Romoland MAC Meeting - March 4, 2009
The Romoland/Homeland Municipal Advisory Council meets this Wednesday, March 4, 2009, 6:00pm, at the Eastern Municipal Water District, 2270 ...
The Romoland/Homeland Municipal Advisory Council meets this Wednesday, March 4, 2009, 6:00pm, at the Eastern Municipal Water District, 2270 Trumble Road, Perris, CA 92572-8300.
I don't believe the Romoland MAC's area of representation includes the City of Menifee, however, it's likely the City will incorporate the rest of Romoland, and perhaps parts of Homeland, Winchester, etc., into its future sphere of influence.
The MAC has experienced dwindling turn outs, and is calling on residents to attend.
Below is a copy of the agenda...
I don't believe the Romoland MAC's area of representation includes the City of Menifee, however, it's likely the City will incorporate the rest of Romoland, and perhaps parts of Homeland, Winchester, etc., into its future sphere of influence.
The MAC has experienced dwindling turn outs, and is calling on residents to attend.
Below is a copy of the agenda...
1. Call to Order
2. Pledge of Allegiance
3. Roll Call and Introductions
4. Approval of Agenda/Minutes
5. New Business
a. Discussion with City of Menifee
6. Staff Reports- County Supervisor or Representative-Updates
a. Homeless Update
b. Off-road park at Juniper Flats Update
7. Public Comments:
All persons wishing to address the Council on matters not on the agenda should do so at this time. Please limit your remarks to three (3) minutes. As determined by the chair, speakers may be deferred until a related agenda item is before the Council’s consideration. Please state name and address.
8. Items for future Agenda
a. Metrolink
b. Community Center
9. Announcements:
Next Meeting Date: April 1, 2009
10. Adjournment
***Further questions or comments please contact:
Brenda Salas, 951.955.6046 or email:
WHO CARES? Let perris have there problems!
ReplyDeleteThat's nice! Nobody cares what we in Romoland Want anyway, otherwise we wouldn't be "Menifee" now without the perks. I wish menifee would go to hell and leave us alone, and thatnks to thos Jack ***es who live in Heritage Lake, that is no longer a reality, Menifee didn't pay for the schools their children attend And if menifee thinks Perris is gonna give them that brand new high school then Menifee is really run by a bunch of idiots, as I suspected>
ReplyDeleteWow. Truly a comment worth deleting, if ever there was one. Well, I'm one of the Heritage Lake "residents" (yes, we call ourselves this instead of the term you used rather carelessly) who voted for cityhood. Most of us Heritage Lake residents came from a half mile down the road - that little town of a lifetime known as Menifee. We'd like to continue the tradition here as well.
ReplyDeleteTO POST That's nice! Nobody cares what we in Romoland Want anyway, otherwise we wouldn't be "Menifee" now without the perks. I wish menifee would go to hell and leave us alone, and thatnks to thos Jack ***es who live in Heritage Lake, that is no longer a reality, Menifee didn't pay for the schools their children attend And if menifee thinks Perris is gonna give them that brand new high school then Menifee is really run by a bunch of idiots, as I suspected>
ReplyDeleteLOL you are way to funny. keep cooking your METH eventually you will get arrested....
Now if Heritage Lake residents could get all of Romoland/Homeland and Perris students out of their school maybe it will be as good or better than any Menifee school.
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteThis hateful and racist posting should stop????
ReplyDeleteWhere is the racism? sterotyping perhaps...
I agree menifee has increased the standard!! Romoland should be happy and thankfull
Where are the racist comments? I didnt read any.
ReplyDeleteMr. Gould, your biased because the state of the school district rests with you and the others on the board. Sure tests scores are improving in the district, no thanks to you, its the teachers and students themselves that reach for new heights, but dont compare the schools to local schools in the area because you should be striving for the high expectations for all students like Murrieta and Temecula. And dont tell me its the demographics because then you would be racists.
RSD has raised API scores every year for the past few years at each school and the district has set high goals for the future. I believe the future is bright for our students and our staff. I am proud of the staff and the dedication they have to the kids and I am honored to be a part of the Board.
