Menifee Valley Athletic Club and Good Shepherd Lutheran School team up to promote health and fitness in children.

Things around Good Shepherd Lutheran School became quite exciting this week when 3 Certified Personal Trainers were on hand to lead students...

Things around Good Shepherd Lutheran School became quite exciting this week when 3 Certified Personal Trainers were on hand to lead students through a fitness routine for their P.E. class. Students were eager to learn new exercises, and were quite impressed to have “teachers with such big muscles” said second grader, Christian Reid. The trainers spent all day Thursday with the first through sixth grade classes.

The school is gearing up for the Presidential Physical Fitness Challenge coming up this January, 13th and 15th. Students have been training for the past 5 weeks to increase their strength and endurance. Having the MVAC training staff come was a great encouragement for students to continue exercising over the Holiday break. Good Shepherd Principal Rob McDowell expressed deep appreciation for the trainers ability to reinforce the school’s commitment to health and the upcoming fitness challenge. “It is a great blessing to have a community of support and to share our resources for the betterment of our children.” Many people would agree with that sentiment.

When asked what motivated him to volunteer his time to the students, Trainer Dustin Graham replied, “I felt that this was a great and exciting opportunity to take the kids through some fun, yet challenging exercises.” Acknowledging that childhood obesity is on the rise in our country, and the training staff at MVAC believes that it was an opportunity to “excite kids about health and fitness.”

Paul David, general manager of MVAC is very interested in helping children in the community;

“According to the Center for Disease Control, 60% of overweight children between the ages of 5 and 10 years of age already have one risk factor for heart disease; largely due to a lack of physical activity. Hence, it’s encouraging to know of schools like Good Shepherd Lutheran that are getting kids to not just be active but to raise their fitness levels to meet the President’s Challenge to fitness. Kids love to play, let’s do our part to keep them moving!!! "

Donating their time and expertise were Certified Trainers: Dustin Graham, Travis Webb, and Krisha Walkamm.


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  1. Our kids need to stay active!!! Great to see community involvment.

  2. I have trained with Dustin Graham...his great knowledge of how to get and keep fit is matched by his heart's desire to do whatever he can do to be charitable.
    As far as I am concerned...MVAC was on a path going down hill fast for a year before Paul David took over the reigns. He is the best thing to happen to that gym. It doesn't surprise me that the MVAC of today would be involved with doing good things for our community!


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