City Council Meeting - December 16, 2008

Here's a recap of the city countil meeting this evening. It was a long one, starting at 5:00pm with a two-hour workshop on "ethics...

Here's a recap of the city countil meeting this evening.

It was a long one, starting at 5:00pm with a two-hour workshop on "ethics". I opted not to attend that one, figuring it wasn't necessary for me. The main meeting started at 7:00pm, and ran until 10:00pm.

First Babies of Menifee

The main meeting started with awards of recognition to two of Menifee's first citizens under cityhood, Adam Gabriel Gonzalez, who was born during the cityhood inaugration ceremony, and Taylor Michelle Dannenberg, who was the first person born after the inauguration ceremony.

Here's photos...

Adam Gabriel Gonzalez

Taylor Michelle Dannenberg

Eagle Scout Award

Boy Scout Troop 444, of Menifee, awarded one its own with an Eagle Scout Award. Christopher W. Goode carried out an act of heroism after his cousin choked on a piece of egg. He did the heimlich manuever, which the Boy Scouts taught him, and effectively saved his life. His cousin, also a scout, pinned the medal on him. He also received an award from the City.

Sun City Library Expansion Plans

Nancy Johnson, the librarian for the entire Riverside County Library System, was on hand to announce plans for the Sun City Library currently undergoing renovation. Johnson, who interestingly described herself as the only employee of the library system (everyone else is contracted labor), handed the microphone to two County EDA workers, who held up artist's renderings of the future library. See photos below...

Construction of the new library will begin this January, and is expected to complete November 2009. Fred Twyman asked if the large trees surrounding the existing library would be saved. Johnson said "no", that they'll be taken out to make way for a new landscape design.

Paloma Valley High School Work Mentoring Program

Tom Anderson, who heads up Paloma Valley High School's work mentoring program gave a presentation. He said the program places senior students into the work place, either on paid, or unpaid positions, giving them valuable work experience.

If you're an employer in need of free labor, here's a solution. But based on hearing Anderson go over the employer's responsibilities, it's not without its portfolio of supervisory duties. If you're going to pay the students, then you have to provide them workers' compensation coverage. If you're not going to pay them, then the school absorbs the workers' comp. Seems like a no-brainer there. However, it's obvious that students will want to be paid, so it's likely that students will not remain at unpaid posts for very long.

Contact Tom Anderson at (951) 672-6030, ext 1024, if you'd like to mentor a student employee.

Public Comments

Robyn Rogers - who I wrote about earlier (link), gave a presentation about the charter school she's trying to get started. "Aberdovey School", will be located here in Menifee, and will hopefully open its doors in 2010. It focuses on a teaching framework called, "Expeditionary Learning Outward Bound". Last month she held an open house, and attracted about 15 people, several of which are educational professionals who have signed on to help her build it. She mentioned to me that she met with officials from Menifee Union School District, and was surprised to find that they already built up a dossier on her.

Anne Pica - Anne asked the council about their last meeting, where they talked about hiring a consulting firm to look into the subject of creating districts. The Mayor responded that they don't want to hire a consulting firm because of all the money it would cost. Anne then asked about the cost of holding a special election to give districting a second vote. The Mayor said that they haven't decided on holding a special election. Anne also asked about what law allows the council to ignore the first measure that voters passed to create districts, and call for a second measure. The city attorney responded that there are no laws specifically allowing measures to be circumvented, but that there are laws that define districts, and that she would give Anne a copy of these laws.

Bill Zeidlik - Bill seemed to use his three minutes of commentary on a wide variety of issues, which made it very difficult for me to follow along, particularly because he spoke so quickly. He knew he was on a timer, so he tried to pack in as much stuff as he could. But all it seemed to do was cause much of his words to blur together to the point where I had trouble hearing him. He mentioned something about $42 million dollars that the county owes us, and that he wants the council to create a committee on community economic development.

One Year Extention of County Ordinances

The council did a second adoption of the county ordinance extension by another year. Bill Zeidlik, a city resident, commented on why the need to extend this another year so quickly, when the ordinances as they stand now won't expire until February. City attorney Martyn said that there's no way the City can adopt all of its own laws between now and February.

