My Hometown

Recently, I drove through the streets of my hometown, the town of my youth. With the loss of the main industry of the city in the early 80...

Recently, I drove through the streets of my hometown, the town of my youth. With the loss of the main industry of the city in the early 80's, the city has been in a slow decline ever since. Housing prices plummeted, and it has become evident that the once bustling little city, my hometown that I knew, loved and revered, was now gone. In its place stood poverty, depression, and dismay. The pretty mid-century modern homes that filled the neighborhoods of my childhood now stood faded and forgotten. The sight broke my heart.

I realized then that I had not been "home" for over 25 years. In fact, I have been a happy resident of Menifee for nearly 20 years now. I have seen great change in this little town; growth, prosperity and promise. I have been pleased to call Menifee my home, and the hometown of my children.

I encourage you to take a drive through our fair city today, or someday soon. Drive down roads you know and don't know. Take in all of the beauty this town has to offer, from the golf courses to the parks, admiring the well-appointed homes, and the smiling faces of the residents. Watch the kids play ball at the park, enjoy some coffee at the Marketplace, take a walk along a tree-lined street. Drink in all that Menifee has to offer. For someday, this will all change. Perhaps, and hopefully, for the better. But life makes no guarantees. We, the residents, make up this fine city, and it is up to us to make it a place we want to live.

I now consider Menifee my "new hometown", and I couldn't be happier with my choice.


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  1. Any news or information on what will be happening with the OLD Target on Antelope?????

  2. I loved what you wrote about Menifee. I couldn't agree more. It is a lovely place to raise a family.
    Go Menifee Tina !!

  3. I heard that the old target building might be a mexican market like Cardenas in perris, Is this right?

  4. I hear that it is going to be a Living Spaces Furniture store. A 99cent store is also going in where Fashion Bug was.

  5. The City has not received any inquiries regarding the old Target.

  6. I believe theres a sign for a Dollar store...not a 99's a penny more to shop there !!!!!

  7. Does anyone know if there are plans for a movie complex in the future?

  8. no please god not a mexican market!

  9. I read in the Californian that Living Spaces was going to move in to the old Target. However, that was 2 or 3 months ago.

  10. Last thing we need here is a furniture store since there is a whole row of them a few miles down the road and please, I agree, not a mexican market. That would be disgusting! It already feels like Mexico here. How about a darn theater, something we can all use.

  11. Good I believe theres a sign for a Dollar store..…………

  12. Have you ever been to a Mexican Super Market like Cardenas. They are very nice stores with lots of great buys. You should check them out before you say no, to having one in Menifee.

  13. I think people would be much more willing to put stores in that place if it wasn't over $2.25/sf to rent the stupid things. Who do they think they are to try to charge that much?

  14. Has anyone asked the city council if they know what is planned for that space? I am assuming (and yes I know what that means) that the city would have knowledge, if not final say, in what happens there.

  15. I heard the that Living Spaces was moving into the old Target building. Let's just keeps our fingers crossed cause we definetly don't want to see an indoor Swap meet popping up in that building.

  16. To May 25, 2010 3:08 PM:
    As has been stated previously, The City has not received any inquiries regarding the old Target.

  17. Living spaces is a great store, but sadly we have all seen "Furniture Row" in Murrieta (off the 215)lose store after store. Can Menifee really support this one? I know that Gym Memberships are down now with the economy, so not sure if 24Hr Fitness would locate in Menifee now or in the future. I know we need a GREAT Anchor store to help that shopping center. It's going downhill very sad.

  18. I loved the town of Menifee when I was introduced to it a few years back. I bought a home to find out the home is going down in price with the economy. I see homes in an association taken over by 10 to 20 people (not related) living there. They are all ages to babies and pregnate girls Gang looking men. They are different nationalities and rough looking. I thought it was a drug rehab but the computer says there is none in Menifee. I am unhappy and scared to say anything. If only the association would follow up on rentals in our beautiful neighborhood

  19. In my opinion, the old Target building should become a movie theater or a bowling alley. Either of those two would bring more jobs and money for this awesome city.;)

  20. What association, in what part of Menifee is this house with 10-20 "rough" looking people?


    Do some research people.

  22. i believe that a furniture store will only prolong the financial agony of the center. i say, consider it a bandaid. a movie theater would have been fantastic.
    and..."it already feels like mexico here"?...could we PLEASE refrain from the better-than-thou....even briefly? menifee does NOT feel like mexico in any way, shape, or form. i think what you mean is that there are hispanic people living here. when we moved here we were told that this is where people move to get away from hispanics and blacks. i am sure this was not the motive for many, including us. but, it is always tough to encounter confirming thoughts, words, or actions.
    ok, moving on to my new "buy furniture locally" campaign :)

  23. To May 31, 2010 10:02 PM:

    Must be true if Julissa said it is.

  24. I agree- a movie theatre or bowling alley but a SKATING RINK would be wonderful- we could have a place for the kids to go, indoor skate hockey, birthday parties etc. Its large enough- subs could contract for food and such.

  25. I concur with the idea of a skating rink, you can have events all year round, with roller hockey in the summer and figure skating in the winter, etc. This economic downturn should be a once in a lifetime opportunity for investors (big and small).

    We also need more tennis courts in the area. There is one reserved for Menifee Lakes residents (locked all the time)...they recently built a beautiful new park in Sun City with great slides for kids but with no tennis courts and unfortunately in a scary area, really...why there and who in the right mind made that ridiculous decision?

  26. The City of Menifee has confirmed that a furniture store will occupy the old Target location. Also a Dollar Tree will soon occupy the retail space between the Ross and Ralphs.

  27. Great, just what this area needs is another furniture store and a Dollar Tree no less. They have a Dollar Tree store in Sun City and lord know Murrieta has tons of empty furniture stores. I fault the city for letting these stores in and not trying to get something more appealing to us residents. Will continue to stop shopping over there.

  28. Menifee Lakes does not own or control any tennis court(s).

  29. Regarding the tennis courts across Menifee Lake, how do we gain access to it? They say it's for the residents across the street. Where do we get the keys from? Advice/help appreciated


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