What does it mean when you hear "Illegal"?

It has come to my attention that some of my neighbors are employing the day workers from the corner of Murrieta Road and Scott Road to do wo...

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It has come to my attention that some of my neighbors are employing the day workers from the corner of Murrieta Road and Scott Road to do work around their homes. Upon further discussion with my neighbors, it has become apparent that they are aware that many of these workers are undocumented and illegal aliens.

What does it mean to you when you hear "Illegal"?

To me, it means, "against the law". The individuals are here illegally, and are committing a crime by just being in this country. Employing them is another crime, and only condones and perpetuates this criminal behavior. Yet, it exists. Under our very noses, and we, as law-abiding citizens, turn away and pretend that we don't know our neighbors are committing a crime.

If your child came home with stolen property, would you allow them to keep it? Would you proudly display it in your front yard? I would think not; but many of you will employ an "illegal worker" to install your sprinkler system in your front yard.

Don't get me wrong. I am not lumping all people of any one race together. I am talking about the individuals who are here illegally being knowingly hired for work.

Wouldn't it be better for everyone, at least for the citizens of this country, if we paid a few dollars more and hired a legitimate citizen, or even, a licensed contractor? It would certainly help to stimulate our failing economy!

Remember, these individuals drain our State's resources dramatically. By providing them unreported employment income, you are enabling them to stay in this country longer to drain our ever diminishing resources. They don't pay taxes, at least Income taxes, as many of them like to argue, but never fail to know where to get a free handout from the State!

The next time you need the assistance of a police officer, think about how hard they work for all of us, and if you are helping to perpetuate a law-abiding society, or a law-breaking one, as well as thinking about whether this officer's pay was helped or harmed by the last person you hired.

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  1. we went by there about a day ago and the Menifee police plus several code enforcement officers were there. I agree with you..I have no problem with legal emigrants, we all came from somewhere else in our past.

  2. Okay agree! Where do you find someone who does a great job. I have asked my neibors and they seem to have hired non-americans. Yikes,
    Trying to do the right thing.

  3. We do not hire them. But when we when hired a "licensed contractor" who was an American citizen they had illegals doing the work! 500 went to the contractor and 150 went to the laborer who actually broke a sweat. I do not respect Americans that use illegals that way. Some people just do not want to work hard.

  4. Ahhh, and there is the problem. Many illegals do the work "Real Americans" don't want to do.

  5. Ms. Tina, Your Real Americans rather be on unemployment than get their hands dirty installing sprinklers! These poor "Illegals" come hear to try and earn a few bucks to feed their families. Don't you have anything better to do with yourself, than discriminate against others? Have a heart and get a life you racist .....!

  6. This is simple and if I were president for just one day the first thing I would do is DEPORT ALL ILLEGAL ALIENS. This would solve about 80 to 90 percent of all the unemployement throughout the United States. It would also reduce the crime by over 60 percent.
    These are all valid numbers and the statistics speak for themselves.
    I am not being racist, I am being a realist.

  7. Most of these comments and this article are all so short-sighted and point out the true problems with Menifee. Do you not think these 'illegal' workers would love to be legal citizens? Most of them would happily pay taxes if they could because that would give them status and security in the country. Have you ever lived in a place where you couldn't feed your children? Wouldn't you do all that you could to support them? And may I remind you, that unless you can boast Native American heritage, every single person in this country is an 'immigrant'. You just had the good fortune to have relatives that decided to make life better for their children earlier on when legislation in the US wasn't based on exclusion.

    And which one of you self-righteous Americans wants to go out and do manual labor of this kind? Deporting all illegal immigrants would be an absolute disaster. For one, the price would be astronomical and because you would be getting rid of a group of people willing to do menial jobs for not very much money, prices of American grown fruit and vegetables would sky rocket.

    The world would be a much nicer place if you would just have a little empathy for other groups of people...

  8. As a retired 25 year veteran of Federal law enforcement, I find some of the comments on this topic interesting and egregious at the same time.
    First I encourage the poster calling people racist to look up the true definition of the word. It is being misused here. If you choose not to hire someone based on their illegal immigration status, you are not a racist. You are simply following the law. I encourage the same poster to look at an I9 form available from any employer in the United States. There you will find the laws pertaining to the hiring of individuals in this country.
    Secondly, this state among others holds amnesty days for individuals wishing to become documented. Is it an easy process? Not at all. Have thousands applied and become documented? Yes!
    My immigrant family came to this country many years ago. My great grandparents did not speak English, but had the desire to become American citizens. They did so legally, learned the language and help to build this great country. I am a product of this process and it ultimely inspired me to go into law enforcement. I did not read anywhere in the original post that undocumented individuals were either good or bad people, just that hiring them is illegal. That my friends is true. Whether it affects our economy one way or the other or there would be no one else to do "menial" labor, the fact of the matter is they are not here legally and hiring such individuals is a felony and Federal crime. The law is very specific and even providing food, shelter or transportation is a Federal crime. It falls under aiding and abetting.
    If you doubt the veracity of my comments, I encourage you to stop one of our new Menifee Police Officers and ask for they're opinion on the matter. Better yet, next time you are traveling to or from San Diego, stop by the Border Patrol check point and argue the point with them. Cheers!

    Jack Ferguson
    U.S. Marshals Service, RET.

  9. ... Wouldn't it be better for everyone, at least for the citizens of this country, if we paid a few dollars more and hired a legitimate citizen, or even, a licensed contractor? It would certainly help to stimulate our failing economy!

    Remember, these individuals drain our State's resources dramatically. By providing them unreported employment income, you are enabling them to stay in this country longer to drain our ever diminishing resources. ...

    Most people care more about draining their personal bank accounts than doing what’s best for the state. Sorry, but it’s human nature. If a laborer who does equal work can be hired at a lower cost, people are going to do so unless a penalty exists.

    The ready and open availability of illegal labor and the fact that their employers aren’t sitting in jails tells me we aren’t really serious about enforcing the rules.

    Corporations have the luxury of moving operations out of the state/country to where the same jobs can be done at lower wages. People who live here have simply found a way to achieve a similar benefit.

    The income tax thing is not really a big issue. Their meager annual income is not likely to even reach the lowest rung of the ladder that would trigger taxation.

  10. All right. I agree. Let's do it. Let's get rid of all illegals in order to save moeny. Let's do it right now. Let's not waste anymore time about it. Ok, first things first. We'll have to FIND all of the illegals. Hmm, that might be difficult but if we hired more police and put them in charge of nothing else, they could probably round them all up. Everybody knows where every illegal is, right? What? What is that? THERE MIGHT BE AS MANY AS 12 MILLION OF THEM? Dear God! That will cost a pretty penny! If it comes out that hunting illegals costs more than a few bucks per success story, that could be millions and millions of dollars spent on hunting them down. Oh well, no matter. The illegals must be kicked out. OK, we have rounded them all up. We've got 12 million illegals sitting in holding pens all over the United States. Damn, we need to build some more holding pens because we don't have a jail large enough to hold an extra 12 million people. Hmm, how do we get them back to their country? Fly them? Yeah, 12 million coach tickets would be a nice use of tax-payer dollars. Drive them? Sure, with gas at over $2.00 a gallon that would be very cost efficient. You could probably safely get 10 illegals into a van so you would only need to use 1.2 million vans to get them back where they came from. Not to mention the salaries of the illegal alien hunters, the detention camp guards, and the 1.2 million van drivers. But, after spending 100's of millions of dollars, we have them all kicked out. Well, we gotta keep them out. A wall! A border wall is the answer! Hmm, it's gotta be tall so they can't climb over it. It's also gotta be thick so they can't drill through it. Don't forget to make it deep in the Earth so they cannot tunnel under it. So how much would it cost to pay tens of thousands of workers to use millions of dollars worth of supplies to build a 15 feet tall, 3 feet thick, 10 feet deep, 1,969 mile long, concrete wall? Keep in mind that this is nearly 780 million cubic feet of concrete structure (with thousands of miles of rebar reinforcing it) Would that be a satisfactory use of tax payer dollars? Yes yes. We must do all of this in order to save some money.

  11. Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
    With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
    Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
    A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
    Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
    Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
    Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
    The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
    "Keep, ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
    With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
    Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
    The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
    Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
    I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

  12. Tina's input should be treated like any "letter to the editor" instead of an informative or newsworthy article. Shame on all of us for wanting the illegals to be penalized. Who do we think we are that we aren't able to just thank God we have never had to 'sneak and hide' just to try to live in a better place? Is seeing illegals trying to find a days work enough to send us off the deep end? Have mercy! What's on your table tonight...steak and potatoes? How about the featherbed you're going to rest on? get a life!

  13. Tina has a right to her opinion but I disagree with it and I'm disappointed to know she feels that way. I have alot more respect for someone who wants to work and will do whatever he can to support his family rather than sit on his butt collecting unemployment and food stamps. To the "Realist's" post. You have the statistics incorrect, check it out on google, not even close to 60%. Thank god you'll never be president. Illegal's are not the problem with the ecomony or unemployment. Mr Bush put us in this mess, not a few hispanics on a street corner. Tina, are you suggesting if we suspect our neighbor is using an illegal that we call the police to report them? Just curious.

  14. Tina, times are tough. Save some money, hire a wetback.

  15. Do not hold or jail any illegal. Deport them back to their countries they are citizens in. Bill the countries for any costs involved.
    As for our border, post snipers all over the place and shoot anyone trying to cross into our country illegaly. Problem solved!

  16. If you are not here legally (citizen, green card, visa, whatever) get out of the USA.
    It's so sad that big companies actually hire people and bring them over from other countries to fill positions that US citizens could easily fill. This practice needs to be stopped.

