Sheriff Seeks More Funds to Battle Illegal Off Roading
The Riverside County Sheriff announced yesterday that it applied for a grant of $173,304.00 from the California State Parks Off-Highway Moto...

The move will bolster its existing team of deputy sheriff's who conduct off-highway vehicle (OHV) enforcement and education on a full-time basis. The team currently consists of (1) Sheriff’s Sergeant and (8) Deputy Sheriffs.
From June 2007 through January 2011, there were approximately 13,212 calls from the public regarding illegal OHV use. There were approximately 3,021 citations issued throughout the county during that same period for the unlawful use of OHVs.
Illegal OHV use often conflicts with hikers, equestrians, private landowners, and other individuals enjoying open space throughout Riverside County. With the increasing population in the county, the demand for OHV opportunities is increasing.
Meanwhile, land management agencies are closing more public lands to OHV use because of conflicts with endangered species and other resource concerns, which has increased the use of OHVs in illegal areas.
The sheriff has an online form you can use to report illegal off road use:
Have you noticed anyone riding dirt bikes or quads on dirt lots and trails throughout Menifee?
What areas in Menifee do you typically see illegal use of OHVs?
Around the base and the hills East of Old Newport (Rockport) and Briggs. You ought to see the mess people make on the trails East of the power lines at the base of the hill with their vehicles and the trash they leave. Old TVs, couches, tires, etc. On the trail at the base theres a large plywood sign asking for help, their stuck in the mud. The trail looks to be a walking or bridle trail wide enough at sections for a small 4 wheeler. Not the utility road under the power lines. I've also seen people 4 wheel and dirt bike up the hill over the crest leaving large gouges for the rain to leave deep erosion ruts..Nice trail but not for off roading. I'm not against off roading but some people make it bad the the majority...
ReplyDeleteI ride all over those hills and there isn’t one person that I know how rides, out there that dumps trash. My friends and I have stopped some non English speaking Hispanics dumping stuff out of the back of a large truck so don’t blame the dumping on riders. Also I would love for someone to show me some photos of excessive erosion due to and off road vehicle rut. If you are going to spout off at least back it up. Instead of wasting $175,000.00 on stopping why not put half that money into setting land aside for riding. But wait then the county can’t issue tickets to people our doing what they love. I would love to see a jogger get a ticket for running down a road because his shoe prints are causing far too much ware and tear to the roads. Give me a break people stop butting you noses into every body’s business. Does it honestly hurt anyone? NO!!!
ReplyDeleteHave you gone up the hill around the first rocky switch back? It seems to get worse, I really don't know how a vehicle gets up there. And yes I have seen people dump things in that little saddle area at the base of the hill behind that sign written on plywood and they were not Hispanics. Like I said I have nothing against dirt riding, wish there were more dedicated areas for riding. And it's only those few that wreck it for the more responsible. Sorry if I hurt your feelings.
ReplyDeleteI've seen the deep ruts, looks like a 4 wheeler just gouged through the trail near that hidden area of trash. The last time I was on top of the hill it seemed like an ideal riding area, it's just that trail going up to the top that gets messed up...probably from 4 wheelers not bikes.
ReplyDeleteI was out hiking just today with my dog off valley center and McCall in the hills, and a young man was on a dirt bike plowing new trails. I don't mind dirt bikes and young folks need activity here, I think we need to set some area aside just for this so, it doesn't ruin the rest of the hillsides in Menifee. The bikes just ruin the looks of the hills and destroy the environment. Illegal dumping can be traced back, that is if the city has hired anyone to do that job.
ReplyDeletelike a previous person commented. I dont know of any riders who dump trash where they ride. HELLO we dont wanna be around the junk. As a mom of a motorcycle/ quad family, we respect the land we use. Why is it ok for people on horses or walkers to use the trails and not us? I want to see those people recieving tickets for trespassing too. Whats funny is we ride with a lot of off duty sherrifs who feel the same way.
