New Site Design
I'm still working on some stuff, but the new design is in place. It runs on the updated version of Blogger, which gives me some more fe...
I'm still working on some stuff, but the new design is in place. It runs on the updated version of Blogger, which gives me some more features and tools.
Stuff I'm still working on...
Stuff that's been improved...
New stuff added...
Stuff I'm still working on...
- Menifee Homes, Menifee Parks, and Menifee Directory sub-sites are still not online, and will take some time to get online
- Condensing the label list to broader categories
- All the archived photos are broken, and have to be converted to the new Blogger one-by-one.
Stuff that's been improved...
- Embedded comment form; comments are now entered on this site, instead of on Blogger's URL.
- The list of recent comments (upper-right) is now updated automatically, instead of by hand
- For writers, new articles are posted instantaneously instead of waiting, and getting time-outs
- Now has the "Older Posts" and "Newer Posts" links at the bottom of the page, so you can scroll through the archives
- Archives are now automatically updated
New stuff added...
- Menifee Tweets, which appears in the center column, below the ads, displays the latests tweets (from Twitter), that includes the word "menifee". Some stuff will end up being for Menifee County, Kentucky, however.
- Comments RSS Feed, at the upper-right corner of the page, in case you use an RSS feed reader, you can now get a feed of just the comments.
- Subscribe by e-mail, at the end of each post, below the comment form, there's a link to subscribe to just that post. Anytime someone adds a comment to that post, you'll receive an e-mail notification.
It is nice to see you are still here. I look forward to seeing the important issues being posted and discussed again.