  17. Shoot the white trash that hire the illegals as well!! Deport the wetbacks back to Mexico with a bag of white trash strapped to their backs. We're in this mess because of what we did as Americans. We let them cross our borders and do nothing about it. People employ them and no one does anything about. And we get on blogs and tell others we should protect them. This is why they are here, and this is why they do not learn to speak english or become legal citizens or change their behavior. Because we make it easy for them!!If times are tough, hire an American to do the job so he/she can feed their families. What is this world coming to? I for one am going to move to where there are no illegals. I'm moving to Mexico!!

  18. I just woke up from my feather bed and decided to get some huevos rancheros for breakfast. On my way, I hit an illeagal. Should I report it? They're here illegally and no one will miss them, well except for the people who hire them. Technically they don't count for anything and another will just come in his place soon. I think I will leave him there. Monday is street sweeper day! GO MINUTEMEN!!!

  19. Are you kidding. Wetback? Run them down? Who is the white trash here. Probably a Ann Coulter lover too. Please, get the heck out of Menifee. What a donkey.

  20. I live next to you. I will not leave Menifee and in fact I will be bringing my donkey over later to visit you. I've painted stripes on him to look like a zebra. For 5 pesos you can wear a sombrero and have your picture taken. Welcome to Amexica!!

  21. That's hysterical. Only a donkey would paint a donkey. Thanks for the funny posts.

  22. Can't we all just get along?!!! :)

  23. We run a small business and are not adverse to labor, our sons aren't either..we've raised them to be good citizens and have excellent work ethics...check the other Menifee 911 site for other small businesses...if you want to do the right thing...

  24. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, the federal agency responsible for investigating illegal hirings, has stepped up its enforcement of the employer sanctions law in the past year, leading to a dozen major busts. Currently, fines range from $2,000 to $10,000 depending on the offense. The agency says some penalties could include at least six months in jail.

  25. Who do I think I am? I am a U.S. Citizen who is fed up with all the bleeding hearts who cut down there fellow Americans as racist, low life's who collect food stamps and unemployment and praise law breaking illegal aliens who steal into our country reaping the benifits of free health care, food stamps, welfare, and commit idenity theift along with murder and rape. What the hell is wrong with you people? Millions of Americans are out of work, and millions of illegals are still working in our country. Am I angry you bet I am because Americans are unable to feed there faimilies,families in this country are homeless yet the illegals get housing and no questions asked. you bet I say ship them back and no tears shed for a race of people who do not want to be part of this country but only want how much they can take from this country and its people. And as far as not able to find these people thats a bunch of crap. They march in our streets and the Government knows that we have over 12 million illegal aliens in this country. They rounded up all the Japanise in this country during world war II even the ones that were American citizens (born Here)and put them on buses and imprisoned them in camps for over 4 years. If the US could do it once they could do it again. I know a bunch of true patriots who are willing to drive the bus to take them out of this country for good.

  26. Who do I think you are? A racist, paranoid, and a hate monger. FYI, I not a liberal bleeding heart. I am a independant who see the good and bad on boths sides of the spectrum. I am not for letting one more illegal into our country. But I am not in favor of degrading, or running them down by automobile as previouly suggested. Yes, we need to have a plan to get them back to their country but not by killing them off. Lighten up

  27. To semi quote Jack Nicholson,
    "Son, we live in a world that has walls, and those walls have to be guarded by men with guns. Whose gonna do it? You? I have more responsibility here than you could possibly fathom. You have the luxury of not knowing what I know. And that my existence, while grotesque and incomprehensible to you, saves lives. I know deep down in places you dont talk about at parties, you don't want me on that wall, you need me on that wall. We use words like honor, code, loyalty. We use these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. You use them as a punchline. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom I provide, then question the manner in which I provide it. I prefer you said thank you, and went on your way, Otherwise, I suggest you pick up a weapon, and stand to post. Either way, I don't give a damn what you think you are entitled to!"

  28. If anyone saw president Obama at the OC fairgrounds last week he spoke about immigration. He is in the process of booting out the illegals and it will only take time.
    We have had 2 presidents in the last 100 years that have ordered the deportation of all illegals in this country. I don't remember which presidents they were, but I know this did in fact happen. One of the times the specific reason was for legal american citizens to have employment.
    I can't wait for this to happen, if it actuall does. If it does, we will see an immediate decrease in unemployment.

  29. Here we go again with the bleeding hearts calling true blue Americans racist for wanting to get rid of the garbage that brakes into this country then marchs in the streets bragging they are here illegaly and giving the finger to the laws of the US and carry Mexican flags to show they are loyal to their country not the US. Where do any of you get off calling someone else on this blog (White Trash) talk about racist that is one of the most racist statements anyone can make. and how the hell do you know the person is white. You racist pig. Why cut down Ann Coulter for speaking her mind. Which is something I doubt the donkey who wrote that statement has or even read her view point and if he/she did it is more then likely someone who has no loyalty to the US and its laws. Its ok for illegals to break the law,not pay tax but put the American in jail who fails to pay his tax. Its ok for the illegal to steal an americans ID but the American who does it goes to jail for a feloney. Its ok for the illegal alien to bring drugs into our country cause they want a better life for thier kids and kill americans with their drugs,cause they are just trying to make a living off the dead lives of Americans. Its ok to put two border patrol agents in prison for trying to protect our borders from a known drug dealer cause he is an illegal alien trying t support his family. Well my friend that is just what you are saying because they are all illegal and are stealing from this country with the aid of bleeding hearts like you. So I say increase the ICE raids and get the illegal aliens out of my Country. And you know what I don't give a dam if you call me racist or not I know I am a true blue American Citizen and will continue the fight to get all of the illegal aliens out of my country.

  30. Quoting Jack Nichelson, Hmmm... I seem to recall he went to jail for his evil actions. LOL

  31. Is Juan,
    I no go home now because whitey keep paying me to work. He pay me good so I send money home to my family. I no day off in months! Thank you to Gov. Arnold for giving me healthcare, teaching my kids for free and putting ATM's in Espanol. America been very, very good to me!

  32. When you are in Mexico, are you treated fairly if the police stop you, or if you get into an accident? NO!! You most likely will end up in prison. I suggest everyone of you that have a bleeding heart for illegals, get a job at a grocery store. You will see just how much the government gives in food stamps, wic and welfare checks. The majority of illegals send their money to their families in Mexico. Women come across the border to have their children so that they will be citizens and get state aide.
    Obviously, they come here for a job and a better life, but why can't they do it the right way. Why is it that they fly mexican flags instead of american flags?
    Why don't they speak in English?
    I don't understand why all americans of every race, are not outraged by this. People with these views are not racists. Like me, they are tired of our countries resources being swallowed up by individuals who contribute nothing in return. Except manual labor. Thats America's problem, all the fat lazy people can't do their own yard work.
    By the way, the guys on the corner are not that cheap. Do the work yourself, or hire a contractor.

  33. I'm speechless at the ignorance and insensitivity displayed by some of the people who have posted in this discussion. While I agree that illegal immigration is a drain on our society, the amount of raw hate and lack of respect for humans baffles me. Perhaps when our society can mature enough to have a conversation about this topic without racial slurs, hasty generalizations and shortsighted conclusions, we can begin figuring out how to make our country the beacon it once was. Change starts with every person individually. Perhaps if more people realized that we could all find some better solutions than we have now.

  34. People may be undocumented citizens- but are not Illegal. That term is derogatory.

    The US took the land from Mexico in 1848 using the Treaty of Hidalgo Guadalupe. This land was Mexico- now we call their descendants "illegal". This would be the equivalent of me stealing your home and then when you try to move back in, I call you illegal.

    For those Christians out there, of which I am one, what does our Bible have to say about immigrants?

    Exodus 22:21, "You shall not wrong or oppress a resident alien, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt."

    Leviticus 19:34 "The alien who resides among you shall be to you as the citizen among you; you shall love the alien as yourself, for you were aliens in the land of Egypt; I am the Lord your God."

    From the New Testament Letter to the Hebrews we hear, "Do not neglect to show hospitality to strangers, for by doing so some have entertained angels unawares."

    Quit being haters! You can't pick and chose scripture that conforms to your life. Be consistent.

    Further, is anyone upset at the employers who hire undocumented immigrants? The employers save on taxes. If there were no jobs available to them, usually offered by Republican businessmen, then they would not be here. The fact is that a lot of people are now going back to Mexico since the economy is so bad here.

    Further, George Bush wanted to merge the US with Canada and Mexico to form the North American Union... here is the link if you don't believe me. That is why he was never tough on immigrants.


  35. Is Juan again,
    I no follow the laws because I no read english. I no follow the Bible because it no contain laws!
    Laws are for law abiding citizens. I no citizen.
    Thank you Gov. Arnold for letting me live in big house with my 19 relatives!

  36. The United States is a nation of immigrants from all over the world. The resulting ethnic mosaic goes a long way toward explaining our greatness as a nation. Immigration has always been a blessing for us, and it still is. But yesteryear's immigration and today's differ in several important respects. For the most part, yesteryear's immigrants came here legally. Because there was no welfare state, we were guaranteed that they'd work as opposed to living off the rest of us. Furthermore, they sought to assimilate and adopt our culture and become Americans. That's not so true today, where Hispanic activists seek to impose their language and culture on the rest of us. At some public schools, they've raised the Mexico flag atop the U.S. flag. They've announced that they seek to take back parts of the U.S. that were formerly Mexico.