$173,304.00 just to hand out tickets to people sounds like a temporary fix to a permanent problem. Case and point, there is an area known as "Granit Hill" off of the 60 freeway that has been an illegal/ticketed OHV area for well over 10 years yet people still ride there all the time. Why not, the area has never been used for anything else and if they do leave then they will just go somewhere else. It is a growing pastime; tickets will not make it go away. I agree OHV's due "scare" the hills but then so does all off the construction that brought people to Menifee in first place. In my opinion a more permanent solution would be to set aside some land for OHV trail riding. If it was done well I'm sure riders/drivers would even be willing to pay a small entry fee (better than a ticket any day). Why not turn a problem into a place of possible tourism that could be self sustaining rather than a tax on the people and tickets for rides/drives. The only down side to this is that the trash dumping problem would most likely get worse since there would not be riders around to yell at the people who are actually dumping trash.
ReplyDeleteHaving an area set aside that charged a small fee to ride would be a great idea. Still patrol it, no drinking and if you’re stupid enough to leave trash then you should get a ticket and pay a fine. I know there are a few of the construction co. owners that would donate there equipment far a day or two to help set something up. It would keep OHV out of the walking trails and set boundaries for all the riders. The only thing that concerns me is, will the city consult with local riders to establish a large enough area for riding. Also let us not forget that the city is going to catch some grief from tree huggers because a ground squirrel is going to have to relocate. Me personally I think this is something that would work
ReplyDeleteMy issue is the fact that many of these riders, not all, ride on private property, with no regard for the poor property owners who worked hard to earn the money to buy the land. It's plain old trespassing. We land owners have to pay extra for insurance to cover our own behinds of these trespassers. Why should we allow you "riders" to come and use our land for your good time? Doesn't make sense to me. If you don't own the land, stay off.
ReplyDeleteNot one sign. Not one fence. Not one indication that the piece of land is owned by anyone. Don’t wine about the "poor property owners" if they aren’t going to put the effort into letting anyone know.
ReplyDeleteTo Anonymous February 15, 6:48 am. I think the 7:33 posters point was, do you own the land? If not, then you don't belong on it. Would you drive your vehicle through your neighbor's lawn? Do they have a sign saying it is their lawn? No, of course not. But you know that SOMEONE owns that land, and it's not you. Unless you are paying the insurance and property tax, then you don't belong there.
ReplyDeleteTina let me be perfectly clear. There is a HUGE distinct difference between someone’s front lawn and trying to figure out if a piece of land is own by the state or is own privately. I would ask that you not consider other poster on this site to be ignorant. If the land owners want to go out and plant a lawn that covers the entire property then I (as a rider) would not trespass. So please lets use a little common sense.
ReplyDeleteConcerned, I did not mean to offend anyone, and I apologize if my statement came off insinuating. My point is very basic, in that as a property owner of any type, I would not want anyone to trespass. I belong to an HOA, I am a Board Member, and our HOA owns and is responsible for a large area of open land. We have trespassers who wish to ride on our land pretty regularly. We post signs, put up fences, just to find the signs gone overnight and the fences destroyed within a week. We, as an HOA, have been forced to carry more costly insurance and pay a great deal of extra money to cover ourselves due to these trespassers. This costs us, the home and land owners, dearly. We cannot build on the land, nor plant on it. It must remain as it is.
ReplyDeleteI understand that you would never tear down a sign, nor would most riders. But the few who do confuse the situation and muddy the waters for the rest. You know what they say about one bad apple. . .
Tina you are absolutely right. My fellow riders and I have never nor would we ever do anything to be disrespectful to those land owners how took the time and effort to post a sign. We have also dished out our own style of grief to those riders that do. We will continue to inform the few morons that have no respect. I also want to apologize for becoming so defensive. I would just like the city to do there job and try to accommodate everyone and not just look to fine the recreation of some. If that’s the case then we should outlaw golf because the clubs are scaring the grass or baseball because some of the parents leave their trash. $175,000.00 so the city can ticket and fine riders that are just out to enjoy their sport are completely ridicules. What’s next the city is going to fine us for using ‘far to much toilet paper in the morning’
ReplyDeleteAnother example of a minority group with a sense of entitlement.
ReplyDeleteAs the law breaker why don’t you ensure the land you’re riding on is not privately owned before you go on it?
My guess is there is a very small amount of land publically owned in Menifee. However there is a large amount out in the desert.
