At Menifee's Elevate Fitness, This Man's Success Story Can Also Be Yours
Trasier Schuyler works out using an inverted row routine at Elevate Fitness. Paul David's Elevate Fitness studio does just that -- el...
Trasier Schuyler works out using an inverted row routine at Elevate Fitness. |
Paul David's Elevate Fitness studio does just that -- elevate one's level of fitness.
Just ask Trasier Schuyler.
A resident of Menifee in his 40s, Schuyler came to Elevate Fitness early this year for help. His first comment to David: "I ache all over." Running two businesses and heading a family of six was starting to take its toll.
"His main goal was just to get healthy," David said. "He wanted to be able to move without pain."
Schuyler's body has been through a lot: Bone spurs, neck and shoulder pain, surgery on both knees, arthritis... but after working out with David and his staff at Elevate Fitness, he says none of it bothers him anymore.
"I feel like I've been given a new life, a clean bill of health," he said.
Schuyler, who is currently on vacation, recently texted David to tell him he ran for the first time in four years. He had no pain and completed a five-mile run. His diet is improved, he has lost 35 pounds, and overall he is in much better shape.
This is what Elevate Fitness can do for Menifee area residents looking for a healthier body and lifestyle. Clients work out with exercise devices such as the TRX. Born in the Navy Seals program, TRX Suspension Training uses body weight exercise to develop strength, mobility, durability, balance, flexibility and core stability.
Some dumbbells are used, but no traditional weight machines. Each client works personally or in a small group with a trainer on a program customized to their needs.
"Trasier's wife says she's happy with the way he made the change," David said about Schuyler. "He isn't obsessed with the program. He works out two or three times a week for an hour. It doesn't interrupt his businesses. It's positively affected his family life."
Schuyler said he also appreciates the close attention paid by the trainers toward clients -- something he didn't experience elsewhere.
"I've had trainers who weren't even watching what I was doing," he said. "They would just say, 'OK, five more reps,' and not really care. Here, if I even wiggle my ears wrong, they're on me. That's what I need."
David says the philosophy he preaches to clients is the 100-100 effort: "I'll give you 100 percent, but I'll look for you to give 100 percent as well."
Elevate Fitness
29683 New Hub Drive
Suite D
Menifee, CA 92586
Hours: 5 a.m. to 9 p.m., Monday through Friday; 6 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday
Trasier Schuyler gets in shape with a goblet squat. |