Kindergarten Registration Requirements

The Menifee Union School District sent out the following notice this morning about kindergarten registration... If your child is 5 years old...

The Menifee Union School District sent out the following notice this morning about kindergarten registration...
If your child is 5 years old on or before December 2, 2009,
your child is old enough for kindergarten.

The following information is required for kindergarten registration:

  1. Complete Immunizations

    1. Polio (4 needed – or 3 if last dose was on or after 4th birthday)

    2. DPT/DT (5 needed – or 4 if last dose was on or after 4th birthday)

    3. MMR (2 needed on or after 1st birthday)

    4. Hepatitis B (series of three doses)

    5. Chicken Pox Vaccine – Varicella (1 needed) - (If your child has had the chickenpox disease, ask your doctor to make note of it & sign the immunization record to meet the requirement.)

  2. Health Physical (CHDP form completed & signed by a physician & dated no earlier than February 2009)

  3. County Birth Certificate (child must be 5 years old on or before December 2, 2009)

  4. Proof of Residency (current utility bill or signed rental agreement or property tax bill with address)

  5. Oral Assessment (due by May 2010)
Your child's name will be placed on a time preference list if your child's registration packet is complete. There will be NO guarantee of time preference.

If you have any questions, please feel free to call the school your local school site or the district office at 951-672-1851
What's prompting this announcement is that the school district has historically dealt with parents registering their kids late, and not realizing all the above requirements.

Interestingly, the district said they're anticipating fewer late registrations for the fact that the 2009-2010 school year is the first traditional school year in 18 years, with classes starting in August instead of July. But nonetheless, wants to get the word out early.


Menifee-Union-School-District 7843421026110454340

Post a Comment

  1. Don't forget to declare any alergies to peanuts.

  2. do not forget to post any allergies to class size either!

  3. when is menifee going to become a UNIFIED district? I am tired of my tax dollars supporting Perris!


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