  37. I agree wholeheartedly ... we need to station ARMED TROOPS at the border. It's more than just a coincidence that right after we went to war in Iraq and our troops were deployed that this illegal infestation
    from Mexico really began in earnest. They KNEW our troops were deployed overseas, they KNEW that the border
    would be porous, and they KNEW exactly how to exploit its weaknesses. This is an invasion. There can be no doubt about it. Refusal to learn/speak english, refusal to assimilate, refusal to acknowledge or obey the laws the rest of us
    are governed by. It is a Coup 'd Etat by Mexico without a shot being fired. Their weapons? The National Council of La Raza. MEChA, MALDEFF, LULAC, hundreds of thousands of "Anchors" born here. This pitiful government needs to get its act together, clamp down the border and begin Operation WB2 and send them back to Mexico, Honduras, El Salvadore, Guatemala, etc. They need to go. This nations resources are not infinate. Our eco systems are being
    trashed and destroyed, yet you'll never hear about it from the tree huggers who have their own agenda. NO nation can be expected to absorb the hoardes of illegals that we are expected to coddle and welcome. We're too crowded
    as it is, and our resources are drying up. It's gonna get worse if the people or the government sworn to protect this nation and her people don't wake up and open their eyes and DO SOMETHING! If I wanted to live in Mexico, I'd MOVE to Mexico. I don't wish to live in Mexico. I don;t need to. All I have to do is look out my window, and I could swear I'm
    in some Mexican Barrio.

  38. There's absolutely no reason for a "study" or a "debate" on this illegal immigration mess. Overstayed your visa? Hired a Coyote to smuggle you and your family here? Sneak across the border? That means you are here illegally.
    You need to go. Now. There. End of debate. End of study.

  39. And you just KNOW that there are COUNTLESS MCDONALDS franchises across the nation doing the
    same damned thing. Got tired of nobody speaking english, orders ALWAYS getting screwed up, and taking forever. Nope. Enough. In fact, It's not just Mc Donalds - it's every single burger joint/fast fod joint. Arbys, Subway, McDonalds, Wendys, Burger King, JackIn The Box , etc...it's the same. High school kids
    can't find work in these joints during the summer and after school as they used to (Its how I earned money in High School) because these illegals have taken these minimum wage jobs and actually turned flipping burgers and
    salting fries into careers, and the franchise owners just LOVE IT! They need to check every single fast food franchise, boot the illegals and make room for our own kids who would love to pick up a few extra bucks.

  40. … High school kids can't find work in these joints during the summer and after school as they used to (Its how I earned money in High School) because these illegals have taken these minimum wage jobs and actually turned flipping burgers and salting fries into careers…

    You make it sound like illegals have some kind of captive control over the jobs. They don’t. If our high school kids apply for the jobs, they should stand an equal likelihood of being hired.

    Something else likely accounts for any perceived preference of illegals. Maybe they’re better workers and cause less trouble for their employers…

  41. Let's face it, illegals are illegal. But if it wasn't for the jobs here, and the people that hire them,do you really think they would be here? We always worry about the immigrants, yet it is the corporate sponsers, big and small, who hire illegal labor that is the problem. Even when the government does their job, they raid a mom and pop type of establishment. The real problem is the federal government. Republicans support illegals because it helps their big corporate buddies find cheap labor. Democrats support illegals because they view it as a human rights issue. Bothe sides contribute to the problem.
    I have an idea, how about we ask the Feds to take the money that California, Arizona, Texas, etc... spends on funding all the services that illegals use out of the money we send to Mexico every year in the form of "aid". Mexico is already crumbling under corruption and poverty, so why give them more money that ends up in the hands of the already rich as it is.
    Menifee was built with the hard work and sweat of illegals. All of the homes, pools, yards, Countryside marketplace, etc... were all built using illegal labor. Most illegals just want to work. They aren't the problem. Can you blame them for coming here as long as people hire them? Be mad at the people hiring them. If illegals can't find jobs, they will leave. Simple as that. Will business have to spend more money on labor, yes. It is time we stop with these failed Reaganesque ideas that business would be hurt by restrictions on hiring. We can't have it both ways. No illegals, higher labor costs. You can have expectations for businesses, or you can allow them to continue supporting the influx of illegals. Your choice.

    Finally, people need to stop claiming California was stolen. Califorina was mexico's payment for a lost war, in exchange for the US not invading Mexico. It wasn't stolen, Mexico lost it legally.

  42. JUST A COMMENT TO "MENIFEE" TINA with the "Alcatraz" mindset: NOW have you done what you KNEW that stupid post would do? IF you're going to be a columnist, at least come up with some ORIGINAL community-building topic; NOT something that is worn to death and sets neighbors against neighbors? How's it feel to be one who stirs up HATE-MONGERING among us? SHAME ON YOU !! I really hope you live far away from any of these bloggers; don't forget(and don't rest easy): ANYONE who is a filled with hatred for ANYONE or ANYTHING is apt to turn on his own. Such hatred overtakes us and we loose site of its focus; killing everything in sight. Hope you sleep well tonight.

  43. Lots of very strong comments here. I understand all the uglyness because some of these posts have made me mad. I believe illegals should not be here, deported in fact. But the racist comments, the "Juan" posts are terrible. They make me want to lash out by saying the poster is probably fat, ugly and a miserable person with no friends but I'm not going to go there. lol

  44. As a person with Native American heritage (Chumash), I am all for loading the busses, boats, trains with all the illegals and sending them back to Mexico, Europe, Canada, and any other country they came from. It will be pretty empty here, but oh well. Guess what goes around comes around.

  45. I agree with the Native American theory, there would be very little people left here. Only problem with that would be... who would go to the casino's???

  46. The problem with that Native American theory... they also came from somewhere else at some period of time. My heritage is typical of any other white person, but I was born here and so were my parents, grandparents, most of my great grandparents, and so on. The citizens of the US aren't on this land illegally, because our government said so. Let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater by speaking in hyperbole. It only clouds the real argument.

    Nobody has mentioned that perhaps our immigration laws should be changed. I'd like to know who of everyone posting on this thread actually knows the history of US immigration laws? Do any of you appreciate how difficult it is for honest people to legally immigrate? Because of the way our system is designed, anyone residing outside the US seeking to do it the 'legal' way has about as much chance of being granted legal immigration status as being struck by lightning. The sad fact is it's much easier to come in from another country on a visitor's visa (or other means) and just stay here. Sure, you'll be considered 'illegal' but eventually you can work up to legal status if you want to. Ergo, the system incentivizes illegal immigration.

  47. Some of you are posting comments that make it seem as though you know some of these illegals or support them because they are trying to help their families. I have first hand experience in dealing with the illegals in Menifee, mainly in Romoland. I'll tell you right now, those people do not care about America, our traditions or our values. Don't get me wrong, there are some that do, but they are not illegal. They help the community and pay taxes etc. If you live in Menifee, you should take a drive over to Romoland and drive down 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 4th street. As well as Monroe, Adams and Jefferson. Romoland has a big problem with illegals. You will notice that that is the area of the city where the most violent crimes occur. There is also a Hispanic gang located in Romoland called RVL. There are shootings, stabbings and home invasion robberies as well. The point is to not make it a race issue, but to be honest. There is a problem allowing illegal immigrants of any race to be here. The ones I have dealt with do not work hard to make money for their families. They work hard to buy cars to drive around illegally without the proper training. Then they drive their cars to the liquor store already drunk to buy more beer. Do you think that is okay. I know I don't want them doing that, what if they hit you or possibly kill you. There was an incident a few months ago where two illegals were driving drunk down Cajalco and crashed head on into a vehicle with a family inside. They killed a mother, her daughter and her unborn child. That is totally unacceptable. I am not racist. My wife's grandmother is Hispanic. But she will agree with me and it bother's her just as much to see what illegal immigration is doing to this country. It is true that some Americans are lazy and do not want to do any hard labor, but that does not mean that we should just roll over and let the illegals do it. Our economy also suffers greatly because of the money not pay or earned in wages and taxes. Don't you think we could use some of those monies right now to help our economy... You also might want to take a look at local or Southern California law enforcement agencies websites. View their most wanted criminals page and you will see that most a good amount of the wanted persons are illegals. This is a problem, and it needs to be dealt with. I am all for people coming to our country to have a better life. But they must be legal and they must give back, and speak English. I can say that because I give back to the community and I have served and defended this country and our way of life.

  48. Why is it that most racists always have to tell you that they aren't racist and that they all know someone of a different race, so that proves they aren't racist. Just wondering.

  49. M@, the reason it is so hard to legally become a citizen, is that the lobbyists for businesses have pushed for years to lighten up, so as to flood the market with cheap labor. It of course worked, and now we all seem to blame the illegals, who are breaking the law, rather than the businesses who hire them, who are the bigger problem.

  50. Ethan, I pretty much agree with what you said. I'm not really sure anyone is actually defending illegals more just the insulting verbage, ie, we should run them down, maybe out of town but not by car. I'm not sure why, but Romoland/Homeland is beehive of parolee's, ex prisioners, sexual offenders and gangland. I thought if an illegal was caught commiting a crime they served their sentence then were deported. Does anyone know the answer to that?

  51. Per M@: "The sad fact is it's much easier to come in from another country on a visitor's visa (or other means) and just stay here. Sure, you'll be considered 'illegal' but eventually you can work up to legal status if you want to. Ergo, the system incentivizes illegal immigration."

    I agree that emigrating to the USA for residence is tough to do legally. But then again, the USA serves its citizens, not the citizens of other countries.

