Shut Down the MSJC Police Department

With our state in ever-increasing debt, which you can argue is putting pressure on K-14 district budgets, maybe it's time to shut down t...

With our state in ever-increasing debt, which you can argue is putting pressure on K-14 district budgets, maybe it's time to shut down the MSJC Police, and convert it into a campus security unit.

City of Menifee now has its own police force.

Perhaps MSJC Board of Trustees can send a letter to Ahnold that money is being wasted here.


Police 9088994508137135626

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  1. I'm sorta lost here. I thought the MSJC 'are' only for campus security. Does the county or Menifee City pay them anything? The college pays them to protect their campus, but for far too long the rest of us in the area have been exposed to their 'Barney-Fife' ways on streets OFF campus. Their reputation is an embarrasment to MSJC, much less having them considered as a valid force off campus. With their tarnished image, which continues to rot their existence, MSJC Board needs to be ashamed...unless they too are of the same caliber. BOTTOM LINE: The citizens couldn't agree with you more Steve.

  2. Not only should the police department be shut down, an independent law enforcement agency needs to investigate the Board of Trustee and the police department leadership. Not sure is you have seen this website, amazing stuff.

  3. Steve...Why did you open this can of worms? You know that there is a lawsuit pending and this will only fan the fire!

  4. This is a dead horse....

  5. I think the lawsuit speaks for itself. This money pit of a police department must go. Thanks for keeping us informed Steve, I had no clue what was going on at the college. Very eye opening.

  6. what area do they cover besides the college?

  7. This is an excellent point, Steve. Converting to campus security or contracting with the Sheriff's dept for police services are two options that would save the district money.

  8. I couldn't agree more. I am sick and tired of hearing about how this department has cast a bad light on law enforcment. We have a new city and a new, stronger, presence from the sheriff's department. Steve is roght, save evryone money and close this place down.

  9. the only people who do not think the services of MSJC police to the city of menifee are embarASSing are the MSJC cookie cops!

  10. Steve, I for one commend you for finally bringing this tragic, albeit compelling, story to your readers. The thing that really concerns me most is the fact that Chief Kevin Segawa, unlike other public officials in the past, has never publically denied any of the allegations made against him and his department.

    I recognize that he is not a (former) Sheriff Corona, but any reasonable and prudent person would have asked the Press Enterprise or Valley News or you for an interview where he could state his position. The suspicious thing is that he is hiding behind the "there is a lawsuit pending" or "there is an internal investigation pending" veil of secrecy. As I'm sure most would agree, someone who has nothing to hide and was being accused of such reprehensible acts would stand up and fight.

    I wonder where this "pending investigation" was when his corporal was (allegedly) having sex on duty and threatening his subordinates. I wonder where the "pending investigation" was when one of his officers (allegedly) attacked another officer and then the victim officer was later fired.

    I have followed this story from the beginning, Steve, and agree with the general consensus: CLOSE MSJC PD. I do, however, have one other recommendation: have a federal agency do an audit of Kevin Segawa and the MSJC PD. I shudder to think what will be discovered, Steve. But my gut instincts tells me that something is coming and it’s not good for Kevin Segawa, the MSJC and the reputation of the higher ups at the college (the BOT, HR and college President Roger Shultz).

    What some of your posters are failing to understand, Steve, is that regardless of the fact that the MSJC “Police Officers” are only security guards, they violated the public / student trust. We entrust the safety of our sons and daughters to them each and every time they attend a class at the MSJC. So to downplay the seriousness of the allegations simply because these guys/gals are not real cops is not only foolish, but irresponsible.

  11. Anonymous February 15, 2009 8:37 PM.
    How dare you blame Steve for "opening this can of worms" and pointing a finger at him. Shame on you.
    Steve is absolutely right on this one, we as taxpayers in the city, should not be paying for this department even without lawsuit that you mention.
    The city has the Sheriff's department now.

  12. Steve or anyone in the know, all I can say is OMG! I live in the Lakes and would see the MSJC cops in my area. I really did not think much of it as we really are not that far from the campus.

    After reading the lawsuit website I am really disgusted as to whats going on over there. I also had no idea there were so many problems with such a tiny police department.

    After reading what the police chief did to the employee he arrested I started to cry. These things are not supposed to happen! I noticed on the web site the college has not requested any outside police agency to investigate. Does anyone on here know why?