Oak Hills Subdivision

The city council approved the final tract map on a subdivision of 246 residential parcels, west of Valley Blvd, and north of Ridgemoor. But it wasn't without a lot of discussion.

First Bill Zeidlik, commented that the community needs more time to review this project, and suggested it be postponed another 2 months. Fred Tywman commented that this is the first time the City has ever seen this project, that it has thus far been all discussed at the County level. He cited some topographical issues, including a rather unsightly water tower.

The City Manager interjected that the issue currently on the table is the approval of the final map. Meaning, the city council has no other option but to approve it. Current law requires that if all the requirements of the tentative map have been met, then a city council is required to approve it as the final map.

Fred Twyman made a motion to delay the final map approval so that he could have more time to examine it. Wallace Edgerton seconded the motion. However, Scott Mann intervened by saying that this project has been through the county system for a long time, and there's no reason to delay it further. City attorney Martyn added that if the council doesn't approve this as a final map, the developers could sue for damages, and that the developers would also incur additional taxes as time went on.

Thus, the council went ahead and approved it.

Bradley Paseo Shopping Center

This is a proposed shopping center on the corner of Bradley and Newport Rds. You can see the plans on an older article (link).

The issue on the table was an extension of this plot plan. I'm not sure exactly what the details of this issue is. Fred Twyman asked our city planner if all the ingresses and egresses have been met. A representative of the developer was on hand, and answered "yes". Bill Zeidlik, stepped up to comment, asking if our council has read the 76 pages of conditions. He also mentioned a beer & liquor license, but didn't explain what the issue was about the beer & liquor license.

Ryan Residential Subdivision

This is 8 acres of land at 32633 Bradley Rd, in the area of Paloma Valley HS, being subdivided into 3 lots. Bill Zeidlik, commented against this project, citing a trail that used to be there, that won't be there after this project. The city council approved the final tract map.

Hidden Hills Development

This is a new housing development by KB Homes, consisting of 523 single family homes, located along Murrieta Rd, right by Menifee Middle School. This project is currently at a tentative map, which means the council isn't obligated to make any approvals until the developer has satisfied all of their requirements.

The issue on the table is the developer wanting to modify the tentative map to build this development in three phases. The current housing market is such that the money isn't there to build this thing under the current proposal.

At the center of this issue is that the developer has agreed to make road improvements to Garbani and Murrieta roads. Allowing the developer to build this in phases will allow them to address the road improvements more quickly. Scott Mann cited this in his commentary on why he plans to vote in favor of the request.

Bill Zeidlik stepped up the comment podium and spoke in vehemently against this project as a whole, arguing that these 523 single family homes in out of context with the rural neighborhood. He said, "This is one I would like to kick out totally".

Barbara Spencer, president of the Menifee Valley Historical Society also spoke against this project, saying that they filed a lawsuit against this project because it sits on what used to be horse trails, and that the developer didn't provide for these trails.

Fred Twyman then responded that he agreed with Zeidlik and Spencer, that this development is way out of context with the rural nature of the community it's located in.

Scott Mann, however, included that this development is already 50% built, and that changing the plan is out of the question.

Mike Freeman, who's with KB Homes, stepped up to lend some ammunition in his favor, that they've already invested millions of dollars thus far, and intends to see this project through. He said he'll entertain a brief delay in exchange for spending more time with council members, but that he didn't come to this meeting to defend the project as a whole and doesn't intend to change the number of homes or lot sizes.

Fred Twyman made a motion to delay the project for more time, and Wallace Edgerton seconded. However, Mann, Kuenzi, and Denver voted that down. Another motion was made to grant KB Homes this phasing request, and Mann, Kuenzi, and Denver passed it.

The Shops at Scott

This is a new shopping center located on Scott Rd and Zeiders Rd, near the I-215. The issue on the table here is to approve a tentative map, allowing the developer to begin the process of building this. Here's a drawing of the plan...

the shops at scott

Deanna Carbinelli, a real estate agent with Coldwell Banker, commented that she wants the council to approve this because she's been having trouble getting people to buy homes here in Menifee. The predominant complaint is that people will have to travel to Temecula to do their shopping.

