Swimming Pool at Paloma Valley High
Paloma Valley High School still doesn't have a swimming pool. I know over the past few years I've heard other parents complain about...

Paloma Valley High School still doesn't have a swimming pool.
I know over the past few years I've heard other parents complain about this.
Recently, one local parent, Leslie Kussman has been trying to figure out what needs to be done to get a pool put in.
She wrote to officials at Perris Valley High School District, who did write back to her, but in a long, and politically correct way, they basically said there's no money to build one, and that there are bigger issues to deal with.
So the question she asked in response is...
I recall a year ago, when Donahue Schriber, the builder of Countryside Marketplace, visited Webb Hall in Sun City to give a presentation on the new shopping center, they said that an aquatic center would be put in at the south-west corner of Haun Rd and Newport Rd.
I never heard anything about this since.
But I assume that if such a public swimming pool gets put in, Paloma Valley High would contract to use that pool.
So maybe the question is "What's the status on that aquatic center?"
I know over the past few years I've heard other parents complain about this.
Recently, one local parent, Leslie Kussman has been trying to figure out what needs to be done to get a pool put in.
She wrote to officials at Perris Valley High School District, who did write back to her, but in a long, and politically correct way, they basically said there's no money to build one, and that there are bigger issues to deal with.
So the question she asked in response is...
Simply put, how and where does a community member begin to raise funds to build a pool at Paloma Valley HS?
I recall a year ago, when Donahue Schriber, the builder of Countryside Marketplace, visited Webb Hall in Sun City to give a presentation on the new shopping center, they said that an aquatic center would be put in at the south-west corner of Haun Rd and Newport Rd.
I never heard anything about this since.
But I assume that if such a public swimming pool gets put in, Paloma Valley High would contract to use that pool.
So maybe the question is "What's the status on that aquatic center?"
Here is an old link regarding the aquatic center.
In this economy, Mrs. Kussman is being ridiculous !! Unless your kid is going to be on the swim team who else would care about a very costly pool at Paloma?
ReplyDeletePaloma has never worked with youth groups on any level, what makes you think they would even open the pool for the public to swim?
Steve you mentioned the aquatic center, which is a much better way to go. Maybe Valley Wide is reading this.
To the preceding commentator
ReplyDelete"Paloma has never worked with any youth groups on any level..."
Are you referring to swimming only?
If you are making a blanket statement covering the entire campus and every program there, you are sadly mistaken.
Please clarify your comments.
Why would I be referring to swimming? They don't even have that program. Let's turn this around, you name me where Paloma has EVER worked with the youth in our community.
ReplyDeleteAgain, Mrs. Kussman has wasted her time. That was my point.
I think it would be great if Menifee got a community pool! Perris is working on getting one, even in these tough economic times, why can't we?
ReplyDeleteI am glad someone is exploring this issue. Menifee kids need more to do than motocross, baseball, and soccor or kid's bands. All the sports in this city are great but swimming offers kids that are not interested in those sports or who cannot afford them something more. Tennis, swimming, cross country, offer opportunities to kids that team sports don't. The more opportunity the better. Screw the economy, let's build a city that is good for families and promotes health. Swimming is a huge vacancy in this city. One more thing to keep the kids busy and out of trouble. Bring it on....
ReplyDeleteScrew the economy? I am all for building a pool but let's not get stupid here.
ReplyDelete@May 17, 2009 10:28 PM
ReplyDeleteGood one. Stay around here long and you will realize this place is infested with idiots.
LOL....this is funny, hey hemet has a pool and a water slide.
ReplyDeleteInsurance is the reason that most New schools these days forgo pools. The red tape surrounding pools is so thick it isn't worth it to most districts, let alone cost efficient. Also, building the pool is only one aspect to take into consideration, maintaining the pool, lifeguards, etc... are on going costs that have to be considered. I think everyone agrees that a pool would be great, but with education cuts decimating district budgets, a pool would not be fiscally responsible at this moment in time.
ReplyDeleteGreat post and well said.
ReplyDeleteI am still waiting to hear how Paloma has ever reached out to the youth in our community. Someone stated that I was "sadly mistaken" and I am waiting to be wrong.
If you are going to call me out, back up your own words.
Just a few months ago the school board was having a meeting on cutting teachers. Now someone wants a pool for the school. Let me see what's more important a pool or teachers..hummm!
ReplyDeleteThe only people ridiculous are those of you with the negative comments.
