Working in Sun City is Good

Apparently one guy who works in Sun City makes a lot of money... But I'd...

Apparently one guy who works in Sun City makes a lot of money...

But I'd hate to have his commute.


Rich-People 5314081965745063466

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  1. What's your point?

  2. Does there have to be a point for everything?

  3. I've been a follower of this site for years and there is always a "point" to a story. I have to suspect that is what warrants the "comments".

    You post a story and link about a Physician who works in Sun City, lives in Beverly Hills, who studied in the Phillipines, and paid over a million for his house.

    Many ingredients for a "point". Just trying to find out what that point is.

  4. umm, I'm thinking maybe he charges too much? OR... look at all the tax revenues to our city :)

  5. I'm just sharing a piece of news I found online. No other point than that.

  6. Ladies & Gents,
    Speaking of work, have you check BAE Systems' Career web site they are currently looking for some people to do admin (finance, planning) and trades (welder, machinist). This are full-time + great benefits...Here is the address if you are interested:

  7. LMAO! I think this article is hilarious. I mean - come on! The guy works in Sun City and lives in Beverly Hills. Doesn't take a genius to see the humor here.

    Though that would be a horrendous commute. He probably only works 2 or 3 days out of the week.

    Thanks Steve. I got a laugh out of it.

  8. The point is Steve is hating on filipinos...end of story.

  9. Mighty brave of you speaking behind the safety of your computer (and anonymity).

  10. I am Filipino/Japanese American, Dr. Araneta is my doctor and friend...please tell me your point?

  11. TO post:I am Filipino/Japanese American, Dr. Araneta is my doctor and friend...please tell me your point?

    By Anonymous, at March 10, 2009 1:36 AM

    Point is: Article was posted as it was local news. Simple. Why read into something that is not there. Oh yea cuz you are filled with hate so everyone else must be to. Hide behind your Anon post!

    Joe S.

  12. wow really??? you need it pointed out to you ???? Point is........ this guy makes a heck of a lot a money working in Sun City.... thats all. Not to hard to figure out. Why does it need to be anything more then just that?

  13. "The point is Steve is hating on filipinos...end of story"

    How in the world did you come up with that idea from Steve's post? What a moron, and probably the real racist! Idiot!!!!

  14. In regards to BAE Systems employment. I live in Menifee and I have worked at BAE Systems for 25 years as of March 15th. And Yes it is a great place to work and we are currently hiring. I am in Software Configuration Management and my program is looking to hire another Software Configuration Manager. If anyone is experienced in this field and is interested please e-mail me at

  15. So much issue made out of an innocent article; how ready you are to 'jump' onto ANYTHING you see to scream racists!! Do you scan all the newspapers to see just what you can scream about? Come on folks, this tidbit is INTERESTING to most of us ! NO, it doesn't make a hill of beans to our existence, its just interesting....and pointless. It would also be interesting to know just how many retired directors, producers, other once-famous entertainment professionals are in our esteemed Sun City! Would it make a difference in my daily, just interesting. BOTTOM LINE: For ANYONE screaming racist-anything from the article: You need to either go back where you're the majority or get another outlook on life! Enough already!

  16. What I got out of this article was... Gee,I wish I had the Dr.'s talents and marketing skills! Good for him.

  17. This proves that America is a land of opportunity for those who are willing to work hard.

  18. The doc must love to waste money. He should get a new financial advisor and I'll take the difference in what he pays in taxes and put it in my bank account. He could own a much bigger home and more land with lower taxes if he lived out here somewhere. Just think of how much more money he could make by having the extra 2 hours of actual work time every day.

  19. But how do we know that he does drive it everyday? He may also have offices over there, spending just one or a a few days over here; many dr's have offices in SEVERAL different cities. We visited a dermatologist several years ago in Sun City. After 45 minutes in the waiting room, we were called in to find that only his PE (Physician's Assistant) covered the office appts. 'He' wasn't even on the premises. After checking our skin complaint, (which was cancer), he gets on the phone, calls the REAL dr and continues to consult with him what to do about our problem. Adding insult to injury, he talked very loudly in the hallway where everyone in the waiting room could hear him. Needless to say, we NEVER went back to that dr, but he still has outdoor signs on the building; which he also has on Winchester Rd just off the freeway. Before you jump my behind, some cases we have agreed, being told beforehand, that we would see a PA. Going to an appt expecting a dr and getting a PA; office-call rates should be discounted. Does anyone else have a pet peave like this??

  20. To above post...Contact the BBB, Chamber of Commerce, I am sure there is a MED entity that can also address your concerns

  21. If I am going to see a doctor then I expect to see a doctor. You should be told over the phone when making the appointment that you would be seeing a PA and not a doctor. I know that several clinics staff the facilities with PA's and maybe one doctor to keep the place legit. I have walked out of several offices when I found out they only have a PA on duty. I will only see a PA if I am going in for medication refills.
    I personall think there should be a law about this. A PA can see patients, but a MD must be onsite(not on the phone) to consult with.
    I don't know about the rest of you but I don't want a trainee diagnosing me. My health is not an area to learn on the job!