Joe Daugherty, the guy who presided over the Menifee Cityhood Incorporation Committee, lent his stamp of approval on this project, noting that the developer donated a lot of money to the cityhood effort.

Barbara Spencer, cited that Scott Rd and I-215 are "scenic corridors", and with that comes requirements that signs be of a certain small height to allow people to enjoy the scenic beauty of Scott Rd and the I-215. However, a representative with the County responded that these roads are in fact "county illegible scenic highways", which have different requirements, and that the signs accompanying this shopping center are allowed to be bigger.

William Ruffalo, who owns property near this shopping center, argued that he received no advanced notice of this project, and that the developers are going to put a road right through his property. Fred Twyman pointed out something, which I didn't totally understand, but sounded like no such road will be allowed to be built as long as Ruffalo continues to own and occupy his property. It's only until he sells it to someone else that this road can be built.

Outside of all those comments, everyone seemed to be in favor of this shopping center, and the city council approved it. At which point, about six people from the developer, Menifee Partners, LLC, began to shake hands, congratulate each other, and gathered up all their displays, and made quite a bit of noise and they exited out.

Five Year Capital Improvement Plan

The city council approved the Five Year Capital Improvement Plan, which is a plan to make a bunch of infrastructure improvements. Among those is the paving of Holland Rd out to Canyon Hills (I didn't quite hear this right due to the noise of Menifee Partners LLC making noise on their way out of the room). Also included is the paving of Menifee road between Freedom Crest Elementary School out to Simpson Road.

Prima Facie Speed Limits

The city council adopted an ordinance to adopt a "prima facie speed limit" as the default city speed limit. Basically, the prima facie speed limit is whatever speed that most of the people travel at on roads that don't have a posted speed limit. The city engineer described something like the 85% percentile of drivers. He cited a figure of 55mph, but I don't necessarily think that's a solid number, just an example.

On any roads in Menifee that don't have a posted speed limit, the speed limit will be this 85th percentile of drivers and whatever speed they're driving at. This now gives Menifee Police a legal footing to cite fast drivers. Prior to this, such roads could be legally travelled at any speed.

Bill Zeidlik, not to be kept silent, argued that the city council hasn't established a maximum speed limit for trails. He suggested a speed limit for all vehicles at 15mph.

City Code Violations

The city council adopted an ordinance that allows their city code violations to supercede those of the county. John Denver pointed out that they have the same city codes as the county, with the only difference being that this ordinance will allow them to collect fines from these violations, instead of the fines being collected by the county.

Bill Zeidlik took the podium with arguments seemingly against this, though not necessarily stating that. However, his arguments were that of not wanting the city to rush towards busting people, and asking for notices instead of levying fines right away.

Removal of Abandoned Vehicles

The city council adopted an ordinance allowing them remove abandoned vehicles.

Bill Zeidlik, again, took the podium to comment, arguing that this ordinance will criminalize him for having a tractor on his property, or having a couple of junk cars that he keeps around for spare parts. However, the council again noted that the county already has this ordinance on their books. The city's ordinance simply allows them to do what the county has been allowed to do already.

City attorney Martyn noted that this ordinance is intended to deal with "vehicles" which she defined as not including tractors.

Regulating Massage Parlors

The city council adopted an ordinance that levies tough requirements and restrictions for massage parlors. What happened is that Temecula and Murrieta recently enacted ordinances that got tough on massage parlors, designed to kick them out of their city limits. Therefore, our city council didn't want them finding refuge here in Menifee. So it enacted this ordinance to keep them from coming here.

Council Member Comments

Scott Mann said that he wants to create a Menifee Veterans Memorial to honor military veterans. He said it could be used to a central location for various functions. He wants it to be erected and dedicated on November 11, 2009. He asked the Mayor to create a new committee to establish this memorial. The mayor did so and appointed Mann as chair, and Kuenzi as vice-chair.

Kuenzi added that I-215 freeway widening is moving closer.