ReplyDeleteBill Gould
Why don't you h-lakers go back up half mile and stay in menifee-- we were out here to get away from you people with your little suburban houses and all the rest of the city BS that comes here with you. And for your info, we don't have Meth labs here, that's a half mile up the other direction in HOMELAND, get your facts straight!!! It's people like you and your traffic and your starbucks and whatever else will eventually end up here now that you are, that kills the quiet simple RURAL life we came out here to live. Why should we care about you anyway, I have seen your type. The people that come out and buy an acre of land (next to someone with horses) bitch about the horses and let your properties grow weeds and bring down our property values, or in your paticular case, buy one of sevnty-five house built on an acre. You live so close to your neighbors over there, I bet you can hear them through the walls!
ReplyDeleteto post March 06, 2009 8:40 AM
ReplyDeleteAre you serious? Are we in the 1920's and crying about homesteading? Get a life. You should thank use for bringing you indoor plumbing, electricity, and the internet!
Your comments are that of a hermit who rolls around in horse manure! when city get big they expand. deal with it. if u don't want to move to homoland or anza.
btw don't come into our town to use any of the markets or gas stations....we don't need your poison money
Okay lets point out a takes ALL kinds to make a community. "The circle of life." Or did any of us idiots not learn from the the wheels of a bike have spokes and each spoke represents a person place thing and if one is missing it disrupts the performance and the integrity of the wheel. Everyone represents a spoke of the wheel in our community (ALL of our neighbors!)
ReplyDeleteMs. C.
Here's an idea, why don't you go build your stupid tract homes in anza? Romoland ha sbeen sitting here unbothered for YEARS and menifee thinks it has the right to just move in and take over??? How about if I move to one of those little tract homes and put my horses in MY backyard, OH NO that is against the law. This whole annexation of Romoland just STINKS of Menifee trying to increase it's income and spend it in menifee, I don't see the rushing over here to pave streets or make other improvents to it's "Newly "stolen"territories" which will be the case until you all decided how many tacts homes you can build on my block(which now only contains 14 homes, hell you guys could fit about thirty homes here. I just think that The "City" of menifee has a responsiblity to the people in it's sphere of influence to not force free people to do things they don't want to do. All we have seen so far is a bunch of complaining by a band of idiots who bought houses in Heritage Lake in ROMOLAND and decided they wished they had moved to menifee instead, who's the victim here? We in the real Romoland are not a bunch of "Fing" hicks like you people imply, we just like our life and our community and wanted to be left alone. H lakers have done nothing but complain about our community, our schools, ect... so why didn't they just move out. We moved here for exactly the reason we are here, We did not expect Romoland to change to conform to our personal desires, Hell, I'd really like to have a ten acre ranch in the middle of Arcadia right next to the beach, but that's not going to happen, so If you move into a rural area why should the area change to conform to what YOU want.
ReplyDeleteP.s. I know who posted the firdt comments about Romoland and She doesn't do meth or smoke crack, she moved out here to get away from Orange County and the growth and let's try to remember that among us are a few Native Californians who remember California when it was nice, peaceful and safe(a lot of rural areas, farms , ranches and the rest of the stuff that the steady influx of Non Natives bring)
I am a lifelong California resident, I live in Heritage Lakes and my children go to Romoland schools and the last comment just appalls me. Your labeling of me, my family and my neighbors as 'a band if idiots' is no better than an earlier post that was rude. Grow up for Heavens sake!
ReplyDeleteto above post:
ReplyDelete"P.s. I know who posted the firdt comments about Romoland and She doesn't do meth or smoke crack, she moved out here to get away from Orange County and the growth and let's try to remember that among us are a few Native Californians who remember California when it was nice, peaceful and safe(a lot of rural areas, farms , ranches and the rest of the stuff that the steady influx of Non Natives bring)"
NATIVE does not mean a thing. Do you have a special birth right? I checked my birth cert and it just says State of Ca...nothing more nothing less. Come on and grow up
I'm having a difficult time here. Not because of the content of the story and the arguments presented in the comments. The difficulty I'm having is trying to decipher what in God's name is that "h-lakers" hater of March 6 and March 14 is trying to say. His writing is atrocious!
ReplyDeleteIf he's an example of what Romoland schools had to offer in past years, we should thank our lucky stars that the Menifee/Heritage Lake influence has come to the rescue!
Didn't one of the spelling bee champs from last year come from Romoland SD??