    The idea of "Give us your poor, your tired, your huddled masses..." was fine when this nation was expanding rapidly. But I don't think we're at a point where we need more poor, tired, people.

    Should America continue the altruistic purpose of helping the people of other countries? Or should we focus on ourselves instead? That's a big question in the times we're facing today.

  52. We have always been a country of immigrants, but that time has passed. It is time to restrict the flow of immigration and work to control the illegal immigration as it stands today. It will not happen entirely, nor will it occur overnight. It is a process that must take place. As a poster stated before, unless you can claim "native" heritage, then we all have come from another place. This poster claims to not speak in hyperbole, but their statement is nothing but. Weird when a "theory" is mistaken for history. Almost hyperbolic.

    "The problem with that Native American theory... they also came from somewhere else at some period of time. My heritage is typical of any other white person, but I was born here and so were my parents, grandparents, most of my great grandparents, and so on. The citizens of the US aren't on this land illegally, because our government said so. Let's not throw the baby out with the bathwater by speaking in hyperbole. It only clouds the real argument"

  53. Its very disheartening to hear all of the racist, violent and ignorgant comments on this blog and to know that these peole live among me, perhaps my neighbors in Menifee. So sad to hear...I need to move!

  54. Illegal alien, undocumented worker, immigrant, whatever you want to call them. Get them the hell out of the USA. I don't care where they came from, I just want them out. They are draining our economy(medical, social security, unemployement, healthcare). Our government needs to step up to the plate and take a stand.
    I don't care where you live it's the same feeling. I've lived in Hollywood, Santa Barbara, the OC and now here and the feeling is the same everywhere you go. Get them out and keep them out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  55. I don't think it will do you any good to move because your going to find that Americans are angry and feedup with the free loaders who invade this country. And for the Native American comment you should know your history that your people migrated to America from Asia during the ice age So if we followed your suggestions no one would be in the US. You know what folks CA is part of the US and that is the end of the story and we are a nation of laws. The laws are to protect Americans and it is high time they are enforced. If your here illegally in any shape or form its time to get them out before this economy is completely destroyed.

  56. And for an interesting twist on this conversation...I just heard on the radio the radio the other day that there is a Mexican border town that is upset with all the Americans that are retiring and moving to their town!

  57. Reading through this blog I’ve seen a variety of comments like: ignorance and insensitivity and, this land was Mexico and, HATE-MONGERING and, many illegal’s do the work "Real Americans" don't want to do. There have also been many varieties of solutions, such as deport them all run them out. And even snipe them at the border. People simplicity is the only way to solve a complex problem. Only three things need be done.

    1st overhaul the immigration system by allowing only a certain number into the country a year (I feel 150,000 is a fair number each year and additional 150,000 temp. and student visas each year.) with strict enforcement.

    2nd If you can not show that you are an American citizen then you will not receive any aid through social programs. (welfare, food stamps, housing, ECT.)

    3rd require that all business use the E-verify program to insure that every worker on their payroll is an American citizen. If the promise of a job is not there then it will be cheaper for them back in there own country.

    Three things that would have a dramatic affect. I’m sure there are people that can say “what about the people that are trying to provide for there families.” I was always taught ‘If you can’t afford to have a child don’t have a child.’ {Simple} There are also the people out there that will say “prices of American grown fruit and vegetables would sky rocket.” This is not fact. If the growers paid their employees an average of $14.00 an hour the price per head of lettuce would go up and average of ten cents. According to CNN, MSNBC and, The Wall Street Journal. Now that is ten cents I would be willing to pay.

    The United States is a nation of immigrants. Yes but a nation of legal immigrants. For centuries people have come to this great nation but they have cone legally. Yes it was much easer back then. Times have changed so must our understanding that at some point enough is enough.

  58. This song by Woody Gutherie should remind us that when we talk about "illegals", we're talking about real, very real,people.

    The crops are all in and the peaches are rott'ning,
    The oranges piled in their creosote dumps;
    They're flying 'em back to the Mexican border
    To pay all their money to wade back again
    Goodbye to my Juan, goodbye, Rosalita,
    Adios mis amigos, Jesus y Maria;
    You won't have your names when you ride the big airplane,
    All they will call you will be "deportees"

    My father's own father, he waded that river,
    They took all the money he made in his life;
    My brothers and sisters come working the fruit trees,
    And they rode the truck till they took down and died.

    Some of us are illegal, and some are not wanted,
    Our work contract's out and we have to move on;
    Six hundred miles to that Mexican border,
    They chase us like outlaws, like rustlers, like thieves.

    We died in your hills, we died in your deserts,
    We died in your valleys and died on your plains.
    We died 'neath your trees and we died in your bushes,
    Both sides of the river, we died just the same.

    The sky plane caught fire over Los Gatos Canyon,
    A fireball of lightning, and shook all our hills,
    Who are all these friends, all scattered like dry leaves?
    The radio says, "They are just deportees"

  59. To March 23, 2009 3:46 PM

    You are reciting song lyrics. Come on get real.

  60. A word of advice to the individual who posted the following:

    "JUST A COMMENT TO "MENIFEE" TINA with the "Alcatraz" mindset: NOW have you done what you KNEW that stupid post would do? IF you're going to be a columnist, at least come up with some ORIGINAL community-building topic; NOT something that is worn to death and sets neighbors against neighbors? How's it feel to be one who stirs up HATE-MONGERING among us? SHAME ON YOU !! I really hope you live far away from any of these bloggers; don't forget(and don't rest easy): ANYONE who is a filled with hatred for ANYONE or ANYTHING is apt to turn on his own. Such hatred overtakes us and we loose site of its focus; killing everything in sight. Hope you sleep well tonight."

    As the husband of Menifee Tina and as a police officer, some of your comments come across as threats. Most concerning are:

    "I really hope you live far away from any of these bloggers; don't forget(and don't rest easy): and "Hope you sleep well tonight."

    It would be in your best interest to refrain from additional threatening comments. If you feel the need to continue, identify yourself and a Deputy and myself will be more than happy to contact you.
    The moderator of this site has also been contacted.

  61. Agreed with the above. I'm not sure the intent of that person saying, "I hope you live far away...", but it does sound rather threatening.

    I typically delete comments that are personal attacks, or use foul language. I'm not sure if that original comment was a personal attack, but it does reek of immature character.

    Anyways, I don't want to get into the habit of deleting comments, so please everyone argue in a mature, adult-like manner.

  62. I'm really disgusted by my fellow Menifee residents. I knew Menifee was conservative but I didn't realize I live among racists. Some of the comments are scary and down right disrespectful.

    Their are teenagers that read this blog too. Come on!!

  63. Lets say we get rid of them who is going to clean your house, do your gardening, your landscape, paint your new house, install your flooring, build your house that you are living in now or even watch your kids???

    Tell your wife to stop hiring the maid to clean. Tell your husband to cut his own grass, paint his house and so forth.

    Also, who is going to pick the fruits and vegetables? Should we have slaves like we did 200 years ago? Will you work for pennies a day?

  64. I'm gettin the heck out of Menifee. You people are loopy.

  65. The illegals are doing just as much as the blacks did as slaves. Are any (pigment) slave at that. Picking the crops, gardening, cleaning the masters house, taking care of their kids, building the homes, cooking, being a busboy and working for hardly nothing.

    Even top political leaders, senators and congressman have illegals as their maids. Back in the day it was ok to have slaves doing the same thing.

    Who is going to take the place of the illegals?? Who is next in line to do back braking work???

  66. To March 23, 2009 4:51 PM

    You are a narrow minded fool. Most of the people in this blog have expressed their opinions about a group of law breakers. And you can’t even come up with one intelligent opinion of your own; all you do is call people racist. Why don’t you take your one sided self and waist someone else’s time hugging a tree. People like you are a stain on the fabric of America.

  67. Do you people not see that California has an over 10% unemployment rate and yet you still think its ok for illegal immigrants to stay and do roofing jobs, construction jobs, landscaping jobs, Electrician jobs, ECT? The last time I looked all of these jobs were well paying jobs and Americans were doing them. Ask the family of blacks living under one of the over passes in riverside that only illegal immigrants will pick fruit. Tell them it was totally justified that an illegal immigrant took his job as a roofer even after he took a pay cut. You live here and reap all the benefits that this country has to offer yet you are the first to sell out an American citizen for your bleeding heat morals. It’s not nice and it may not seen fair but Americans should come first and them the rest of the world not the other way around.

  68. To the blog on March 23, 2009 3:42 PM

    That’s amazing. I read it a few hours ago and looked it up and you’re right. Three simple steps and the illegal immigrants can make their own decision weather or not to live here or go home. No more raids and almost no more deportation. Thank you.

  69. rac⋅ism 
    –noun 1. a belief or doctrine that inherent differences among the various human races determine cultural or individual achievement, usually involving the idea that one's own race is superior and has the right to rule others.
    2. a policy, system of government, etc., based upon or fostering such a doctrine; discrimination.
    3. hatred or intolerance of another race or other races.

    US Citizen Application

    Definition of Citizenship: Citizenship is the status given to a legal member of the country. It involves rights, duties and privileges.

    United States Citizenship: U.S. citizenship is usually acquired by birth when the child is born in the territory of the United States. This is provided under the 14th Amendment of the United States Constitution.

    Naturalization: The process by which a citizen of a foreign country becomes a United States citizen. Order the US Citizenship Application Guide for more information.