Denver said that he witnessed illegal signs being taken down. He asked the City Manager to expedite the Police Explorer Program.


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  1. Bill Zeidlik......our new town crier.

  2. "Fred Twyman made a motion to delay the project for more time, and Wallace Edgerton seconded. However, Mann, Kuenzi, and Denver voted that down. Another motion was made to grant KB Homes this phasing request, and Mann, Kuenzi, and Denver passed it."

    Which of the Council members are in it for the money?

  3. Steve - you're doing all of us a great service by reporting on things. Thanks for the good work.

  4. Yes, Steve..thanks so much for filling us in on all of this...quite interesting...

  5. Chris Goode was awarded the Medal of Merit for performing the Heimlich maneuver on his Cousin. It's the fourth highest award in Scouting for heroism or lifesaving.

    Steven Iwig
    Assistant Scoutmaster
    Troop 444
    Menifee, Ca.

  6. I live in the rural part of menifee, near the kb home project. I don't like the idea of all these homes coming in. If anything, please give us trails were we can ride our horses. Other than that you will be see us riding our horses on the street. I really don't want do to that, but what other choince am I going to have?

    Thank you Steve for keeping us informed.

  7. The KB Homes project DOES HAVE horse trails as part of the project and it has a 5-acre park. Please get informed before you spout off.

  8. In response to the comments of Ann Pica, the issue of whether residents of the City of Menifee should be represented by Districts or At Large should again be considered by the voters. This reconsideration should be based on the razor thin difference of votes. There were only 227 vote difference out of more than 10,000 votes cast between supporting Districts versus at Large. Secondly, there are many questions on what type of representation from districts that we might consider.Thirdly, those family neighborhoods living next to the Senior Core may be put into the same district as the Seniors and in reality will not have a council member sensitive to their needs. This member will more than likely be attentive to the needs of the Seniors, particularly political positions of the Sun City Civic Association. A fourth reason is the need to unify the various communities into one City.

    We are parimarily Menifee Residents and those Seniors that were spearheading the "No Cityhood Campaign" need to understand that their political position lost by a landslide (nearly 62% to 32%) in favor of Cityhood. They need to back off from being "glad flies" at City Council meetings and their continue carping at the City Council.

    The residents of the City of Menifee have the right to vote on the issue of whether we have Districts or At large. The campaign should center on the pros and cons of district versus at large.

    Additionally, the Council also should now request the U.S. Postal Service to change the zip code names of Sun City, Romoland and Quail Valley to Menifee. Remember there was a landslide vote for cityhood and the right to be known as residents of the City of Men

  9. Uff more tract housing?? I agree leave the trails alone. I don't ride but I like the open scenery.

  10. I used to love going to a library to read and enjoy some quiet time. The women at the Sun CIty location are as RUDE as they can be. I have tried to visit there many times and everytime I am sorry I went there. Perhaps they can borrow some of the much friendlier staff from the Paloma local.

  11. The Council was right to approve the final map; that horse had left the barn and only bad could come out of the other alternative. That decision didn't have to do with money, other than protecting the City's fund balances against legitimate claims for unreasonable delays.

  12. Another shopping center?
    We need a Costco within Menifee.
    This single store is why most of my shopping is done in Temecula or Lake Elsinore. It is easier to do all the shopping in one trip and since everything is so close by I will do it there.
    This is lost revenue to the city.

  13. Steve you are doing a great job on reporting the City Council meetings. More people should attend these meetings and will see there has been no change in deciding the fate of the new city. Riverside and jeff Stone are still controlling local Government with no regard for the homeowners of Menifee City. Its a real shame that the public does not care what is being done in the new city and at what cost until it effects them personally and then it will be too late.

  14. It is good that we have people like Bill Zeidlik and Anne Pica who care enough about our community to stand up and question this city council on there actions. People who do not attend the city meetings should keep there comments to themselves and not try and cut down there fellow citizens who are standing up for what they voted for. It was 52.7% who voted for by districts. So know slim margin. CA law states districts must be drawn up before the next election period. Anonymous on this subject sounds like Scott Mann talking.