    I love this site Steve, you bring so many things to the public eye that many of us here in Menifee never hear about. None of my neighbors knew, they do know, and many of them are know viewing this site! Keep up the good work!

  13. This is a great idea, Those officers have pulled some stupid stuff over the past few years. They dont even pay attention to their own campus. When I attended MSJC i park on campus without a parking pass because I knew they never check (had some insight that they check once a semester) and they are to busy harassing the neighborhood. Like telling my sister her lights on her car were not on... at 5pm when the sun was still in the sky...

  14. Time for a Change, MSJC Yahoo Police department do not handle violations on the campus, where campus police would be foot and patrol soldiers. More visible other riding around Menifee in their new cars. I saw a MSJC PD in the old Target Parking lot at Christmas with 3 guys sitting on the curb and he was searching their car...The school was closed. Why in the hell is over there..Get rid of wasteful spending we are paying for a Police Department in Menifee..The school can ease tuition by sending Barney and Friends down the road. Thanks Steve it was timely and appreciated.

  15. Here is a question to all of you. Why are you refusing additional police services? True MSJC does not respond to 911 calls in Menifee, but if they are patrolling an "area" does it not make it safer?

    Maybe the dept. needs serious restructure not elimination. How many of you would be irritated if RSO was busy on a "routine" call and could not respond as timely? I say restructure and allow them to patrol the campus and surrounding area. If done correctly it benefits all who live in that part of Menifee.

    Maybe efforts to correct this should be redirected to the MSJC Board staff in San Jacinto. Hey the city of Menifee could lead that charge.

  16. A restructure may not be a bad idea as the more police presence the better. But looking at the lawsuit website and now seeing whats going on, I do not want those officers patrolling my neighborhood. What that police chief has done is disgusting and he should not be in any power position within this city or any other.

    If the college cops are really costing the district one million dollars, it needs to closed. Students would be much better served with that money going to classes and buildings. How much is this lawsuit going to cost the college and really the local taxpayers like you and me? If there was one plaintiff I could see this lawsuit being retaliation. But with four plaintiffs there has to be somthing to this and its surely going to cost a lot of money even to defend it.

    I was in a car accident a few months ago and I could not find an attorney to take me as a client on a contingency. They wanted money up front, which I did not have, and I thought I had a good case. I would like to know if these former cops are paying their attorney or if the lawyer took the case with no upfront money. This would be a great indication of how strong a case they really have.

  17. First of all, I agree. They shouldn't be there. They're a bunch of power hungry idiots who love to pull over anybody they can just for their own entertainment. Any of them I've dealt with, never resulting in any tickets - it was always a bullshit reason as to why me or any of my friends were pulled over - are pricks.

    However, last time I checked, they aren't just MSJC police. Most colleges who have actual police departments, are state cops. State cops have a specific jurisdiction - the entire state of California. Unlike a 'specified county' Sheriff's department, or 'specified city' police department, they can pull over/ticket anybody in the entire state, not just on/around campus.

  18. POST certification is valid in all of CA. Jurisdiction is not what you think.

  19. This is a STUPID thread while a legal filing is being pursued.

  20. I am not sure how this is a STUPID thread. The citizens of Menifee should have a say in how their tax money is spent. This website has nothing to do with the lawsuit so bringing to light the fact the college is wasting a bunch of money is not STUPID.

    Thanks again Steve for keeping all of us informed, I was outraged when I read how my money is being spent.

  21. I posted this article under the context of California having such severe budget problems, that it's causing our schools and colleges to suffer.

    I'm sure the governor has looked at college police departments all over the State, but I don't know if he's aware that those of us in Menifee don't need the MSJC Police anymore.

    Maybe someone at the governor's office should look at the campus police departments of all state colleges and decide if they truly are necessary, or if the city police/county sheriff is sufficient.

  22. To: Anonymous, at February 16, 2009 2:00 PM,

    All POST certified law enforcement agencies have jurisdiction in the entire state of California. This means Sheriff's, local police, colleges and all other schools.

    That means they have the authority to enforce the law anywhere.

    So, the scary part is, even though there are serious allegations pending, they are still allowed to patrol and work in the entire state of California.

    That is why this is a relevant and important discussion.

  23. First, I want to say that the people who say that this is a ridiculous thread should stop coming to this site. Obviously you don't care about Menifee.

