the first priority is always safety. Baby...

While one of the main goals of Brian Plus Amanda Photography is to get awesome newborn photos, the first priority is always safety.

Baby's Safety

It is important to Brian and Amanda to establish a relationship and trust with their clients before they even start shooting. During the session the baby is posed on a large posing “puck” and with the help of posing pillows they secure the baby and most importantly keep their tiny bobble heads still.

There are times when the babies are placed in baskets, buckets, and other props which are filled with lots of padding so the baby is comfortable. Together, Brian and Amanda pose the baby and when they are ready, one of them steps away to take the photograph. During the entirety of the session one of them is always right next to the baby. There are even times when one of them is holding on to the baby in the shot, and then simply retouched out later.

For certain shots, like the babies on Harleys, Amanda dresses in all black from head to toe including black gloves. Like a ninja, she hides right behind the baby who is posed against a black background and she never lets go for even a second.

Baby's Comfort

They keep their home studio between 78 and 80 degrees during shoots no matter what time of year, so they ask the parents to dress for summer even during the winter months. They also provide a room for mom to nurse and change the baby during the session.

The baby is kept covered with a blanket until literally the last second, then like a magician performing a trick they remove the blanket and snap the picture. During the shoot their is white noise playing to drown out any ambient noises which acts to remind the baby of being in the womb. And of course, they make their shots very fast and if at any time the baby becomes too upset, it’s right back to mommy until they have calmed down.

Reassuring The Parents

The parents and sometimes even grandparents are right behind Brian and Amanda during the whole shoot, so the baby is never very far away. They ask the parents to let them know during any part of the shoot if they feel uncomfortable or have any questions or suggestions.

As parents themselves they fully understand how it can be a scary thought to hand someone your brand new baby and step back, but they let the parents know that they would never do anything that they wouldn’t feel comfortable doing with their own baby.

In the end their goal is to ensure the baby is safe, the parents are comfortable, and this result is being able to get great shots.

Brian Plus Amanda Photography
Website: Brian Plus Amanda
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Phone: (951) 520-5541


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