Concerned, I don't know why your so upset ! If you respect the areas you ride this has nothing to do with you, just the ones that are riding where they shouldn't be. Just like golfers play on golf courses and baseball players play at parks. This will try to protect private properties and areas where riding is prohibited. I ride and hike in areas designated for those purposes.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous Feb. 17 12:43 So what you’re telling me that if I buy a tiny little chunk of land and not tell anyone then I can have you arrested for trespassing if you unknowingly walk on it. Also in doing so you would have no case to say you did know. That is the stupidest thing I have heard all week. I could give my kids the same lesson (here is a fish tank and there are 50 fish in It. all but two of the fish are free, and you can have as many as you want, but if you grab the wrong one your grounded.) wake up and use some common sense.
ReplyDeleteCan the dirt bike riders form a club and all donate X-amount of dollars to buy your own land near-by where its cheap (Anza?) and draw up the do's/don't of who should be allowed to ride on your land, or perhaps charge a fee, have events etc...and that should take care of where they want/should ride. Why should land owners be subjected to their irresponsiblity just bez the land owner didn't put up a sign. Even if you put up a sign they ignore it anyway, what gives you the right to plow your bike thru anothers property anyway? I'll bet you're the same person who drives 100 mph down the freeway and the hell with anyone else on the come first attitude. Buy your own land, problem solved.
ReplyDeleteTo February 23, 2011 9:08 AM
ReplyDeleteAfter you read this, it will be the stupidest thing you heard all week.
You comparing walking on a property and driving dirt bikes on it is one in the same.
I am the mother of a Off-Roading family, and I agree, us lawbreakers shouldn't be riding on private property, but Menifee should have designated areas, it seems to be a prominent sport in menifee and it should be respect just any other sport and have it's own designated area. In regards to an entrance fee, I disagree, people aren't charged to use the public parks, why should riders? And with regards to the patroling, I agree, there should be a patrol to ticket the trash-dumpers & alcohol drinkers.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous Feb. 23 10:31 AM
ReplyDeleteI would like to inform you that I dive in the slow lane. I stop other riders from riding on land that is clearly marked I tell other riders to clean up there mess as to not create a hazard in the area we ride. I feel that if you want to make an accusation then you should at least try being somewhat correct in your descriptions of me. So what’s good for the goose is good for the gander. "It would seem as if you are a bossy nag that blames all of your life’s problems an every one around you." There you don't like it either. In the future stick to the facts and let’s keep your personal attacks to your self.
What a waste of money. Why don't we use that money to caught the criminals that are truely harming someone, not riding through "their property". They act as if we are riding through there living rooms. They are not even near the property, so how is this "hurting" anyone in any way. What a bunch of selfish, uptight people. We riders are not like this. And hearing Tina is in a hoa says it all. HOA's have one purpose, to tell you how, when and where to live your life. So thats why she's so for this. This is a unacceptable waste of PUBLIC funds!!! If you land owners want people to stay off your land put a 6 foot fence around it and post signs, thats what selfish people do.
ReplyDeleteHow about putting the money they have to use toward a controlled riding area, since the government seems to be taking away any of our riding areas we have used for years. And besides that, why don't they (Sheriff) patrol the streets as well as they worry about the off roading problems, we offroaders are a minority but there are numerous speeders running my street, Holland Road, daily and they do nothing about that, as well as the people who dump trash along the old dirt part of Holland Road, I have chased away a few 'supposed' illegals numerous times myself. I have turned one car into the Riverside County Animal Control about two years ago who dumped three dead pit bulls, which looked like they had been used for dog fights, but don't let an single offroader ride his/her bike/ATV on a section of dirt, no way...
ReplyDeleteProperty owners that do post their land have a never-ending battle. The signs are constantly being torn down, or the off-roaders claim they didn't see them, or they ride in-between the signs creating a new trail that other off-roaders follow. If I owned 5,000 acres, the law says I have to put 3 no-trespass signs per mile and at every road/trail. Everytime an off-roader makes a new trail I get to put up a new sign. So where is the personal responsibility of the off-roader come in to play? Its really quite simple to obtain a map of what is riding opportunity and what is not. When riders see what they think is a great looking place to ride, should ask themselves the question "I wonder who this belongs to" and get a map from any number of agencies that can help them out before they ride. Forest Service, BLM, State Parks & Rec OHMVR, and County all have maps. I know this is a little bit of work on the off-roaders part, but it should be YOUR responsibility too. Its been my experience that once a single dirtbike track is made thru private property (or any property) more follow. The dirtbikers around where I live do leave trash behind, usually cans and bottles, things that didn't burn in the fire pit they created.