    Eligibility Requirements: All naturalization applicants must demonstrate good moral character. Other naturalization requirements may be modified or waived for certain applicants, such as spouses of U.S. Citizens, or individuals currently serving in the United States military. Additional requirements include:
    A period of continuous residence and physical presence in the United States
    The ability to read, write and speak English
    Good moral character
    Knowledge of the principles of the U.S. Constitution
    Favorable disposition towards the United States
    Ability to pass the United States Citizenship Test

    Here are some websites to visit..

    These views are not just in Menifee. For those of you who want to move, you better find a way to outerspace. Oh, but then you would be an illegal immigrant.




  70. Only those who are threatened financially by the illegal immigrants are sounding off. There are those of the white community who assumed they were "superior" to those from other races, only to realize that their "skilled labor" could easily be replaced by a non speaking immigrant of Aztec or Mayan descent.
    Believing in Manifest Destiny was your first mistake. That must be scary for you.
    If those blue collared workers would have spent more time getting an education, traveling the world and expanding their minds- they would not be expelling xenophobic ideas.
    The fact that you need to look up the word xenophobic proves your myopic view of the world- from a white guy!

  71. For those who didn't quite get it, let me translate Anon @ March 23, 2009 10:03 PM:

    "The only people who claim that illegal immigrants take their jobs are the people who have not bothered to gain their own education.

    Furthermore, I will use large words in an attempt to confuse you while i simultaneously wave my huge e-penis for the world to see! Look how big my vocabulary is! I hold my education over the heads of others yet contribute nothing to society!"

    See, even the educated can be total douchebags.



    To those who think legal American will not do the jobs.... Remember when the feds raided that meat processing plant in the midwest....
    There were hundrads of LEGAL TAX PAYING AMERICANS waiting in line to apply for the jobs that were now available.

    To all the questionable people out there... How can you support ANY ILLEGALS in YOUR country when you as tax paying americans are paying for there medical, dental, school lunches, food stamps, and what ever else they can get.

    Why do you think we have to pay so much for all the above cost? The company take a loss ans have to make up for it.... Gee I wounder how they do that? Anyone.. anyone.... They increasr the cost for all of us..... Look this has nothing to do with race..... An illegal is an illegal... it has nothing to do with what country they came from... It is just people who use the race card to create hate or they are illegal themsevles. I have no problem helping out others.... However I would much rather help out a legal american than some one that BREAKS THE LAW.... HELLO OUT THERE....WHAT PART OF BREAKING THE LAW SOME OF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND. A report from a Texas hospital reported over 10 billion dollars was lost due to illegals not paying their bills, That gets passed down to all of us... OH HOW YOU ASK ... THEY RAISE OUR COSTS.... Wake up people if you love this country please stand and help the police and border patrol locate and find... """IILEGAL ALIENS"" I serve over 16 years in the military and have been to many countries. I was stationed overseas and my friends wife was in labor.... They would not even help her until my friend went back on base and got some money.... cold hard facts... This is one of the reasons taxes are going up. If we were not spending billions of money on law breaking iileagals that money could be use for school, new roads,bridges, lowering taxes..... Ok does any one have any questions..... The list goes on..... Americans need to support each other, not support people that continue to break the laws...... Take care and call when you see them because if we flood the police and boarder patrol with calls complaining something might be done.....

  74. OHHH I almost forgot.... The next time you have a yard sale and they want to offer you a quarter.... Just tell them No thanks I would much rather donate it to the salvation army than to sell it for a quarter.... Keep and eye on you things too... I had a lady tell her young daugther to quick pput on the jacket and go to the car... They will steal from your yard sale.... I guess I should not be suprised.... After all they are law breakers.... God Bless America...

  75. AMEN
    To those who think legal American will not do the jobs.... Remember when the feds raided that meat processing plant in the midwest....
    There were hundrads of LEGAL TAX PAYING AMERICANS waiting in line to apply for the jobs that were now available.

    To all the questionable people out there... How can you support ANY ILLEGALS in YOUR country when you as tax paying americans are paying for there medical, dental, school lunches, food stamps, and what ever else they can get.

    Why do you think we have to pay so much for all the above cost? The company take a loss ans have to make up for it.... Gee I wounder how they do that? Anyone.. anyone.... They increasr the cost for all of us..... Look this has nothing to do with race..... An illegal is an illegal... it has nothing to do with what country they came from... It is just people who use the race card to create hate or they are illegal themsevles. I have no problem helping out others.... However I would much rather help out a legal american than some one that BREAKS THE LAW.... HELLO OUT THERE....WHAT PART OF BREAKING THE LAW SOME OF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND. A report from a Texas hospital reported over 10 billion dollars was lost due to illegals not paying their bills, That gets passed down to all of us... OH HOW YOU ASK ... THEY RAISE OUR COSTS.... Wake up people if you love this country please stand and help the police and border patrol locate and find... """IILEGAL ALIENS"" I serve over 16 years in the military and have been to many countries. I was stationed overseas and my friends wife was in labor.... They would not even help her until my friend went back on base and got some money.... cold hard facts... This is one of the reasons taxes are going up. If we were not spending billions of money on law breaking iileagals that money could be use for school, new roads,bridges, lowering taxes..... Ok does any one have any questions..... The list goes on..... Americans need to support each other, not support people that continue to break the laws...... Take care and call when you see them because if we flood the police and boarder patrol with calls complaining something might be done.....

    By Anonymous, at March 24, 2009 12:18 AM

  76. To those who think legal American will not do the jobs.... Remember when the feds raided that meat processing plant in the midwest....
    There were hundrads of LEGAL TAX PAYING AMERICANS waiting in line to apply for the jobs that were now available.

    To all the questionable people out there... How can you support ANY ILLEGALS in YOUR country when you as tax paying americans are paying for there medical, dental, school lunches, food stamps, and what ever else they can get.

    Why do you think we have to pay so much for all the above cost? The company take a loss ans have to make up for it.... Gee I wounder how they do that? Anyone.. anyone.... They increasr the cost for all of us..... Look this has nothing to do with race..... An illegal is an illegal... it has nothing to do with what country they came from... It is just people who use the race card to create hate or they are illegal themsevles. I have no problem helping out others.... However I would much rather help out a legal american than some one that BREAKS THE LAW.... HELLO OUT THERE....WHAT PART OF BREAKING THE LAW SOME OF YOU DO NOT UNDERSTAND. A report from a Texas hospital reported over 10 billion dollars was lost due to illegals not paying their bills, That gets passed down to all of us... OH HOW YOU ASK ... THEY RAISE OUR COSTS.... Wake up people if you love this country please stand and help the police and border patrol locate and find... """IILEGAL ALIENS"" I serve over 16 years in the military and have been to many countries. I was stationed overseas and my friends wife was in labor.... They would not even help her until my friend went back on base and got some money.... cold hard facts... This is one of the reasons taxes are going up. If we were not spending billions of money on law breaking iileagals that money could be use for school, new roads,bridges, lowering taxes..... Ok does any one have any questions..... The list goes on..... Americans need to support each other, not support people that continue to break the laws...... Take care and call when you see them because if we flood the police and boarder patrol with calls complaining something might be done.....

    By Anonymous, at March 24, 2009 12:18 AM

  77. Who’s the RACIST? Is it the person that is asking for strong enforcement of law breakers or the person that has stereotyped all illegal immigrants as one race?

    People need to stop looking at this as a race issue. It is a legal and illegal issue, and that is it. You wouldn’t want an embezzler or a money launderer or a convicted felon of a non violent crime moving in next door to you. It seems that most of the people that support illegal immigration are ether illegal, have never been affected by an illegal, or make enough money to where the extra taxes don’t affect them.

  78. to the poster --------------------------------------------------------------------------------

    I don't think it will do you any good to move because your going to find that Americans are angry and feedup with the free loaders who invade this country. And for the Native American comment you should know your history that your people migrated to America from Asia during the ice age So if we followed your suggestions no one would be in the US. You know what folks CA is part of the US and that is the end of the story and we are a nation of laws. The laws are to protect Americans and it is high time they are enforced. If your here illegally in any shape or form its time to get them out before this economy is completely destroyed.

    By Anonymous, at March 23, 2009 3:00 PM

    Ice age??? Are you freakin' kidding me. Oh yeah, and the continental plates broke apart when a giant meteor hit the planet. Don't forget the theory of evolution, and while your at it can you also comment on the growing issue of the international trade imbalance? Look, if anyone is here illegally they should be deported. White, black, brown, green, yellow. Don't let the black and white bounderies cloud your judgement and lay blame to society's ills on the solitary doorstep of illegal immigration. It's just one brick in the wall. OK, maybe two. But I agree with the notion that enough is enough and it is time to start enforcing the laws that are already in place to guard against this very act. Just don't let other areas go unmonitored as a result.

  79. Let me get this out of the way first, if the anonymous poster claiming to be menifeeTina's husband is actually a cop, I feel uneasy. An individual who can take away a person's freedom can misinterpret a comment so illogically and actually make threats against that individual. Steve, I know you said you agreed with the individual, but I encourage you to read closely. The poster told her to "sleep well" because of the hornets nest she opened up here. It wasn't a threat, illicit or otherwise.