ReplyDeleteWhat is wrong with wanting the HS to have a pool? Swimming and Waterpolo are 2 HS sports that Paloma cannot provide. It can create revenue in the summer by offering recreational swimming for a fee and swimming lessons for a fee.
When Paloma was first built, Menifee had a fundraising effort to build the stadium. It finally happened. Whats wrong with trying to do that for a pool?
What does Paloma do for our youth? They allow 2 youth football programs and AYSO Soccer to play and practice at their fields because there is no where else to play.
"Hopefully Valley Wide is Reading This", no thanks on Valley Wide being a part of this. The City of Menifee is already wanting to take over the parks they run.
It's not like the pool would be built this year, No harm in starting a fundraising campaign to get one for the future.
At least Mrs. Kussman is thinking of something positive for Menifee. What do you negative people to for this City? I am almost positive you do nothing but Bitch and Complain about as much as you possibly can.
Menifee Resident for a Pool Fundraising Campaign--Support our Youth!!
Ridiculous?? When will it ever be cheaper for labor and materials to improve the lives of our children and our community. You seem to be very shortsighted in your thinking.
ReplyDeletePaloma does NOT allow the three youth groups mentioned to "use" the fields. The Perris Unified School District does. Paloma has nothing to do with the groups mentioned period.
ReplyDeleteJAAF has paid over $10,000 to use the fields in a single season. That is a fact.
A typical Saturday costs over $800 for games to be played at the stadium. Ask Pop Warner, they pay the same amount.
The high school coaches have zero to do with the youth groups. That too is a fact.
AYSO pays $$ to use fields too.
So, the next time you want to make an argument don't mislead people.
Not misleading people. I know these groups pay a fee. Valley Wide charges A fee. It is up to the HS to allow the usage. If they say no, the district isn't going to say yes.
ReplyDeleteThey would have to pay to maintain a field elsewhere. We are lucky they allow the youth sports to play there.
And as for the coaches having anything to do with the younger kids, I don't remember the HS coaches coming out to watch the Little League games or the Pop Warner games when I was a kid. Get over it.
They probably don't want to deal with parents like you, @ 9:36pm, (Drama Queen).
@ 6:52
ReplyDeleteBecause I expressed my opinion and backed it up with facts, I am a drama queen?
I was responding to a post. I thought that is what this forum was for.
A community pool is a great idea, just not when linked to the high school. We go to Murrieta all the time to use the public pool.
Perhaps your crappy attitude and name calling is why you were REMOVED from the entity in which you were involved.
Does anyone have any information on how to begin a fund raising campaign to build a pool within the city of Menifee for both youth and high school aquatic sports programs?
ReplyDeleteA pool would be great but people are losing there houses, jobs and so on and do not have money to raise for a pool in this economic time.
ReplyDeleteLets be realistic here!! Lets be creative... Menifee Lakes has a pool, Centex Homes has a pool. Maybe some deal can be work out. Just thinking outside the box. Hopefully the aquatic will be up and running soon.
Also if a pool is so important to you and your child maybe you should move into a school district that has one.
I understand our current economic status. On the other hand, the City of Jurupa just approved an Aquatic Center and Murrieta Mesa will have an olympic size swimming pool, just to name a few communities that offer that amenity.
ReplyDeleteAnd your right, maybe I should move to another city that offers more programs for children. I'm sure the city of Menifee would love another taxpayer to leave. That would be a positive solution for our youth in Menifee. Shame on me for wanting to better my community that I have made an investment in.
Furthermore, I don't live within the Menifee Lakes community, therefore I cannot use the pool nor do I live within the Centex Homes community.
OK, that's the right attitude. Anyone with a wish to improve our community should move out... so what kind of people does that leave?
ReplyDeleteTo 7:00am, I was asked to be involved in that program to try to get rid of you. But you are like a bad habit.
ReplyDeleteAnd once AGAIN, you do not know what you are talking about.
I was harder to get rid of than you apparently.
ReplyDeleteYou were easy to get rid of. Majority ruled.
Does anyone have any information on how to begin a fund raising campaign to build a pool within the city of Menifee for both youth and high school aquatic sports programs?
ReplyDeleteTry calling Supervisor Stone's office.
ReplyDeleteIf it goes through the county we may have better luck.
Too much time is being talked about this issue. People can not afford there homes, cars, feed there children and you want a pool. Yes, it would be nice but I do not think it is necessary at this time. Maybe in the far, far future when the economy is back on track.
ReplyDeleteDid you know a lot of school programs are going to be cut next year. Schools will not have the money to pay for paper for kids to do arts in crafts in elementary. School supplies will not be available for students. I think this should be an issue of importance not a pool.
