Panera Bread is Coming to Menifee
Menifee residents will have a new dining choice later this year with the opening of a Panera Bread bakery-cafe in Countryside Marketplace. ...

Mayor John Denver made the announcement this week at the Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce mixer at Menifee Lakes Country Club. Panera Bread's arrival represents the city's continued efforts to attract more dining establishments to Menifee.
Panera Bread's bakery-cafe will be built on a vacant lot adjacent to the In-N-Out near the traffic circle in the Marketplace on Haun Road. Construction has not yet begun. Target date for the opening is 12 months, said Carmen Cave, community development director for the City of Menifee.
"The building plans still have to be processed," said Cave, "but there's no reason to tell them no. Their plans fit within the current specific plan for that property."
Cave said Panera Bread submitted a minor plot plan, which requires only administrative approval. It does not have to be approved by the city council or planning commission.
Panera Bread, established in 1981, has more than 1,500 locations in 40 states. According to the company website, Panera freshly bakes more bread daily than any bakery-cafe concept in the country. Its menu includes made-to-order sandwiches, salads, and soup served in bread bowls.
Panera Bread offers two different menus. The bakery menu offers freshly baked breads, bagels, baked egg soufflés and pastries and sweets. The cafe menu includes sandwiches, soups, hand-tossed salads, beverages and a special children's menu.
The company also offers a catering menu featuring a wide variety of meals, including hot breakfasts, sandwiches, pastries and cookies.
Just please try to help with parking because InNOut is nightmare enough. That parking situation at the Countryside Marketplace is the most ill-conceived I've ever encountered. It is a true nightmare, and because of it, our restaurants lose revenue. Many I speak with do not frequent establishments within food area (like Deer Hunter). I am included in that. It is just sad they put a Chase Bank in that location that could have been parking.
ReplyDeleteNot only do they need to do something with the parking near the restaurants (I agree that putting the Chase Bank there was a huge mistake), they need to do something about the traffic on Newport getting into the center. I don't see how they can continue to grow the center without doing something about getting into it.
ReplyDeleteThe traffic on Newport is madness! I saw it the other day and turned around and went home. I can't go to the shopping center without waiting in 20 minutes of traffic when I live 5 minutes away. Someone really needs to fix what is going on with the lights and traffic before we bring/build anything else to this area. FIX THE TRAFFIC PROBLEM CITY
ReplyDeleteGreat! More traffic!!!!
ReplyDeleteI drive into Murrieta or Hemet to go shopping because I can get there faster that in takes me just to get over the bridge.
Come on City Council and/or the County. Things are going to get even worse when these close the bridges at Scott and Newport for the 215 widening project. I hope someone soon gets a plan in place and the funding approved for a bridge between these two for all of us on the Eastern side of the 215.
It's just going to get worse when they develope the area around Haun and Scott. I too live 5 minutes from the Countryside Market place and drive to Scott and return back down Haun if I need to go there. I still can't believe they consolidated most of the food service in a corner with no reguard to traffic flow. It's easier to stay on the freeway and go to Target off Clinton Keith or continue to Murrieta to eat. It would be nice if Holland crossed the any case the traffic will still be a nightmare.
ReplyDeleteUnbelievable how much complaining people do regarding the traffic on Newport. Have any of you been outside of Menifee?
ReplyDeleteI also have gotten to the point where I am taking my shopping out of Menifee where i live into Murrieta and Hemet because whoever designed that Marketplace did a horrible job. The traffic is a nightmare, yet they still add stuff to it. Amazing to me, the bad design plans and then when they added the Chase right there, they just added insult to injury. real dumb. wise up Menifee!
ReplyDeleteI agree with all the posts, the traffic complaints and the poor design of the marketplace. However, I'm thrilled with Panera coming and glad they chose a spot away from the 'food court'. Panera is AWESOME to have in town. Hope everyone gets to know their bagel & coffee catering, cause it's great! Starbucks would be smart to move over to yellow basket, just for easier access. A Holland overpass and finishing Menifee Rd to McCall would both help locals find alternate routes across town...