    Next, this "rent a cop" agency needs to be shut down, not restructured... SHUT DOWN!!!! These police officers have no morals and can't be trusted with the people of Menifee! We deserve better! Look what they did to that poor lady. That could be any one of us! They are not protecting any of us! Restructuring should not be an option either. The corruption at MSJC is part of the problem!!! There is NOTHING good about keeping this agency intacted. The bottom line is we are paying for the services of these crooks!

    Lastly, we as a community should be protesting the fact that this is going on! THIS IS HORRIBLE!!!We should all meet at Wheatfield Park, call the news and protest this mess!!!


  24. As with the thousand-post-threads on Menifee Live and other sites that were shut down, the issue of whether MSJC has a PD or not is not really a 'community issue'. It is an internal personnel and organizational decision by MSJC...not yours!

    The jurisdiction of the campus police is 'on campus'. They extend their patrol perimeter by one mile to create a 'safe zone' around the campus. They work in cooperation with Menifee PD (formerly Sheriff's Department). This is all legal and in accordance with California laws.

    I am an advocate for the MSCJC PD and I hope they remain in place for the safety and security of the campus and the communities that surround the campus. I also cannot wait for the day when that department is completely exonerated by the lame legal filing that is hanging over their heads like a dark cloud.

    As evidenced by yet another string of posts that are starting to get out of hand (just like on others sites), it is my fond hope that the MSJC PD and it's current officers be found not guilty of any wrongdoing.

    Only then will these short sighted, uninformed and lame postings by former officers, friends of former officers and family of former officers stop.

    Get over it.... your were FIRED during your probabtionary periods! Letting you go during a probationary period is a managerial right and can be done without justification, provocation or cause of any kind.

  25. To the poster 2/16 at 8:45. Very well said. I am amazed that people here are doing the same thing you all state MSJC PD is doing. You all are making judgement and harassing individuals of this department on websites like this.

    I thought our justice system is made up of a innocent until proven guilty concept? What happened to that? Did it go away because we are a city?

    If the allegations are proven true in a court of law not the Menifee Kangaroo Court then yes something needs to be done. But let the process play out first, then complain if nothing is done.

    I neither support or dis-approve of the MSJC PD and will not until the case is final.

  26. I am not a former officer or a friend. Maybe you are... you come on this site as anonymous instead of posting your name.

    This is actually the first that I have heard of this issue and it really bothers me! I also looked at all of the information regarding the allegations on another website and it is just wrong! How about addressing the issues vs. being defensive and thinking that the people on here are former officers. We are CONCERNED Menifee residents! These are SERIOUS issues that deserve answers!!!

  27. I would be willing to betthat the 8:45 pm poster was someone from the msjc police department.

    what a joke.

  28. I also went to the web page.I have to say I am in awe and find it hard to believe the college needs to spend one million of our tax dollars to operate such a small police department.

    What really has me fuming is reading how the police chief offered an officer a new police motorcycle if he impounded 100 cars! I had my vehicle towed by the MSJC cops for expired registration and now I find out the officers were having some sort of contest!!!!!!! What was second place a set of steak knives! What the heck is going on over there!

    Then I read about an employee getting arrested and forced to resign or be taken to jail! This could have been any of us! So if the campus cops dont get what they want they threaten you with jail? There has to be some law against that!

    I hope someone is looking into this place. I am sure we the tax payers are going to be the ones who get screwed though.

  29. to Anonymous, at February 16, 2009 8:45 PM

    The MSJC police by and large have to exercise reasonable judgment by treating every person they encounter as a criminal. Innocent until proven guilty never crosses their minds when they strongarm the people of this city under the guise of legal technicality or petty crimes.

    Likewise, expect no such courtesies from the people as they rise up against your tyranny and misconduct.

    Throw them all out!

  30. I would be willing to betthat the 8:45 pm poster was someone from the msjc police department.

    what a joke.

    By Anonymous, at February 16, 2009 9:25 PM

    That 0845 post was so much MSJC police. To bad we can't vote on it! however; city council would say we were not informed and try to re-count it anyways.

  31. Amen! That 8:45 poster was probably chief Segawa.
    The claim of “these are disgruntled probationary employees” doesn’t apply anymore. Maybe people would believe that if it were just one officer. Now there are four and a civilian. According to the report, the civilian employee worked at msjc for about 6 years. She was off of probation.