  22. If I am going to see a doctor then I expect to see a doctor. You should be told over the phone when making the appointment that you would be seeing a PA and not a doctor. I know that several clinics staff the facilities with PA's and maybe one doctor to keep the place legit. I have walked out of several offices when I found out they only have a PA on duty. I will only see a PA if I am going in for medication refills.
    I personall think there should be a law about this. A PA can see patients, but a MD must be onsite(not on the phone) to consult with.
    I don't know about the rest of you but I don't want a trainee diagnosing me. My health is not an area to learn on the job!

  23. How's this for a situation: We had a primary care physician in Temecula who we thought was wonderful; so much so, we had referred several neighbors who had changed to him. One day a packet arrived in the mail from a marketing firm he had hired: An option for preferential treatment from him, sent to all his patients. It gave us a choice: We could pay a flat monthly fee (in ADDITION to the regular fees) which would provide us with better, more accommodating care from him. This would guarantee us sooner appts, we'd be seen BEFORE others already in the waiting room; we'd be given a private number to reach his office, other than his regular office number; along with his private cell phone number to reach him after hours. I don't remember how much this additional fee was, but it was over $200 per month. This package really 'hit the fan'; seeing that he would have separate 'classes' of ones who paid extra...and less fortunate ones who would stand in line behind them. Neighbors we had referred to him changed doctors; we voiced our shock-of-disgust to his office manager who replied that many patients were upset. I really don't know the outcome of his 'new' procedures of practice; we too changed as soon as we could. Soon after this, he changed his name, shortening it from a long 11-letter foreign-sounding name to a 5-letter American-sounding one (actually just dropped the first 6-letters of his real name); changed all his official papers to the lesser name. Folks, this was a new and shocking experience; has anyone else had a doctor who treated by 'classes'...'superior' and 'inferior'?? This doctor is STILL in practice in Temecula and I often wonder if, by changing his name, meant he had been crucified by sending out those stupid, degrading packets and wanted a new identity?? Can anyone top this one?? Maybe that situation served a good thing for us and forced us to change doctors: We have never received better care than we have since CHANGING to Kaiser Permanente.

  24. Welcome to America!

    So what if a Physician is offering a higher level of service for a premium? I for one think this is awesome!

    This country consists of different "classes"! Always has!

    In America, every person has the oportunity to become whatever they please. Some choose to work hard and become successful. With that success, comes privilges, such as paying a higher premium for a higher level of Medical Care.

    There is nothing wrong with what this "foreign" Physician did.

  25. To the previous poster. You need to pull your head out of your ass!.
    Medical care should be the same, period. You should not have to be rich to get good medical care. We are all equal, rich or poor, we deserve the best possible treatment.

  26. To the pompous poster of 9:21 a.m.: You make absolutely no sense; you may be "successful" in your mind, but you have no common sense. There are many on skidrow that used to be where you are; get a life and enjoy it for it could be gone is just a vapor.....your attitude disturbs me.

  27. You may not like what the poster at @ 9:21am said, but the truth is, Medical care is like any other service; service is directly related to high much is charged for it.

    Additionally, the issue brought up was not about the medical care, but access to that care.

    The original poster who was complaining about the preferential access did NOT say her medical care was not on par with those who paid for preferential access. What was the real issue? Envy, jealously?

    Seriously, what is the issue? Are these same people going to next complain about those with money can send their children to better schools when education should be equal for all?

    Time to get a dose of reality here folks, and get YOUR heads out of the sand.

  28. I don't care how much money someone makes. It is illegal to provide inadequate healthcare to anyone.

  29. Who said anything about inadequate medical care? The original complainer said her Doctor was "wonderful" and referred many friends to him.

    Her only complaint was that the Doctor was available outside of normal hours to those who pay for that access.

    Ironically, I'm willing to bet that she now has a new Doctor who she can only see during regular hours and still waits to be seen. Only now, she no longer has a "wonderful" Doctor.

    Seems to me she fired a wonderful Doctor because she

  30. I'd like to know the name of the doctor or clinic so that I can personally report them to the Medical Board.

  31. Report them for what?

  32. OH FOR HEAVEN'S SAKE! The poster was just talking about something he had never run into before with a doctor! It's quite obvious how some who think they're better off monitarily than the rest of us are readily willing to dish it out for being the "preferred/superior" of the human race. If that's what it takes for you to feel better off than your neighbors...go ahead. It STILL is an uncommon practice for a doctor to serve TWO categories of patients. Maybe some of YOUR friends think you are "wonderful" too, but after learning your true integrity have changed their minds. I must say, I would put my financial success up against yours anyday and be in good stead, difference is I seem to be a better steward of it by using it more wisely than paying for someone to 'polish my butt' by paying more !

  33. This is DUMB!!!


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