  15. I wish to make a correction of percentage breakdown of votes for "Yes Cityhood" versus "No Cityhood" that were stated on December 17, 2008 at 9:54 P.M. It was nearly 62% to 38% instead of nearly 62% to 32$"
    I am sorry for the mistake.

  16. What is this about the "unsightly water tower" with the project north of Ridgemoor on Valley? Is this the housing tract behind Cherry Hills? It seems that after reading the minutes overall we are getting A LOT of houses and projects that are thrust on us by the county and I hear no preservation of trails, expansion of parks, or city beautification. I would like to see some clean up before they start making more messes. In this economic climate who is expected to move into all these houses when so many sit empty?

  17. What was the point of becoming a city if we are going to adopt every ordnance and approve all the same out of character housing tracks as the county was planning to adopt? And with only 72 hour notice.

    If the people of Menifee don't do something fast, Menifee will become the next Moreno Valley.

    I can't do this alone people.

    P. S . The KB project should be half acer minimum. I saw no horse trails on the KB map I was given.

  18. Another shopping center! What we really need is a Costco.
    I for one shop in Temecula since I can go to Costco and numerous shops within the area. This is a loss for Menifee, but I have to do what is convenient.

  19. Well instead of more houses maybe we should push for a Costco or other stores. Thats what I think.

  20. People need to protest, hand out flyers to friends and neighbors about the voting.(districts and at large)We voted for districts.

    Remember the council is supposed to listen to the people. If they want to be in office again they better get on board with what the people want. We have enough homes here and a lot of them are empty. It's ridiculous to build more homes it does not make sense.

    The homes are going to be so cheap that we are going to attract the wrong type of people here in Menifee. It's already happening.

    We need shopping centers and more commercial buildings.

  21. Christopher Goode should run for City Council. He has my vote!!

  22. Of course Mr. Mann is voting in favor of more development. He owes the Building Industry Association of Southern California for the THOUSANDS of DOLLARS they gave him.


  24. To Anonymous positing on 12/20/08 at 3:26, the City Council really had their hands tied on considering many maps for housing because these maps have received tentative map approval from Riverside County. The City Council reviewed these maps at the Final Map approval stage which means that approvals are automatic unless there were some legal problems associated with a map. If the City Council were to vote denial on any one of these maps, the developers would have strong legal cases to pursue in the courts to challenge denials. The City of Menifee doesn't need legal cases filed against them that will be costly and more than likely to lose.

    As for apartments, three of them along Antelope were approved by Riverside County and under construction when the City of Menifee incorporated on October 1, 2008. From my understanding of Mr. Johnson's comments on the Council meetings and minutes from the City of Menifee, the fourth apartment complex near Oasis Senior Development was supported by the governing board of the Oasis Property Owners Association, The City Council apparently went along with Riverside County staff recommendation and the support of the Oasis Property Owners Association by voting to approve the project.

    The City Council, however, needs to make sure that any one area of the City doesn't get a concentration of apartment projects. Additionally, general plan amendments and change of zones should not be easily approved for apartments when the General Plan designation for a site is Medium Density Residential (MDR) and lower and the zoning is R-1 or lower.

    Louis G. Mazei
    Resident of the City of Menifee

  25. Okay Fred, we hear you and we agree; but what do you want the public to do?? Tell us what we as the public can do!

  26. I am starting to regret voting for Fred Twyman. He does not seem to have the time to do his homework and study his council packets prior to each meeting. He asks questions that show his lack of understanding of how government works and if he had read his packet, studied it and looked up what he did not understand to enable him to ask quality, informed questions, it would make him appear more professional.

  27. I find it hard to believe that the City of Menifee has to approve the final phase of ALL the projects the County had in the works. With a newly incorporated City and a failing economy I believe the City would have a solid defense in not approving every project that was started some time ago when we weren’t incorporated and the economy was strong.

  28. To the above commenter, while there is a law that the city must approve final maps that have met all the tentative requirements, I remember the city attorney explaining in an earlier council session that there are a bevy of tools and loopholes the council can use to successfully fight off a development, even at the final map phase. So in the end, it's not necessarily a requirement that the council must approve final maps. It's a question of how committed the council members are fighting off new home development.