    We live in a Conservative county, unfortunatly to a fault. Many members of this community are blind when it comes to the true causes of illegal immigration. America has changed. I know this will scare quite a few of the white people on this blog, but America is becoming a nation with a majority of non-white citizens. America is a land of immigrants, but considering the fact that legal Americans can get health insurance and other basic needs, we can't support illegal immigrants. When we learn to take care of each other, than we care care about non citizens.
    Funny thing is, for being a Conservative county, most fail to recognize that Conservative politicians have led the charge in loosening immigration enforcement. Not all Conservatives, but most have quietly, key word "quietly", pushed to loosen enforcement. Why because, business wants cheap labor. When you vote people like Reagan, Bush I and II, and Clinton into office what do you expect? What Reagan began, we still live with today. Forgiving business for their part in this , while blaming illegals is just plain being ignorant. Let me give you a one step solution to the problem. Punish businesses who haire illegals so hard that they stop hiring illegals and watch the rate of immigration decrease. All they want are jobs, so if they can't get jobs, they will leave. Simple enough, but are any of you willing to doit? Will you pay more for your food, cleaning, landscaping, pools, etc... in order to support higher paid American workers. I am. I will gladly pay more if it means another American can live and work. Unfortunately the attitude of many Americans seem look the other way when it comes to actual American workers. We defend business, hate unions, blame illegals, yet we complain that no one is watching out for the benefit of the "American " worker. Well duh, we have disregarded the 'American" worker for thirty years and now we complain?

  80. Tina has a right to her opinion. Although I don't really think she should be "Menifee" Tina. She does not represent all people of Menifee. As far as her husband represnting himself as a police officer on a blog and wanting a poster to identify themselves so he and another deputy can visit is kinda wierd.
    Anyway, I've really enjoyed all of the posts. Interesting to see all the different points of view. The Good the Bad and the Ugly.

  81. Let's just clarify a few things: When I posted the frustration with Menifee Tina; it certainly was NOT a threat; it was pointing out the stirring up of hatred; she HAD to know it would do this! ANYone's conscience should keep them awake at night, tossing and turning, knowing they have needlessly pit neighbor-against-neighbor. Reading anything else into the post is irresponsible. Do you think "shoot the white trash" poster LITERALLY meant to go do that? Of course not! This article is doing just what it knowlingly was going to do: Create fury over nothing.

  82. It is utter ignorance to say that someone is a hate-monger or a racist based simply on the fact that they disagree with you. If you've used any of these or similar terms in your post to make some kind of point, you are beyond stupid. Take your ignorant comments somewhere else. Calling names is for children, this is an adult forum intended for intelligent, educated people.

    I agree with Mr. Jack Ferguson. Thanks you sir for your service.

  83. Hey Steve, This is probably the wrong place to post this but any chance we can get an article regarding the Jeff Stone issue in the Press Enterprise today. He does have an office here in Menifee. I think paying his sister 180,000 in consulting fees and free use of a car (gas included) warrants some discussion. By the way, thanks for all you do.

  84. "Lets say we get rid of them who is going to clean your house, do your gardening, your landscape, paint your new house, install your flooring, build your house that you are living in now or even watch your kids???

    Tell your wife to stop hiring the maid to clean. Tell your husband to cut his own grass, paint his house and so forth.

    Also, who is going to pick the fruits and vegetables? Should we have slaves like we did 200 years ago? Will you work for pennies a day?"

    I clean my own house, my husband and I do our own gardening/landscaping, we painted the inside of our house on our own, I watch our kids. I don't need anyone to do any of that.

    If my husband was laid off or fired, he would do any of the above jobs to keep his family fed. I don't know any man or woman who would refuse a job to feed and cloth their family. I'm sure right now of all times, there are many people out there that would love to have a job at all. But unfortunately those jobs are being taken by illegal immigrants.

  85. The government will never enforce the laws on immigrants. ** Hello... Cheap labor.** So you can't get mad at the immigrants who come here to work. You need to get mad at the government and business that are hiring them. If they stop then you will see an influx of immigrants go down. Actually, a lot of immigrants are going back home because they are experiencing less jobs too.

    If the government really wanted immigrants out they would be able to do it. But they do not and this issue has been going on for years. Wake up!! The government controls everything and their is nothing we can do about it if we do not take action.

    People do not stand up for their rights anymore, they do not protest, write letters to congress or anything else. They are too busy watching American Idol and reality tv shows to care about doing anything.

    The American people are not the same anymore. They are lazy, rude selfish and dumb. We used to stand up and fight for our rights. We knew our constitutional rights and how to get the government to listen to (us) the people. Our society now is so wrapped up in keeping up with Jones. So many people are living beyond their needs.

    Get mad and write your congressman, protest and do whatever is possible within the law to overturn this .

  86. I take offense the poster who says Americans are lazy, rude, selfish and dumb. Your rude for writing such a dumb comment.

  87. The truth hurts!!

  88. I agree with the previous poster. You can't tell me people are smarter today. More people know the names of American Idol or celebrity's than the people in our government. People can not even point out the names of states on a map. Or how many branches of government we have. It's sad but true. We put our kids in front of the tv or playing video games.

    They need to read and we as parents need to ensure our kids future.

  89. I think American's have been selfish. Especially here in California. While the government has been in shambles for years. We are driving around in our SUV's (global warming), buying overpriced homes we can not afford to brag or keep up others (foreclosures), buying things out of want and not necessity. We are a wasteful society.

    Now that our economy is on the breaking point people want to complain, ask how did this happen and want to blame someone. We as Americans help contribute to this mess by wearing blinders. Now your losing your house, your car and you want to know how this happened.

    Buy a house you could afford, buy a car that is environmentally safe and save your money, stop trying to compete with neighbors and brag about what you have.

    Take less vacations and educate yourself and inform others on how we as a people can get out of this economic mess. So at least our kids have a brighter future!! Kids emulate their parents. Do you want your kids to live like this?

  90. I take offense the poster who says Americans are lazy, rude, selfish and dumb. Your rude for writing such a dumb comment.

    Shouldn’t that be You’re rude… lol

  91. Perfect example of education today!!

  92. "The truth hurts!!"

    This country didn't get to the status of richest most powerful country in the world because Americans are lazy selfish and rude. Get behind the flag or move to another country. We never asked them to get here.

  93. Get legal or get out!!
    Would you drive an unregistered vehicle?
    Would you want an unaccredited person teaching your kids?
    Would you eat meat that had not been inspected?
    The laws are in place to protect the citizens of this great nation.
    Get behind them or get out!!

  94. 'We speak mainly ENGLISH, not Spanish, Lebanese, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Russian, or any other language. Therefore, if you wish to become part of our society . Learn the language!'

    'Most Americans believe in God. This is not some Christian, right wing, political push, but a fact, because Christian men and women, on Christian principles, founded this nation, and this is clearly documented. It is certainly appropriate to display it on the walls of our schools. If God offends you, then I suggest you consider another part of the world as your new home, because God is part of our culture.'

    'We will accept your beliefs, and will not question why. All we ask is that you accept ours, and live in harmony and peaceful enjoyment with us.'

    'This is OUR COUNTRY, OUR LAND, and OUR LIFESTYLE, and we will allow you every opportunity to enjoy all this. But once you are done complaining, whining, and griping about Our Flag, Our Pledge, Our Christian beliefs, or Our Way of Life, I highly encourage you take advantage of one other great Australian freedom,


    'If you aren't happy here then LEAVE. We didn't force you to come here. You asked to be here. So accept the country YOU accepted.'

  95. For the poster who said Obama was going to solve this, get a clue. He says what people want to hear in certain communities. He denounced immigration raids while at a San Diego La Raza convention while he was running for president.

  96. Well it me again..... the quarter guy or the guy that does not want to pay the way for LAW BREAKING iilegals.......
    Just as many have already posted... we need to stand up for our rights as legal citizens here and tell our great leaders enough is enough.
    Why is it we have to pay for uninsured car insurance... well because people drive iilegally without insurance... Sure all races do this.. once again this is not a race issue. If you think this is, maybe you need to check out meaning of iilegal in the dictionary. I am tired of always having to becareful on what I say or how I say it.... What happen to freedom of speech... To allow law breakers to continue to protest in our street.If (key word if) I came to this country through the legal process I would not support those who did not... Other countries laugh at us because we allow these law breakers to dictate to us legal citizens how to live and what to say. We do not allow God in our schools or in our court houses any more however, we allow the LAW BREAKERS IN? Somethings wrong with this picture....
    Remember when the students at a school up in the LA area took down our flag and put the mexican flag up on top then our flag upside down,,,They were protesting while at the same time disrespecting the country they say they want to live in....I agree we should have our military on all (key word again ALL)our borders to stop or atleast slow down the flow of iilegals coming in. It is part of all the military men and women's oath to protect again all enemies foreign or domestic.

    Something to ponder on ....
    Why would a legal citizen protect the iilegals unless they were iilegal themselves, know someone that was, or are using and abusing the iilegals for cheap labor... Does that make any sense to protect law breakers.... I don't see any protesters out there for the law breakers that drink and drive.... How about the one that stole your car or even worse kidnapped you child.

    We should not support any business that hires law breakers. oh,,, I just had a thought.... If a legal citizen breaks the law in the country and has a record what happens to them when they apply for a job???? They are told sorry.. however, companies hire iilegals (once again for those not paying attention) LAW BREAKERS. It has nothing to do with people not wanting to work... The major companies want them so they can get cheap labor while still charging high prices. Do we have lazy people here yes we do,,, however, if the jobs were available they would apply.... Remember the mid west meat plant... Or how about the 5,000 people that showed up for the 500 jobs at dodger stadium. So for those out there that believe Americans don't want to work you keep believing that.. WHEN IS ALL THE MADNESS GOING TO END.
    Meanwhile I will continue to have to pay higher taxes, health costs, dental costs, car insurance, have my ENGLISH speaking child in school learns less because the over worked and under paid teacher has to slow down in her lesson plan so the nonenglish speaking students can catch up... Ever take a look at how much homework you child brings home... That's part of the reason why.. lesson they should be learning in school get sent home because they ran out of time...Is that fair to our kids. That how bad it is.... Classroom sizes would never be at risk of getting bigger if we closed all the borders..

