Letter Carriers’ Food Drive Hits Menifee

The Menifee Valley Community Cupboard sent out a notice today about their involvement with the "Letter Carriers' Annual Food Drive...

The Menifee Valley Community Cupboard sent out a notice today about their involvement with the "Letter Carriers' Annual Food Drive", set for Saturday, May 9 across the country.

The way it works is that on May 9, residents throughout Menifee will leave a bag of non-perishable food items by their mailbox. The mailman will come by, pick it up, and take it to the Post Office. From there, all food gets delivered to the Menifee Valley Community Cupboard.

Last year, the MVCC received 12,786 lbs of food. This time around, they're aiming for 15,000.

The Community Cupboard is also looking for volunteers to help sort out and box the expected 15,000 pounds of food. Call them at (951) 301-4414 if you'd like to help out.


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  1. Please mark your calender--it is Mother's Day weekend. Giving one or two cans of food is an opportunity for each and everyone of us to give back to this community. This brings hope for many who can not afford the food. Thank you to the post office and to Menifee Valley Community Cupboard volunteers.


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