ReplyDeleteI do agree that traffic is bad in the area, some of this folks don't know that this is the daily bread in O.C where there is traffic where ever you go. There is something called patience, but the problem is that we live in a fast nation where we expect everything to be instant and easy. Yay for Panera no we will have a fresh bakery near and Panera is is so delicious :)
ReplyDeleteTemecula and Murrieta Have traffic problems.
ReplyDeleteIt's called progress. Move somewhere else if you don't
like it. What a bunch of whinners.
Here are a few simple easy and inexpensive ways to improve the traffic situation.
ReplyDelete1. Going west over the overpass, why is there such a huge center divider? They could cut it out and make the left turn lane a lot longer. Stopping a lot of the back up through the intersection.
2. Heading east on Newport, why is it not finished. There would be less bottle necking if that right turn lane was longer.
3. Have Menifee police give a ticket to anyone that blocks the intersection. I saw one the other day and a cop drove right by.
4. Get all the lights timed properly.
There a few ways to improve the problem. And one of them will bring in revenue.
I live down the street from my sister near Ridgemore elementary school. We both left at the same time and I got to Smart and Final off Madison Avenue about the same time she got the Best-Buy in the market place. If the city doesn’t do something about this now I’m just going to spend my money in Murrieta.
ReplyDeleteOne post talks about patience’s another said we are all winners. So sitting in my car on my way to pick my kids up from school and it takes 25 minutes to go ¾ of a mile is totally excitable.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the good traffic suggestions, expecially cut out that wide divider!, make the second left turning lane onto Haun going south longer, the way it is now maybe, just maybe 5 car's can fit into the short lane. The city needs to step in and have one entity controlling all those lights at that intersection. Just wait until the they start building across the street,and then all the stores etc ,,you'll see traffice come to a stand still. I still propose we use the flood zone as another cross over option, IF we can get the fed's to okay it, that is. It is already cemented for a starter and what would be the different when the rains came, you can't use Bradley nor Murrieta Blvds either, you'd just shut down the flood zone then. 98% of the time it could be put to use to lessen the Newport traffic.
ReplyDeleteYay! So excitied for Panera Bread to be added to our wonderful city!!
ReplyDeleteDid you all know there are alternative ways to enter Countryside Market Place besides Newport Rd? I live on the west side of the City & find going south on Murrieta Rd from Newport Rd, head east on Holland Rd & north on Haun is quick & easy... I'm sure there are other routes from the east side too...
yes but one 2 lane option is not going to fix the problem. New Port road is half finished between Bradley and Haun. The city needs to finish it. No more waiting for someone to develop that land and have them do it. We need to do it and back charge the developers when they build.
ReplyDeleteI love Panera Bread and am very glad to see them coming to Menifee. Why is it though that nothing is being built off Newport Road east of the 215? I am new to this city and do not understand the logic of building where it is already quite congested.
ReplyDeleteI'd love to go to Panera, but when I'm hugry I can get to many places in Hemet faster.
ReplyDeleteWhen I first moved out here to Menifee the traffic was never a problem. The problem started when Domengioni (whatever it's called) was opened through to Hemet. Then when the Marketplace opened it made an already bad problem a nightmare.
I always thought it was stupid for Target to build that store off of Clinton Keith. However, now I'm glad they did it because I go to that Target before I'll even go to the Target in the Marketplace. I'm looking forward to the center off Clinton Keith to develop more. The food places planned will send my revenue to Murrieta and not Menifee.
For those who say going around to Scott and then backtrack down Haun have obviously not done it in rush hour. The other problem is when the centers are built and business' occupied in those centers at Scott and Haun. We are all going to be trapped over here on the Eastern side of the 215.
there is a ton of parking at countryside marketplace. just stop being lazy and walk the 100 feet.
ReplyDeleteI am so excited that we are going to have a Panera in Menifee-YAY!
ReplyDeleteHas anyone been to Orange County...Los Angeles county??!! Now that's traffic! My goodness..i live about 5 minutes from this shopping center and have no problem getting there. Sure..there's traffic sometimes, more during certain times if the day. Nothing to stress so much over, though...there's traffic everywhere you go..its called living in California! Ifyou don't like it..then maybe you should consider living somewhere that will never expand.. I'm excited for panera bread!!