    Well I will sign off for now and I will be back tomorrow with some more reasons why we as legal citizens need to put a stop to all this madness. Take care and may GOD BLESS AMERICA.

  97. OK I am back.... Real quick... I would like to thank Menifee TINA for having the sand to post this.

    We the people need to start reporting companies that we know hire illegals and do not support them by buying their products. Just an FYI,,, most resturants hire illegals.... I would not recommend eating at those establishment as they do not have the proper training for Food Handling and Sanitation... Gee how does that piece of hair taste in you salad... or ever wonder why you feel sick after eating out?

    Last thing..... Why do people key the cars or trucks of people that have a bumper sticker supporting the stopping of iilegals in this country?? Oh thats right they are LAW BREAKERS with no respect for others property. I pray that WE THE PEOPLE will be able to be WE THE PEOPLE again.... Support the cause of stopping ALL iilegals in this great country of ours. God Bless

  98. This is the perfect topic to have everyone get on the following website and submit it for President Obama to address.


  99. … Why do people key the cars or trucks of people that have a bumper sticker supporting the stopping of iilegals in this country?? …

    Just a little friendly advice here… Car bumper stickers that show support of divisive causes or beliefs (political, social, religious, etc.) may make the owner feel good, but they’re an invitation to the keying you mention. The sticker may go over well with those who agree with you, but they have the opposite effect on others. I don’t put such stickers on my car and I also don’t wear a “Kick Me” sign.

  100. I agree with you on the bumper sticker issue. I myself would not put one on my car. But the point I was trying to make was how much iilegal activities some of these iilegals do or those that support them.

    'it is what it is"
    "it means what it means"

    Thanks again

  101. As a child of an immigrant I see no reason to support ILLEGAL people within our country. My mother came to this country 50 years ago by following the rules.
    I do not support all of the illegals in this country that are draining our society and causing unemployment, crime, etc. These illegals are also responsible for us having to now pay higher taxes. These illegals come to our country for a better life and I totally agree with that. However, they need to obtain permission and follow the rules. The illegals that are here working and sending the money to their relatives in other countries is ridiculous.

  102. Are you a friend of "Tina" Tina

  103. What a great forum for everyone to express their views. We all know that we are not going to really influence each other's thinking. But it is nice to see the flow of the comments.

    My suggestion to those who feel that the illegal alien situation has gotten out of control, is that the next time you are in an establishment where the workers do not speak english, or you hire someone to clean your home, and you suspect that you have run across an illegal, is to pick up the phone and call the INS.

    A whole bunch of Americans, not illegal aliens, kept silent and took advantage of the sub prime real estate debaucle, and not too many were complaining because on the surface it seemed like everyone was benefiting, and as long as that was the case, who cared right?

    Now our children and their children will be paying for the bail out for years to come, and that's assuming it works.

    Now that unemployment is in the double digits, more people are concerned about the illegals. At some point in time, if left unchecked, the consequences of not dealing with the problem in a manner which is just and fair will have lasting effects on our Nation, the economy, and the culture of America.

    It is not a matter of race, it is a matter of logistics.

    If the government is taking a stand against the illegal aliens it is because we voted for a man who as part of his platform promised to make real inroads to addressing this problem in a manner which demonstrates results.

    In the meantime, by all means we should share our thoughts. And do our part to participate in the solution of the problem, rather than just putting in our two cents.

  104. Why does the person posting about "iilegals" keep spelling it "iilegals"? Com'on !!! S.O.M.

  105. ENGLISH is the only language that should be allowed within the US. I find it pathetic that our government prints any documents in any other language than English. I think it is ridiculous that you can take a DMV test in so many languages. This has to be stopped becuase all street signs, etc. are all in English. DUH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I don't know of any other country that bends over as much as we do here in the USA to accomodate so many other languages.

  107. to Anonymous, at March 26, 2009 9:40 PM

    it's "come on."

    point out other's flaws, and expect the favor to be returned.

  108. ENGLISH is the only language that should be allowed within the US. I find it pathetic that our government prints any documents in any other language than English. …

    Actually, AMERICAN should be spoken here. If we allow one “foreign” language (i.e., English), why not others?

  109. Illegal is illegal, not racist. Come to the United States the proper way and welcome.The illegals are violating the law and should be deported back to their country.. Wher ever that may be.

  110. Try looking for a job most ask to be Bi-Lingual.

  111. 1. $11 Billion to $22 billion is spent on welfare to illegal aliens each year by state governments.

    Verify at: http://tinyurl.com/zob77

    2. $2.2 Billion dollars a year is spent on food assistance programs such as food stamps, WIC, and free school lunches for illegal aliens.

    Verify at: http://www.cis..org/articles/2004/fiscalexec.HTML

    3. $2.5 Billion dollars a year is spent on Medicaid for illegal aliens.

    Verify at: http://www.cis..org/articles/2004/fiscalexec.HTML

    4. $12 Billion dollars a year is spent on primary and secondary school education for chi ldren here illegally and they cannot speak a word of English!

    Verify at: http://transcripts.CNN.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0604/01/ldt.0.HTML

    5. $17 Billion dollars a year is spent for education for the American-born children of illegal aliens, known as anchor babies.

    Verify at http://transcripts.CNN.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0604/01/ldt.01.HTML

    6. $3 Million Dollars a DAY is spent to incarcerate illegal aliens.

    Verify at: http://transcripts.cnn.com/%20TRANSCRIPTS/0604/01/ldt.01.HTML

    7. 30% percent of all Federal Prison inmates are illegal aliens.

    Verify at: http://transcripts.CNN.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0604/01/ldt.01.HTML
    8. $90 Billion Dollars a year is spent on illegal aliens for Welfare & social services by the American taxpayers.

    Verify at: http://premium.CNN.com/TRANSCIPTS/0610/29/ldt.01.HTML

    9. $200 Billion dollars a year in suppressed American wages are caused by the illegal aliens.

    Verify at: http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSC%20RI%20PTS/0604/01/ldt.01.HTML

    10. The illegal aliens in the United States have a crime rate that's two and a half times that of white non-illegal aliens. In particular, their children, are going to make a huge additional crime problem in the US

    Verify at: http://transcripts.CNN.com/TRANSCRIPTS/0606/12/ldt.01.HTML

    11. During the year of 2005 there were 4 to 10 MILLION illegal aliens that crossed our Southern Border also, as many as 19,500 illegal aliens from Terrorist Countries. Millions of pounds of drugs, cocaine, meth, heroin and marijuana, crossed into the U. S from the Southern border.

    Verify at: Homeland Security Report: http://tinyurl.com/t9sht
    12. The National policy Institute, estimated that the total cost of mass deportation would be between $206 and $230 billion or an average cost of between $41 and $46 billion annually over a five year period.'

    Verify at: http://www.nationalpolicyinstitute.org/PDF/deportation.PDF

    13. In 2006 illegal aliens sent home $45 BILLION in remittances to their countries of origin.

    Verify at: http://www.rense.com/general75/niht.html

    14. 'The Dark Side of Illegal Immigration: Nearly One million sex crimes Committed by Illegal Immigrants In The United States .'

    Verify at: http://www.drdsk.com/articleshtml



  112. To the Post above. Obviously this doesn't bother the people who have posted on here that the rest of us are racists. They must like giving away their money.

  113. the question originally asked reminds me of a joke my nephew told me...

    what's the difference between "illegal" and "against the law"?

    "illegal" is a sick bird! (ill eagle!)

  114. I wonder why these types of Blogs are even posted. It truly brings out the worst in people. Bigotry, ignorance and shallow minded view points are exposed and misrepresents our community.
    The day workers that you see looking for work aren't the ones that we should worry about. These guys aren't mowing lawns in the morning and gang banging in the night. Get a clue people.

  115. Seems like the citizens of Menifee worry about all the wrong things. First of all do something about all the tagging it looks really bad. When we were looking for a new home we drove through your city and noticed all the tagging and it was around election time so all the yes on 8 supporters including a school board candidate and I said to my Husband, this is a narrow-minded dirty place.

  116. While I agree that illegals cost a substantial amount of money, inflating figures doesn't help the cause.
    -126 billion dollars of your itemizing are repeats. For example, the 90 billion in welfare mentioned includes all of the info listed before it. It isn't a seperate amount.

    -200 Billion in lost wages is an estimate and an opinion. There is no verifiable way to determine the actual dollar amount. Pro immigration groups claim it is too high, anti immigration groups claim it is too low. It is all opinion, not fact.

    By the way when I attempted to log on to some of the verifying info, the documents were either not in existance or the addresses didn't match. Could you update the articles, I would be interested in actually reading them.

  117. I also checked out most of the links and some of them are valid and the information contained within is astonishing. Some of the links did not work properly and I had to search even deeper to find the correct information.
    I am sure some of the information is inflated, but either way even $1 going to anything regarding illegal aliens(undocumented immigrants) is too much with our economy the way it is. Even if our economy was as strong as it was a few years ago I would NOT support any of the US services to provide for them.
    If we were to go to another country illegally we would be deported or even tortured. We would surely not be given food, money, medical services, etc.

  118. "If we were to go to another country illegally we would be deported or even tortured. We would surely not be given food, money, medical services, etc."

    Funny you mentioned this, over the past several years one of my neighbors fled to Canada temporarily to live with an aunt so he could obtain free medicare. A childhood friends daughter fled to France to obtain a free college education and millions of Americans flee to Baja California, Mexico for prescription drugs. So what was your point again???