    How does anyone justify everything that has happened at the college? The entire place is a mess.

    Steve is right. SHUT IT DOWN!

  32. I am glad to see I am not the only one who is disturbed by all this. I am very uncomfortable with the college cops now patrolling anywhere near my home.

    I thinks as citizens of Menifee, we should start a petition to present to our city council to take action against the college district. How many others have had their cars impounded as part of the college police departments contest?

    Anyone who is interested please email me at:

  33. Dear: Anonymous, at February 16, 2009 8:45 PM

    It is quite clear that this poster is Segawa. But that aside, let’s examine what you wrote:

    1) You said- "...the issue of whether MSJC has a PD or not is not really a 'community issue'. It is an internal personnel and organizational decision by MSJC...not yours!"

    What do you mean it's not a community issue? It strikes me funny at how quickly you (and your "police department") are so willing to be part of our "community" when it involves shaking hands at community events like the City of Menifee Town Hall Meetings and the welcome home celebration for our wounded war hero -Jessie De La Cruz (just to name a few). However, when it involves answering for [alleged] wrongdoings you want nothing to do with our "community." Furthermore, your 'safety zone' is in our community so you and your department ARE OUR ISSUE and should CONCERN us. To think otherwise is absolute absurdity and grossly irresponsible...there is no doubt about that.

    2) You said- "Get over it.... your were FIRED during your probationary periods! Letting you go during a probationary period is a managerial right and can be done without justification, provocation or cause of any kind."

    Of course these officers are not just going to 'get over it' since you saw fit to fire them (allegedly) wrongfully; and at the worst possible time- during what may eventually become one of the worst economic and unemployment time periods in US history. Who could or would just ‘get over it.’ Why wouldn’t these officers muster any and all the fight within themselves? I know I would! And so would you and every other reader/poster on this blog. I'm sure they have families to feed just like you.

    Also, you could not be further from the truth about probationary employees. Yes, probationary employees can be dismissed without cause-You are correct! However, when you say 'cause of any kind' you are completely wrong. That is NOT the case when it comes to WHISTLEBLOWER law.

    What you and the MSJC upper echelon have lost sight of is the fact that all of the involved officers were attempting to report (alleged) UNETHICAL / IMMORAL and ILLLEGAL behavior by you and your corporal (Medina) at the time they were fired (on probation). The law is VERY CLEAR in this area: the fired probationary officers CANNOT be fired (on probation or not) for trying to report these (alleged) acts...THATS THE LAW!

    Here is a free tidbit of extra info for you and your team of lawyers: even if the (alleged) unethical/illegal/immoral acts that these fired officers were trying to report are later proven to have not occurred, THEY STILL CANNOT BE FIRED. Again...THAT’S THE LAW.

    Perhaps you have been ill-advised by your second batch of attorneys (according to newspaper reports) and should look to retain the services of your third.

    I think it's also very telling that Ann Motte, who is on the Board of Trustees for MSJC, is not supporting Segawa and is calling for an 'independent investigation' into all these allegations.

    A common theme that seems to be peering it’s ugly head on this and other blogs is that ALL of the officers at the MSJC PD (including the fired officers) are bad apples. I don’t know all the facts, but it seems to me that at the very least (according to the amended lawsuit complaint I read on the fired officers were reporting (or attempting to report) misconduct by Segawa and Medina.

    Lest we forget that we have three separate issues here: 1) were these former officers fired LEAGALLY? The fact that some of us may like or dislike the officers personally, like or dislike law enforcement in general, like of dislike the manner in which the MSJC PD operates (i.e. driving off campus) is irrelevant. 2) Should the citizens of Menifee (and San Jacinto) lobby our local politicians in an effort to remove the MSJC from our midst? 3) Is Segawa the (allegedly) unethical and criminal (i.e. Robbing and kidnapping the ice cream vendor at gunpoint then distributing the ice-cream to friends/neighbors, coercing statements from Tomorrow Horton) person that he is being made out to be?

    While all of these questions are extremely serious and need to be examined very methodically, they also need to be done so one at a time.

    Those are my two cents.

  34. I am the poster from 2/16 at 9:02 PM. I still am amazed at how many people here want "justice" before this case is settled.

