Scott Mann Discusses Voting Districts on Menifee Talk Radio

This evening, at 7:00pm, councilman Scott Mann will be the featured guest on Menifee Talk Radio, to discuss voting districts. They'll be...

This evening, at 7:00pm, councilman Scott Mann will be the featured guest on Menifee Talk Radio, to discuss voting districts.

They'll be figuring out the differences between "by district" and "at large", and why the third option "from district" wasn't offered on the ballot.

If you want to call in and speak to Mann live on the show, use this phone number... (646) 716-6582.

The show is broadcast over the Internet only, at the following website...


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  1. Whoops; I missed the program again! I've wondered if it is no longer on since I don't see it mentioned anymore. Its such a good place to hear from the community.

  2. Are you kidding me?

    This show is a joke. It is nothing more than a forum for Therese Daniels to hear herself.

  3. Fortunately, your opinion is not what's important here...just don't tune in. Granted, its not without its flaws, BUT it does bring LOCAL people in touch with each other. Therese is courageous; I'm sure Ralph Nader didn't start out without wrinkles either. Like anything else, don't listen or partake if you don't want.

  4. Is it me or does anyone else find it peculiar that Scott Mann, who is obviously a man of honor and integrity, has said nothing about his supporter (Chief Kevin Segawa of the MSJC PD) and the fiasco he is now in?

    Arresting an ice cream vendor, having him deported for trying to make an honest living (in a dismal job market), then taking the guys ice cream for his personal use?! That is outlandish!

    I have to hold on to the belief that Scott Mann is not aware of these allegations (or pending criminal investigation) into Chief Segawa’s actions.

    Mr. Mann if you are reading this please distance yourself from a man not worthy of being in your company. You are a good and respectable man. I'd hate to see your good name tarnished for associating with a possible felon.

    Interesting rerading:

  5. It's just you, and the other two disgruntled terminated employees of MSJCPD who were fired.

    Give it up.

  6. The key word is 'allegations', and the fact that the "college’s board of trustees rejected the demands in the tort claim on Nov. 13"

    Your ranting has closed the menifeelive blog for a time because of blatant lies and misposts by 'anonymous' bloggers.

    Guys, this is a privilege to have a forum to discuss issues. Can we refrain from unsubstantiated claims. I believe that the MSJC board takes these allegations seriously and has so far found them unfounded.

    Now, back on topic...As menifee residents and voters who have already decided to have our next elections by district, it's very important that we know what that really means and what our options are. I'm personally considering taking a FROM district option to the ballot, because otherwise only voters from 2 districts will be voting in the next city council election. If any one is interested in that or has other opinions, I'd love to know how you feel.

    Or call in to Therese's show on Wednesday nights.. Menifee Matters.

  7. The people voted to have the Menifee city council selected by district rather than at large. The people did this because they wanted the council person who represents them to live in their district.
    The city council's job, in this regard, is to define the districts on the basis of even population. [Note: Beware of gerrymandering]. Next, they should call a special election where the candidates are required to live in the district that they would be representing. The first special election should consist of all the city council districts, not just the currently planned fourth and fifth place finishers in the last election. An issue is cost: how much and who pays for it? And when is best to have this special election?
    Another issue is that the current city council is reluctant to call for another election because it is not in their best interest: some may lose their seats. So, they are trying to confuse the issue by declaring what the people really wanted was districts with council members elected at large. This makes absolutely no sense. Why would someone want their council person to live in a district other than their own? They also talk about "by district" versus "from district". Folks, one implies the other for the same reason stated above.
    So, how do we go about encouraging the city council to proceed in a timely manner on this issue?

  8. The city council is mandated by law to create the districts for a BY district election in 2010. That's based on the election results. They are also clear on which 2 candidates are holding a 2 year term.

    I think it's a strange "new cityhood" practice that mandates that the election method must apply at the 2 year mark for vote getter #4 and 5 when the districts aren't drawn yet, and voters have lots of different ideas on what districts might mean or look like.

    There is no mandate or reason for a special election for 5 new councilmen, and I don't think I could support that either. These guys don't need to be worried about re-election yet. There's too much work to do. Having only 2 council members seated for 2 years instead of 4 is bad enough.

    The tougher scenario, if left as is... is the 2012 election when districts 1,3 and 5 will vote for their candidates. That technically means that for 4 years, 2 out of 3 of those districts may not have a representative.

    I think the FROM district is a viable option if we really meant to do districts...although people have already admitted that they thought districts would be based more on lifestyle, i.e. senior, rural, semi-rural.

    We're too small a city to be restricted to voting BY district if the deciding factor in creating districts is raw population numbers. I think the senior area would almost surely be divided into at least 2 different districts, easily losing a voice. Right now, we all still care how the whole town is represented and developed or conserved. I think it's cool to have a voice in all 5 council seats.

    If we bother with any kind of special election, it should be on a normal election cycle, like November 2009. Perhaps through workshops we'll have some proposed district map options by spring and we can put the BY, FROM or AT Large on the ballot as a single proposition, except this time, the voters know what the districts might look like.

  9. The issue of whether residents of the City of Menifee should be represented by Districts or at large should again be considered by the voters. This reconsideration should be based on the razor difference of votes (227 vote difference ouf of more than 10,000 votes) between supporting districts versus at large. Secondly, there are many questions on what type of representation from districts that we might consider, if there were a choice on June 3, 2008. Thirdly, those family neighborhoods living next to the Senior Core may be put into the same district as the Seniors and in reality will not have a council member sensitive to their needs. This member will more than likely be attentive to the needs of the Seniors, particularly positions of the Sun City Civic Association. A fourth reason is the need to unify the various communities into one City.

    We are parimarily Menifee Residents and those Seniors that were spearheading the "No Cityhood Campaign" need to understand that their political position lost by a landslide (nearly 62% to 32%) in favor of Cityhood. They need to back off from being "glad flies" at City Council meetings and continuing carping at the City Council.

    The residents of the City of Menifee have the right to vote on the issue of whether we have Districts or At large. The campaign should center on the pros and cons of district versus at large.

    Additionally, the Council also should now request the U.S. Postal Service to change the zip code names of Sun City, Romoland and Quail Valley to Menifee. Remember there was a landslide vote for cityhood and the right to be known as residents of the City of Menifee.

  10. Hey askmieke, how do you know the posts on are blatant lies? Do you really believe all the newspapers would be running stories if they did not do a little fact checking? Also, do you truly believe an attorney would file a lawsuit if he knew he did not have a good case?


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