ReplyDeleteTo 5/21/12 7:49
ReplyDeleteYou are absolutely right let’s not fix it before it becomes a problem. Why don't we just let it get way out of control and then try and fix it? We are trying to get the city to improve the infrastructure. If you have been to L.A. you can see that they have let it go without improvement for so long that now they will never be able to catch up. I'm sorry but L.A. as a city is a horrible place to be and I for one don't want that to be a role model for Menifee
You need business and homes to generate enough revenue to afford the infrastructure improvements. You can't fix roads unless you have the money first. Hence, we need to bring in more business. It's not enough to say that we need to fix infrastructure, you have to provide solutions.
ReplyDeleteSteve I totally agree but let me ask. Where’s the Wal-Mart and the Costco that was talked about. Where’s the movie complex, witch would bring in more restaurants. Where’s the stimulus money. There has been building all be it not as much as we need. But we should have the money to do some of the road work.
ReplyDeleteThe large center divider is needed due to SO many people not driving safely in the past. Before all you new residents moved in the senior population ruled this town and as they aged all too many head on collisions occurred. Safety first winers. If you live here shop here. Leave home with enough time to get to your local shopping areas.
ReplyDeleteI don't believe head on collisons occurred bez the sr population aged.It occurred bez you now have roadways connecting across our valleys. From east to west, and its only going to get worse. We truly 'need' more motorcycle cops here, I very seldom see any one. I drive 45 mph on Newport and others zip around me going 80mph, only for me to catch up with them at the next red light. Or they tailgate you, like 'I'm important and have someplace to go' get out of my way' attitude only to see them stop at the McDonalds up the street. Oh please. The reason their driving fast is bez they don't see any cops around and get away with it. Come on Mayor and City Manager lets have more motorcylce cops in Menifee and slow the traffic down to the speed posted.
ReplyDeleteYou guys are too spoiled, traffic is not that bad yet.
ReplyDeleteI agree with Steve, the city needs to generate more income. A movie theater would help us achieve this, and after all we are long past due to have our own.
I noticed that huge trucks on coming in from Hemet onto Newport Road all day long. They should have to use the 215 and stop tearing up Newport Road from Hemet. Can't the city stop them from using this road?
ReplyDelete4:52p, I too have noticed that, one wonders if there isn't a traffic code in play that says a truck has to be under X amount of pounds/weight to use this road, most cities have such a thing because otherwise they tear down your roads and the city ends up every few months repairing the hugh holes created by trucks being too heavy for the road. Can anyone at the City Hall tell us if such a code exist for Newport,and is there signs posted and enforced? Scott Road is the same way.
ReplyDelete1:27p,It depends on when you travel Newport and Scott Roads, if your traveling on them say at 10:30a you'll say traffic is not that bad, however, try traveling them say at 2:30-3P, and you won't be saying this. Its the commuters coming and going to work/home that sit in this traffic and its a nightmare for them.
ReplyDeleteI agree we need a movie theater for 'all of us' why isn't this action a priority with the city? And, please put it someplace else other than off Newport Road!
As a homeowner in Menifee, I appreciate having more businesses that bring in revenue for the city. Yes, I will gladly frequent Panera and other businesses in Menifee - traffic or not. I'm just happy to see growth here.
ReplyDeleteWe need a bowling alley and an ice skating rink and roller rink as during these hot summer days it is too hot for the kids to do anything outside...
ReplyDeleteMe too 12:23p, but I beg the city to start putting these new businesses at a 'new location' Menifee isn't just Newport and Haun! I hope they bring in a Maria Callendar pie place and put it next to McDonalds on Newport, we need more revenue here from pass thru traffic folks!
ReplyDeleteMenifee needs a community swimming pool, and a movie theater. Traffic on and to Newport is a NIGHTMARE, and discourages business. It shouldn't take 20 minutes to get from Bradley to Antelope, then you can't turn left onto Antelope because of Jackass people who block the intersection until the arrow for you turns red, and then this repeats over and over for EVERY light cycle. Sheesh.
ReplyDeleteDoes the store have a specific number to contact them by? I'm applying for a job and would like to call them to ask them some questions.