Early childhood development is essential for kids to thrive, learn and move forward to middle school and college.
Let's focus on the original posting of asking how our new City of Menifee can "work together" and go about fundraising to have something built to improve our community. I think it's a great idea and I would participate in any campaign to raise monies for something like this that only offers more opportunities for our children and families. Yes, we are in tough economic times, but doesn't mean we can't still look for ways to raise monies for improvements to better our community. Hope we get some positive feedback and suggestions!!
ReplyDeletethis is great drama. 2 people fighting a private war on a blog site....take it to the dog park post maybe you both have an issue there!!!
ReplyDelete"Did you know a lot of school programs are going to be cut next year."
ReplyDeleteSalaries is not one. They get increases.
ReplyDeleteYou are right !! I suck !! Need to let go !!
You Don't Suck, but I agree with letting it go. Have a great tuesday.
ReplyDeleteDon't forget to vote today. No on 1A-E; and yes on 1F.
ReplyDeleteProposition 1A-VOTE NO
ReplyDeleteState Budget. Changes California Budget Process. Limits State Spending. Increases "Rainy Day" Budget Stabilization Fund. This is the 2 year tax increase!
Proposition 1B-VOTE NO
Education Funding. Payment Plan. “Payoff” to Teachers Union
Proposition 1C-VOTE NO
Lottery Modernization Act. No more borrowing schemes!
Proposition 1D-VOTE NO
Protects Children's Services Funding. Helps Balance State Budget. This feeds the spending beast
Proposition 1E-VOTE NO
Mental Health Services Funding. Temporary Reallocation. Helps Balance State Budget.
This feeds the spending beast too
Proposition 1F-VOTE NO
Elected Officials' Salaries. Prevents Pay Increases During Budget Deficit Years. Don’t “reward” Senator Abel Maldonado—The last vote to raise your taxes
Mrs. Kussman is not wrong in thinking of the future - it takes so long for things to be approved, contracted, then built, why not get things going now for when the real estate market rebounds and times are better? We should all want the best in our schools & the programs they offer to our kids, and a pool would only be a plus.
ReplyDeleteI have been a Little League coach for the past 4 years and more than a few times Paloma High School coaches have come out to the ball fields to work with our communities children, on their own personal time. Just because someone doesn't put up a billboard to advertise that they are going to do something nice for someone else doesn't mean that it "Never" happens. It never hurts to start raising the money early as these things can take a couple of years to pass. Good idea Mrs. Kussman
ReplyDeleteThink folks think...Paloma is a Perris High School District School..Why spend our dollars for them. A Community center and pool would be better, then turn around and charge Perris High School District to use our services. But really pie in the sky when people are hurting so bad...come on and lets see what we can do to help families who need bus passes, food and a place to live. Not a good idea at all...you folks are either retired or out of touch with today's economy...Oh yeah most of you are McCain Supporters.."The economy is sound"...Classic
ReplyDeleteYou act like Perris Union High School District is some evil entity. Paloma is part of the PUHSD so don't feel like putting a pool at Paloma would unfairly help the city of Perris.
ReplyDeleteNew Pool at the Escondido YMCA~
There was talk of a water park back in the mid 1990s. Can we encourage the development of this park now?
ReplyDeleteWow... you haters just crack me the heck up!!!
ReplyDeleteI just spent the last 3 months getting to know the kids on Paloma's volleyball team, and went to almost every game. What wonderful coaches! What a great bunch of young men! It was fantastic to see how hard they worked, the skills they exhibited and the love for the game that was so apparent when they played.
I am sure there are kids now and in many years to come who would excel at swimming or water polo and really benefit from the experiences being on a swim team would offer.
Hard times, yes. But why not try? How many residents do we have here? And if everyone gave a couple bucks?
Help to raise money for a pool for Paloma?
I'm down. Just give me a call.
Can't we just have a pool?
ReplyDeleteI don't care where it is at whether public or at Paloma but I just want one. There is nothing to do for us teens around here.
ReplyDeleteThere is still a website for a water park supposed to be built in Temecula, www.splashcanyon.com. I have tried to contact someone (over the past 2 years!) to find out exactly when it is going to open, or if they have even broken ground yet but I have NEVER gotten a call back. I have also been taking my kids on the wekends to the Diamond Valley Aquatic Center. It's a little drive but so worth it! www.valleywiderecreation.org/dvl.html
thanks for sharing