Menifee Lakes Plaza

I received the following e-mail from Helen Alexander regarding the "Menifee Lakes Plaza" located on the corner of Newport Rd and A...

I received the following e-mail from Helen Alexander regarding the "Menifee Lakes Plaza" located on the corner of Newport Rd and Antelope Rd...

Hi Steve:

At a meeting last week at Palmilla HOA, a representative from Markham development Management group Inc gave a presentation on the project specification for the Menifee Lakes Plaza on Newport and Antelope Rds North West.

This strip is going to contain retail, and restaurants, a Hotel and a gas & convenience store.

The Gas station ( I think a Chevron) is going to go in first. There will be stop lights at Pampas and another one a Palmvilla. There will be no left turn from Balsa.

There will be an entrance from Newport but the exit will be from Antelope.

I have a rendering diagram but I do not have a scanner to send this on to you.

The Hotel is being built as a condition for the use of this property - in conjunction with the Menifee Lakes golf & country club.

There appear to be 9 pads - a large major store and 2 smaller major stores.

We are all hoping for a good restaurant!!

For further information

41635 Enterprise Circle North
Temecula CA 92590
James R Bach Project manager

I thought Menifee residents would be interested in this info.

Thanks for an informative site.
Helen Alexander


Menifee-Lakes-Plaza 6713133276187508393

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  1. is that the lot opposite the shell station?

  2. Here's a link to more information:

  3. Does anyone know what kind of hotel will be going in? Is it a chain or a no name hotel? Or are they still in development of trying to get a hotel to buy into the complex?

  4. Are there plans to widen Antelope Road north of Newport? It doesn't seem like it will be able to handle the traffic if there's a shopping center there. At peak times now, it's difficult.

  5. Before any further shopping centers are built some major street widening needs to take place.
    Antelope needs to be widened and repaved from Scott Road to Newport Road.
    Newport road and the bridge over the 215 need to be widened.
    The Scott road bridge over the 215 needs to be widened.
    A bridge needs to be built somewhere between Scott Road and Newport road to eliminate all of the cogestion currently on the Newport and Scott Rd. bridges and allow easier access to the new shopping center.
    Until all of these issues are addressed, we cannot build any further shopping in those areas.

  6. Please, let's do something about the traffic around the Newport/Antelope/215 area before building new development.

    From Menifee Road light, it takes 20 min to get to SuperTarget mid afternoon. It's only a few miles. That is ridiculous. I could drive to Hemet's Target faster than that.

  7. I hope the restaurant is going to be a Jack in the Box because we just don't seem to have enough of them!!!

  8. I agree about the needed improvements first. A gas station that actually works would be a welcome addition. That Shell station is the most useless gas station I've ever experienced. This last time, at least one pump was out (as usual), one that I was using wouldn't take my zip code, so I had to go into Shell Hell. I ended up having to go into Shell Hell 5 TIMES to get one tank of gas!

  9. I agree, Jack in the box for sure, but don't forget Carl's Jr and Del Taco. lol

  10. "The Hotel is being built as a condition for the use of this property - in conjunction with the Menifee Lakes golf & country club."

    How and why would Menifee Lakes have a conditional use requirement for the property? Were they the original owner? Can Menifee really support a hotel? Are there restrictions on the 'brand' or type of Hotel that's requested?

    Will Menifee Lakes golf & country club subsidize the hotel if it's not viable? If it was so desirable to have a hotel on the property, why didn't the MLG&CC build one themselves?

  11. I hope there will be an Adult Bookstore.

  12. Menifee golf & country club owned the property and wants a hotel to be able to have golf tournaments etc. It is going to be 3 stories high, but as yet they do not have anyone interested in financing this so it will be quite awhile before it is built - if ever

  13. Or maybe another SUBWAY TOO?? Ya lol

  14. If they can't get financing for the hotel does that mean the center will never go in?

    As for the widening of the overpasses at Scott and Newport, I thought I read on here that Cal Trans had a time line for that and for building one near Holland. I think the time frame was near 2011 or 2013 but I AM NOT FOR SURE. Does anyone else remember seeing something like this?

  15. The adult bookstore idea is funny. Thanks for the chuckle.

  16. I also remember so blogging about an overpass going in at Holland Rd.
    I will send a email to the Mayor and ask if this is on the future schedule or not.

  17. This project has been in the works for a couple of years. In fact the link previously posted is more than 1 year old. I'm wondering is there anything new? Did they give any idea of ground breaking dates at the meeting?

  18. For more information on the development please attend the city council meeting tonight at 7pm. As well, their will be an open house for the new City Hall at 5pm to 6:30pm. Come check it out!!

  19. I heard they're putting in a Wal-green's and a jack in the box...Bahh!!!

  20. How about a strip club? That would really improve Menifee!

    I am sure it's the Diamond Bros. who want the "hotel" to go with their ONLY concern that is the golf course. They have ruined what was to be the Menifee Lakes community when Lusk went belly-up.

    An original owner who wishes to be anywhere but Menifee!

  21. For starters, Menifee is not Temecula. We don't need hotels, and since when do we need ANOTHER gas station?

    What happened to people loving the small aspect of Menifee? I love driving down Haun Rd [towards Scott Rd] and seeing the horses. Incase nobody remembers, you used to be able to see a lot more of that before it was decided that Menifee needed to start being developed.

  22. Knowing that MLGC&CC requested the hotel does make me feel a little less uneasy about the project as I am sure it will be up to the MLGC&CC's high standards (its a very nice course and well known among the golfer community). If things go wrong we could always lobby them to "own" the problem. Making the hotel part of a timeshare network would also mitigate some of the hotel nuisances that concern us. I know my dad owns a timeshare and he'll go anywhere with a nice golf course. I just hope we don't get any nasty Craiglister's looking for a place to "hookup" (ewww)!


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