ReplyDeleteYes we have a lot of students here in Romoland who are very smart. Being raised I assume "by crack smoking methheads" who do not live in Heritage Lakes. You must forgive my neighbors, most of them have horses and value their way of life. When housing tracts come in our riding areas disappear, people complain about the sounds and smells of nature and we often get run down by boys on thier "toys" because they ride their motorclycles in the same areas where we ride our horses, which is fine, we can share, but they need to be taught some courtesy when approaching people on horseback, instead of running them down.
ReplyDeleteNow you complain about our schools, yet now that you are "menifee" you tax dollars go to school that your children can't attend instead of going to the schools your children actually attend. You who voted to be annexed by menifee are to blame for the "poor" quality of our schools, simply because you need a fancy name in your return address? Let me tell you too that I don't think the election was run completely fair, I don't think alot of residents here in Romoland even knew that hertitage lake would be voting us out of our status as Romoland, I myself didn't find out until the last minute and had to run up to cast my "NO" vote. Since we have been forced to become menifee I have seen no changes(positive), only menifee police staking out Hwy 74 to increase ticket revenue to the city of menifee and code enforcement harassing people on corners again to increase menifee's take. Not to mention all the vacant forclosed tract homes that sit vacant and prove to be blights within the community, and the obnoxious children who leave the high school at 70 mph heading down the dirt road towards menifee, which I notice they don't do over there after school at Paloma...
Leave them Romoland people alone, they are angry because they feel threatened, by menifee and it's housing tracts and overbuilding and poor city planning, and by rights they should be. Anyone tried to get from Ralphs to Target at 5 pm lately, I rest my case.
Steve, do you know who Jeff Stone appointed to the Romoland/Homeland M.A.C
ReplyDeleteAs far as I know all people sitting on the Romoland/Homeland M.A.C were appointed by Marion Ashley.
I found this on Jeff Stones website:
Menifee Municipal Advisory Council (MAC) Quarterly Meetings, 4th Wednesday of the month@
7:00 pm at the Kay Ceniceros Senior Center, 29995 Evans Road, Sun City 92586
Has that M.A.C been dissolved? or do they still meet the 4th Wednesday of the month
This is a gray area in local government. Like the 'purple blob' commented on in the Riverside County General Plan
The MAC is still needed to represent the areas of Romoland not incorporated into Menifee.
ReplyDeleteCurrently seated are:
Matt Ransom, Kathi Wood, Fred Huscher, Bob Gibbons, Mary Yost
They meet 1st Wednesday of the month at Eastern Municipal Water District.
What happened to the Menifee M.A.C?
ReplyDeleteWhat happened to those appointed board members? Did Menifee create their own redevelopment agency. Why are people living in The city of Menifee sitting on the Romoland/Homeland M.A.C which is for the unincorporated area.
purple blob syndrome?
The MAC is used to represent unincorporated areas, and provide feedback to the county supervisor. But since Menifee became a city, it's no longer under control of the county. Hence, no need for a MAC.
ReplyDeletesince "there is no need for a MAC, who is representing all the people forced to be included in Menifee's sphere of influence, by way of the crooked voting that allowed menifee to take over parts of Romoland?" It is obvious to me that the voting took place with mainly Heritage Lake residents doing most of the voting, because I know I spent a better part of that afternoon calling people at the ast minute to go up and vote "NO" on incorperating into menifee and most of the people had no idea that was even on the table. The whole affair has left really bad feelings for some towards menifee and I will continue to use Romoland as my address although according to some I am forced to be residing in menifee now. My property was bought (and paid for) in Romoland and I don't like to think my taxes will be now going to found the crooked BS that goes on in menifee. I have checked out your "menifee24-7" website and I see nothing more than a very divided community where residents are largely ignored and the community well being comes second to building more shopping centers and tract homes, and how many vacant and forclosed homes does it take for menifee to consider itself a sucess? Like many others I have seen some improvement in some areas and very little in others, I too see that code enforcement cruises Romoland looking to cite violators, I would assume to incease revenue for menifee, yet I don't see menifee over here trying to improve anything in the areas of Romoland which they took over, I also hear alot of complaining about our schools, which hopefully won't EVER fall under control of the musd, as my children attended school in menifee and it was no better and in some ways worse than the education they get here in Romoland. I share my neighbors sentiments about the ludicrous way the whole ordeal has taken place and I think that to take over parts of an area that was fine without menifee, just to appease a bunch of snobs over in heritage lake seems like a stupid move on menifee's part, unless they plan to come and kick us all off our properties and build more tact homes so they can what? be Temecula or Murrieta?