ReplyDeleteThe riders that leave trash, have fires, and tear down signs should be arrested, I agree. However $174,000.00 is allot of money that could go towards dealing with taggers, street repair, side walk repair, putting in something to better the community. Not patrol to insure that less then one half of one percent of the community are riding on this trail and not that trail. Really we don't have better things to do with that kind of money?
ReplyDeleteWe do need open riding space in Menifee and the surrounding areas. Yes, there are some rude people who throw trash, destroy property, & tresspass but not all off roaders do this. Also, you can not legally ride on your own property any where in Riverside County. Well, if you can manage to comply with all of the crazy rules, time limits, permits, letters from near by property owners, and ridiculus noise restrictions (no one measures the semi, trash, & dump truck noise level in Menifee but you have to pass a test to ride on your own property) so once you have paid extra and jumped through all of county's hoops you might be able to ride on your own property that you pay for and pay taxes on.
ReplyDeleteThey waste money on a handful of off roaders and do nothing to work with the thousands who offer help and ideas. Do you wonder why some off roaders ride illegally?
Ride 2 glorify
It is ILLEGAL to ride any offroad vehicle in UNAUTHORIZED areas! Bust them all and put them behind bars, NO Exceptions!!
ReplyDelete"Bust them all and put them all behind bars"
ReplyDeleteWhat a stain you must be, you have nothing intelligent to say don't say anything at all. It always bothers me when someone that has no idea what they are saying spouts off with an opinion.
Please don't forget that off road vehicles are licensed and have to pay DMV fees, these fees are supposed to go to off road use to open parks. Riverside County has been collecting fees for where are the legal open riding areas that we are paying for, it's obvious they have no intrest in off road riding.
ReplyDeleteJust drive down any street in Menifee that isn't maintained by a landscape company, and you see trash all over the place. People can't seem to keep trash in their car until they reach home to throw it out. Drive on Goetz Road at the Perris City limits, some losers dumped a couch, tv, kids toys. The dump is 3 miles down the road.
ReplyDeleteGo to the end of Ethanac where new homes are being built. Cigarette Butts, Booze bottles, etc. litter the street and dirt. I was walking down that street and saw some idiot drive up in his truck and dump four Large Truck Tires onto the undeveloped land. Thankfully they are are building homes there now, so people can't use it as a dumping ground.
Seems to me no one obeys the laws.
April 07, 2011 12:08 PM
ReplyDeleteWhat a great argument. Others are breaking the law, so that makes it okay for me to beak the law.
What I want to know, is HOW DO YOU PEOPLE THINK SOMEONE RIDING ON A MOTORCYCLE TRANSPORTS TRASH AND BUSTED UP FURNITURE??? The most any of us EVER has on us is a back pack... You want to keep the area safe??? if you REALLY want to keep the area SAFE - SAFETY IS IN NUMBERS!!! The more of us you have populating any area, the less likely it would be to have illegal dumping - or illegal anything because criminals like desolate areas. You eliminate the innocent riders/off-roading traffic... you deserve the trash and all that comes with it!
ReplyDeleteHOA what a bunch of crap.....You people and your white fences who have no idea of what fun is.A few jokers tear down signs go thru fences and leave trash but not all offroaders do that.We always pick up our stuff and dont vandalize anything anytime.Use that money to crack down on all the drug houses around Menifee and fix som of the rough roads dont crack down on people who respect the outdoors and others property !!!!
ReplyDeleteIf you see any trash being dumped take down a license plate number and report it to the Code enforcement officer thru the City Hall website. Or if you don't see anyone but see the trash, still go thru this website. I saw trash recently, filled out the form, and the city got back to me within days. Don't just get on here and complain, but go on line so the City can do something about it. The officer can actually find ways to trace a lot of the trash back to the folks doing this and they get fined, I don't know how much but, there are consequences. Most of these folks do NOT want to pay high Waste Management bills, but if we all did this, our community and country would look like a 3rd world country.
ReplyDeleteMaybe they should have used the grant money to build more trails and LEGAL off road areas for our kids, rather than more enforcement personnel.
ReplyDeleteSo sad how unknown 'illegal' activity falls under the guise of public service and takes precedence over providing real public service that might build pride, confidence and skills in our young people.
I'm just sayin....