    This country is based on innocent until proven guilty. Let justice do it's role and stop suggesting that we as citizens are above the law. My guess is that each and every one of you would want that opportunity if you were accused of something.

    Now if they are found guilty of these issues and wrong doings, they need to be dealt with accordingly and strongly. Until then, exercise your right to free speech but do not be irritated that I too exercise my rights and opinions.

  35. You are correct that everyone is supposed to be innocent until proven guilty and I agree with you.

    According to the tort claim that I read on this has been going on since late September so I just don’t understand why this is taking so long. If I were the college I would want answers right away. If the chief, corporal and this other officer are guilty I want them to be taken off the streets immediately. I don’t think any of us want to be their next victim.

    You are right again; if I was accused of something I would want my innocence to be proven as fast as possible. Maybe that is why they are delaying the process?

    I believe in your right to free speech and their right to a fair trial. I think the frustration is that nothing is being done about this entire situation.

    In fact, the college has not made any statement assuring the public that they do not have to worry about rogue cops roaming the streets. I am scared of these guys and what they might do next. At this point they must be desperate and we all know that desperate men can and will do desperate things. One officer already physically attacked another. What is next the O.K. corral?

    According to, the president of the college is Roger Schultz. Why doesn’t he make a statement and assure the public that they are safe?

  36. Law Enforcement is held to a higher standard than the average citizen. These accusations are serious enough to warrant immediate action. A law enforcement agency opertates withing the public trust. The MSJCPD currently has three officers left, lets conduct a run down:

    Chief Kevin Segawa: accused of stealing evidence from an arrested person. Accused of forcing resignations from police officers or giving them bad evaluations. Accused of falsely arresting and forcing a civilian employee to resign (under the threat of arrest and having her children taken away).Accused of offerring incentives for his officers to impound more vehicles FROM MENIFEE CITIZENS. Has also been accused of gross mismangement and failing to properly supervice him employee's. Keep in mind this is the wrongdoing we know about, I am sure there is more.

    Mark Medina: Currently on administrative leave for threatening subordinate officers with termination if they reported his on duty sexual encounters. Accused of having sexual encounters on duty on College property. This is the second time Mark Medina has been accused of this, the first time Chief Segawa swept it under the rug.

    Ryan Myers: Was recommended for termination by his Field Training Officer for LYING and for poor officer safety skills. Physically assaulted another officer ON DUTY, witness by a civilian ride along. Lies to get other officers fired (after he was already recommended for termination for LYING).

    Are these three really worth $1 million dollars a year? Do they have your trust?

  37. Steve, thank you for having the courage to address this delicate situation. I agree with you, this place should be shut down.

  38. The problem isn't just the MSJCPD. It's the MSJC work atmosphere. Employees are screwed on a regular basis and not much is done about it. I was an employee there and decided to quit without having a job ready just to get away from that place. So the whole campus environment needs to be reviewed not just the MSJCPD.

  39. Isnt this one of the former officers that is now suing?,0,1371852.story

  40. Isnt this one of the former officers that is now suing?,0,1371852.story

    By Anonymous, at February 18, 2009 9:26 AM

    YES, (KEVIN or MARK or Ryan) it is. But, unlike you three, I don’t run and hide. I stand up and defend myself when I'm being attacked. Unlike you three clowns, I have overwhelming evidence that completely exonerates me of any wrong doing.

    In fact, Kevin, as you read the below email I sent to the LA Times after this slanderous and grossly inaccurate article was published, you may want to pay particular attention to the part in the email where it mentions that YOU and the LA Times are going to be a party to an invasion of privacy and defamation / slander lawsuit. Here is the email that I sent to the LA Times (my attorney, Michael Curran, was CC'd):

    From: Ron N
    Cc: Michael Curran
    Sent: Tuesday, December 30, 2008 1:51:17 PM

    Subject: Inglewood police officers have been embroiled in sex-related scandals

    Mr. Leonard and Ms. Kim,

    My name is Ron Navarreta and I am outraged to be the subject of your alleged "breaking news" story prominently displayed in the December 28,2008 edition of the LA Times inaccurately relating events of 2004 and the manner in which you inaccurately portrayed me and the Inglewood Police Department as a whole.

    By this letter and the more complete accurate information I am providing herein, I am giving you the opportunity to print a similarly prominently
    displayed retraction or, at a minimum, a follow-up story that includes the accurate and complete facts that you obviously did not research before printing your sensationalized headline and story.