  119. millions of Americans flee to Baja California, Mexico for prescription drugs. So what was your point again???

    They go to Mexico and pay for the drugs. Mexico does not give it away for free. Do you think there are 12 to 20 million going to Canada to get free medical??? Do you think there are 12 to 20 million heading over to France for free education??? No. If we could get our immigration problem under control by only a few simple steps (no welfare, food stamps, education, and have hospitals call immigration officials after they treat someone) then it would be an acceptable loses to have a few thousand sneak around the system and get education and medical.
    You should not compare our compassion toward the rest of the world because there isn't another country that can compare to the amount of aid and assistance we Americans put out every day



  122. No division here. In order to make every community in the United States a better place we need to get ALL Illegals out of the United States.

  123. When Europeans came over here in the 1600s/1700s, English was not the predominant language. Remember, there were colonies that spoke Dutch, Spanish, French, Portuguese. England swallowed the other colonies. That is when English became the accepted language of the US.

    It has been that way for hundreds of years. For hundreds of years, immigrants knew if they wanted to come here, they must learn English.

    Why is it different now? The American dollar is the standard of all money. English is spoken on every continent. I think if people come here there is no excuse not to learn English.

    Most immigrants I have talked to agree. (Even the illegal ones)

  124. A Mexican, an Arab, and a redneck girl are in the same bar.

    When the Mexican finishes his beer, he throws his glass in the air, pulls
    out his pistol, and shoots the glass to pieces.. He says, 'In Mexico , our
    glasses are so cheap we don't need to drink with the same one twice.'

    The Arab, obviously impressed by this, drinks his beer, throws it into the
    air, pulls out his AK-47, and shoots the glass to pieces. He says, 'In the
    Arab World, we have so much sand to make glasses that we don't need to drink with the same one twice either.'

    The redneck girl, cool as a cucumber, picks up her beer, downs it in one
    gulp, throws the glass into the air, whips out her 45, and shoots the
    Mexican and the Arab. Catching her glass, setting it on the bar, and calling for a refill, she says,

    'In America we have so many illegal aliens that we don't have to drink with the same ones twice.'
    ' God Bless America '


    Ok lets blog about all the free time Americans have now that an illegal has taken their jobs, or we can blog about all the community togetherness we can have sitting in an emergency room for hours and hours full of non English speaking illegal’s, or lets blog about all the freedoms that criminals get when they are let out early because of the overcrowding of our prisons due to incarcerated illegal’s, (violent and non violent). This country and this community have issues and if we ignore them then they get worse. If you can’t add to the conversation then don’t say anything at all.

  126. "The day workers that you see looking for work aren't the ones that we should worry about. These guys aren't mowing lawns in the morning and gang banging in the night. Get a clue people."

    Wait I have a clue! If they weren't here, I could do some of that work! I'M UNEMPLOYED! Will you hire a white guy to do your landscaping? I won't ask any more money than you pay them, and I'll speak perfect English, er "American" to you. What do you say?

    And, YES, I'm serious. I have a mortgage and taxes to pay this month, and chronic health issues in my family to attend to...

  127. Ok lets blog about all the free time Americans have now that an illegal has taken their jobs.


  128. In order to make every community in the United States a better place we need to get ALL Illegals out of the United States.


  129. Wow You Menifee folk are so ignorant I'm sure glad I don't live in your town.

  130. Throw them an ice cream and call msjc police. Chief Segawa will come and deport them immediately!

    He loves his ice cream.

  131. You people make me laugh, you self-righteous idiots who have nothing else to do but to blame your failures on someone else...

    You people of European descent who are racists have to get a grip of reality and stop this "illegal immigrants" nonsense now. Educate yourselves out of the mainstream media and outside of what you learned in high school. You should look into the reality of illegal European immigration onto our continent that has been going on since 1492 and look into your sense of justice, sense of truth, sense of logic, or even your own Judeo-Christian ethics to see how wrong you are in your attack on the people of Mexico and "Central America" that have migrated into the United States.

    Look at the faces of these so-called "illegals" and you will see Nican Tlaca (falsely called "Indian") faces. These are not European faces. These are the faces of the true owners of this continent, the people whose land you are occupying. You cannot corral us into areas that you "border off" so that we cannot migrate on our own lands, on our own continent. By any culture's standards, that is wrong.

    The only real illegals on this continent are the Europeans who forced themselves onto our continent with violence, lies, slavery, genocide, and countless other crimes. If you really are ethical-moral Judeo-Christian people, look at your history on our continent before you pass more white supremacist laws or before you call any of our people "illegal".

    1930 MEXICAN REPATRIATION ACT (deporting US citizens because they were part mexican)
    1942-1964 BRACERO PROGRAM (work here, but don't stay here..)

    NEED I SAY MORE?????


    So you feel that getting an "EDUCATION" will solve the problem. You have to be the most ignorant person to have blogged of this topic. This country was built on the backs of hard working Americans. Men and women that were and are better with their hand then with their minds. You have the nerve to insult them the construction worker, the brick layer, the Plummer, the electrician, the auto mechanic, and on and on. I pity you and your pathetic out look, that knowing how to identify a noun and a pronoun or knowing how to bisect an isosceles triangle. Is the best way to keep law breakers from taking jobs away from the new generation of Americans that will rebuild our great nation? Please leave, this country does not need your ignorance and signal sided views. Did you add the conversation? No you degraded it.

  133. You people of European descent who are racists have to get a grip of reality and stop this "illegal immigrants" nonsense now

    If you feel the need to toss blame towards people that lived hundreds of years ago be my guest I bet they don't care. However let’s talk about the past. Years ago people used to walk around naked, and had arranged marriages, and openly had sex with kids. As a society we have moved on a made laws that need to be followed. So you can understand I will try to put this as simple as I can. (THIS IS NOT ABOUT RACE IT IS ABOUT LEGAL AND ILLEGAL AND THAT IS IT!!!!!)



  135. First you need to get YOUR facts straight all you need is one person as a supervisor or foreman to have a license and the rest of the workers can work under his license.

    Maybe we should turn to our history books and point out to people why today's American is not willing to accept this new kind of immigrant any longer. Back in 1900 when there was a rush from all areas of Europe to come to the United States, people had to get off a ship and stand in a long line in New York and be documented. Some would even get down on their hands and knees and kiss the ground. They made a pledge to uphold the laws and support their new country in good and bad times. They made learning English a primary rule in their new American households and some even changed their names to blend in with their new home.
    They had waved good bye to their birth place to give their children a new life and did everything in their power to help their children assimilate into one culture.

    Nothing was handed to them. No free lunches, no welfare, no labor laws to protect them. All they had were the skills and craftsmanship they had brought with them to trade for a future of prosperity. Most of their children came of age when World War II broke out. My father fought along side men whose parents had come straight over from Germany, Italy, France, and Japan. None of these 1st generation Americans ever gave any thought about what country their parents had come from. They were Americans fighting Hitler, Mussolini and the Emperor of Japan. They were defending the United States of America as one people. When we liberated France, no one in those villages were looking for the French-American or the German American or the Irish American. The people of France saw only Americans. And we carried one flag that represented one country. Not one of those immigrant sons would have thought about picking up another country's flag and waving it to represent who they were. It would have been a disgrace to their parents who had sacrificed so much to be here. These immigrants truly knew what it meant to be an American. They stirred the melting pot into one red, white and blue bowl.

    And here we are in 2007 with a new kind of immigrant who wants the same rights and privileges. Only they want to achieve it by playing with a different set of rules, one that includes the entitlement card and a guarantee of being faithful to their mother country. I'm sorry, that's not what being an American is all about. I believe that the immigrants who landed on Ellis Island in the early 1900s deserve better than that for all the toil, hard work and sacrifice in raising future generations to create a land that has become a beacon for those legally searching for a better life. I think they would be appalled that they are being used as an example by those waving foreign country flags.



  137. What kind of a society do we live in where people posting such nonsense as the "juan" posts and "deport the wetbacks back to mexico" posts are so well accepted while posts about education and educating ourselves are "ignorant"? I totally agree education is important, it will not solve all problems but it will make life a heck of alot easier especially in times like these.

  138. Education is important and no one said it wasn't I simply wanted to tell a few people that clamed that education is the cure all are wrong. It just seems that people that are for illegal immigration can only call their opposition "racist or Hate mongers" to name a few. I would like someone to prove to me that illegal immigrants as a whole contribute more money to society then they consume. So far the groups that are opposed illegal immigration have shown that illegal immigrants take far more then they contribute.


  140. What are you talking about you have not once stated your opinion. All you’ve done is tell every one to get an education. Of Corse we should all tell our elected officials. However we as a community need to discuss the issue as well and not just label it as on thing or another. I am strongly against illegal immigration. For eighteen years I worked in a field that afforded me to live very comfortable and my position was filled by an illegal for a third of the cost, under the table so there aren’t any taxes being put into the system his 5 kids go to the same school as my kids and only one of them speaks English. Now tell me where, as an American citizen I earned the right to be treated like this. I’m tired of our government putting the interest of non Americans before the interests of Americans.


  142. Here's an idea...Let's open the borders and let them all cross over into America. As soon as they're all here, let's pack up our stuff in the middle of the night and all move to Mexico. When we're sure that we have all crossed the border, close the gates and lock them! Let the Mexicans have the U.S.A. While we are building up Mexico into a nice place to live, they will turn America into a trash heap in no time as they did with Mexico. When they all come banging on the gates to get back into Mexico....Oh well, too bad!! PEACE OUT!!


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