    Furthermore, I am informed and believe your source divulged private official information protected by law. How you received even partial information regarding my employment history with the Inglewood Police Department, is also a serious concern. It is apparent that the (likely soon to be) ex-Chief of Police for the Mt. San Jacinto College Police Department, Kevin Segawa, violated the law when he allegedly partially informed you about my work history, likely in retaliation for my current wrongful termination claims pending against him and the College.

    First and foremost, it is uncontradicted and in the record that there was NO EVIDENCE that I ever received the alleged pornographic images you reference. Specifically, the FBI agent handling the investigation testified in her sworn testimony that there was NO EVIDENCE that the email from the sender was actually received by a computer that I had access to. The then police chief, Ron Banks, also testified that there was no
    evidence that I received any child pornography. To this day I vigorously deny ever receiving any such image or engaging in any kind of child pornography. Your article irresponsibly suggests otherwise.

    The title you chose for your article ("Inglewood police officers have been embroiled in sex-related scandals") sensationalizes and unfairly suggests that I was involved in a "sex scandal." In fact, there was no "sex" of any kind alleged in my case. To compound matters you chose to site alleged
    allegations involving actual sex by other officers (i.e. Manzi story) and inappropriately place me in this false and defamatory light.

    You also failed to report in my 13 year career with the Inglewood Police Department, I was NEVER accused of any inappropriate conduct (sexual or otherwise) on or off duty. Chief Banks testified to this in my case.

    Your article also failed to note the indisputable fact that during the same time of the allegations in 2004, an AOL employee stole 92 MILLION screen names (and other information) of current AOL members and sold that information to SPAMMERS for profit. This crime and subsequent investigation was on going for sometime until the suspect was arrested in late June 2004. This fact was well publicized in local papers and
    confirmed by the Department Of Justice. This would account for the creation of the "PlyGRoUndObsver" screen name that somehow became associated with my AOL account; a screen name that was NOT MINE! You might wish to read a relevant article on the subject located at;,10801,94059,00.html?nas=SEC2-94059.

    Your article also inaccurately stated that FBI agents were unable to examine the computers I allegedly used because they had been sold or reported stolen. In fact, the FBI DID examine the only personal computer that I had access to in that time period. NO ILLEGAL IMAGES/INFORMATION WAS FOUND! This is on the record in my case and undisputed. The "sold or reported stolen" computers you reference in your article are comprised of one computer that I sold 6-12 months before I was even contacted by the FBI and work laptop computer that did not belong to me. That laptop was owned and used by my then girlfriend. She was interviewed by the FBI and confirmed that she had NEVER seen any illegal images on her laptop computer. She added that it was her opinion that I was not and could not be connected in any way with child porn. Her laptop was stolen from our apartment (along with other electronic items) when we were away. A report was made with the Anaheim Police Department.

    Finally, your article states that I lied to the FBI and Inglewood PD. That is false! In fact, the record clearly states that I cooperated fully with the FBI investigation (I did not even exercise my right to counsel) and even invited them into my apartment when they made a surprise visit. The "lied to the FBI and Inglewood Investigators" portion of your article was based upon (Quoting from the record) “variances between the FBI’s paraphrased summary of its non-recorded interview with Grievant, without presence of counsel, compared to the recorded interview of Grievant during the Internal Affairs interview of Grievant with the presence of counsel and culminating in a verbatim transcript.”

    I would strongly suggest you discuss these very serious matters with your editors and legal counsel. If you do not retract your story or print a follow up that contains these facts and corrects the false light and defamatory nature of your story you will be a party to an invasion of privacy and defamation lawsuit along with Chief Kevin Segawa. A copy of this email is also being sent to my attorney, Michael Curran of Curran and Curran Law. I am hopeful you will act more responsibly in the future. Please advise me of your intentions. You can contact me directly at (714) xxx-xxxx.

    Ron Navarreta

    KEVIN, stand up and defend yourself...IF YOU CAN! Don’t hide behind "there is a pending investigation" and create subterfuge by deflecting from your situation and calling attention to others. I have answered the questions! I have nothing to hide. Your inaction is evidence (in my opinion) that you are the one who has something to hide! Post your name and email address.

    Be the "Chief" or (at least) the leader that you are suppose to be. Do the right thing when it counts most. Do it for your son. Don’t dishonor him they way you have dishonored the badge (in my opinion). Someday you will have to answer some pretty hard-hitting questions from your son when he's old enough to understand.

    In conclusion all I can say is this: If the Riverside County District Attorney is half as resourceful and determined in getting to the bottom of your misdeeds (we will call them allegations) as the FBI was when they investigated me, you are in for a rough ride.

    Kevin, in my case I was cleared...completely! What do you think the D.A. will conclude about you and your deeds?

    If you (or anyone) have any comments I can be reached via email @

  41. Wow! Nice post Officer Navareta. I hope that things work out for you. Sounds like you may have an excellent case for a defamation lawsuit and I hope you pursue the matter.

    As for Steve's opinion, I completely agree that they should be shut down - especially in light of the economic crisis and the investigation.

    Thank you, Steve, for bringing this to the attention of Menifee residents. Sometimes the stories aren't pretty, but they still need to be seen.

  42. I agree! It is nice to see someone finally put a name to their posts. Once I read this response it certainly made me feel like these former officers got/are getting a very raw deal.

    I worked for American Airlines for 31 years. I know whenever something negative about my old company came out they immediately went into spin control and made statements. The lack of public response from the college people and the police chief is very disturbing.

    An innocent man has nothing to hide and he should be screaming for an outside investigation to fully vindicate himself and the police department. I have seen many articles about these incidents but have never seen a public response. This just leads me to believe they cannot spin this situation so they just clammed up. I do not want such a police department in my neighborhood either.

    I agree with many of the other posts here. Shut them down at minimum, then investigate the hell out of them. It would be very interesting to know what you will find.

  43. Well I cannot agree on this one Of there has been mistakes ok i can deal with this but I am a student that goes to MSJC at night Menifee is big and when I go to Menifee I hardly see any police enforcement around the college i feel safe You don't have the idea what harm can be done at night to any of the students its better to have them there and not have them there if a tragedy does occur and the were kicked out. As what I do know is that I live in Murrieta and it holds its own police force not a lease from the county it may be expensive but if some studid crap is pulled down here we have a police officer here in less than 5 minutes depending on the severe it is. I know that Menifee is trying to be independent why not start with public safety to try on rely on it own than county police offerings. MSJC police may be corrupt but have you ever seen some of the college students drive ou of there at 55mph when its only 20mph. Remember MSJC covers not only Menifee campus but all the Education campuses as well titled to its name examples SJC Campus and the Temecula Education Complex

  44. WOW, what a great idea! Have, by your own statement, CORRUPT cops patrolling the campus. PERFECT!

    I am sure the two cops, one other is on leave for having sex on duty and threatening to fire people, would be there lickety split if something happened. How much police protection can you have with two officers trying to cover two campuses, over 20 miles apart, 15 hours a day, 5 days a week?

    Its not possible! There are a lot of gaps in police coverage now! The glorified security guard Campus Safety Officers are useless, not even sure why they are there, more wasted money. What are the unarmed security guards going to do? Useless.

    Shut the place down, contract with the Sheriff (WHICH WILL SAVE THE DISTRICT A LOT OF MONEY) and be rid of these CORRUPT clowns.

  45. Does anyone have confirmation on who is paying for the legal defense of these officers? It seems what they were doing was not job related so I hope the college is not paying for these or in other words the tax payers.

    I would be very unhappy to find out my tax money is paying to defend these people.

  46. wow>>>>>>instead of talking about mark and the chief what about meredith qualls

  47. No kidding, the d.a. will take care of the chief. what is being done about the corporal and meredith qualls. she is to blame for their problems too.

  48. I couldn't agree less, but ok, shut MSJCPD and see what happens. Like it or not, regardless of if a campus police officer should or shouldn't be on city streets patrolling, AN MSJC POLICE OFFICER IS A POLICE OFFICER- with the tools to enforce laws and prevent crime, and another helping hand for our current Sheriff's Dept. You have to realize that even ONE officer on patrol where a deputy isn't, is a FORCE MULTIPLIER. But ok, shut MSJC PD down and see if less is better.
    You will eat your words- guaranteed.

  49. The MSJCPD police chief is in jail on paid leave and the only two officers left are named Andy and Barney. Our tax dollars at work.


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