    If you really care about it, attend the next council meeting, and demand that council members vote no, or else you won't be voting for them in the next election.

  29. Thanks Steve, that is some valuable information. I guess the city council thinks we are all stupid and they can do whatever they want. I'm so sick of corruption in government.

  30. Louis, and others

    Only one of the of the projects that were on the last agenda were final. But regardless we were not given adequate information even on that project. No information was given on how much the project will cut into the hillside. I like our hills.

    As I said at the meeting NO stage of any project should come to the council with only 72 hour notice for one time approval. If we had a planning commission the citizens of Menifee would have sufficient time to review the projects before they came to the city council for approval. I will vote to continue the item every time I feel community has not been given sufficient notice.

    As for the comment by
    "Anonymous said...
    I am starting to regret voting for Fred Twyman."

    I doubt you are telling the truth.

    I ask questions because no one else cares to, especially given the short notice of the proposals. Ever think I know the answers to the questions I ask and just possibly I am asking the questions to educate the public. The teacher in me will always come out in council meetings. Often students show up, and they need to know the important questions to ask of their elected officials.

    To: "Anonymous said...
    Okay Fred, we hear you and we agree; but"

    It's important you share your thoughts and views with neighbors, at council meetings and in emails to council members and staff. Keep in mind that the people of Menifee voted for 5 council members and 3 of the 5 have no problems with the outcome of last council meeting. We need to educate 3/5ths of Menifee that proper noticing, less densities and quality planning is what is good for all of Menifee. Less densities means less traffic and policing cost in the long run. I keep thinking about the long run effects of what we do not a single meeting. Call me any time 951-378-5458

    We made sure that the Oasis was OK with the apartments near them and it was on the agenda twice two different meetings not just once. Any other apartments that are being built must have been approved by the county.

    I agree when Costco offers to build here I will vote yes.

    Keep up the communication.

  31. Louis, and others

    Only one of the of the projects that were on the last agenda were final. But regardless we were not given adequate information even on that project. No information was given on how much the project will cut into the hillside. I like our hills.

    As I said at the meeting NO stage of any project should come to the council with only 72 hour notice for one time approval. If we had a planning commission the citizens of Menifee would have sufficient time to review the projects before they came to the city council for approval. I will vote to continue the item every time I feel community has not been given sufficient notice.

    As for the comment by
    "Anonymous said...
    I am starting to regret voting for Fred Twyman."

    I doubt you are telling the truth.

    I ask questions because no one else cares to, especially given the short notice of the proposals. Ever think I know the answers to the questions I ask and just possibly I am asking the questions to educate the public. The teacher in me will always come out in council meetings. Often students show up, and they need to know the important questions to ask of their elected officials.

    To: "Anonymous said...
    Okay Fred, we hear you and we agree; but"

    It's important you share your thoughts and views with neighbors, at council meetings and in emails to council members and staff. Keep in mind that the people of Menifee voted for 5 council members and 3 of the 5 have no problems with the outcome of last council meeting. We need to educate 3/5ths of Menifee that proper noticing, less densities and quality planning is what is good for all of Menifee. Less densities means less traffic and policing cost in the long run. I keep thinking about the long run effects of what we do not a single meeting. Call me any time 951-378-5458

    We made sure that the Oasis was OK with the apartments near them and it was on the agenda twice two different meetings not just once. Any other apartments that are being built must have been approved by the county.

    I agree when Costco offers to build here I will vote yes.

    Keep up the communication.

  32. The approval of Tract & Parcel Maps is a two step process. The first step is the tentative map approval which the local jurisdiction has discretionary capability to approve a map based on public testimony, CEQA, map exhibit, proposed conditions of approval and any other information used for approval, denial, or continuance. The second step is the final map approval. Unlike a tentative map, which can be denied if it does not meet city or county standards, the final map must be approved (with some exceptions) if it substantially complies with the previously approved tentative map.

    State Statute 66413.5 states as follows “(a) When any area in a subdivision or proposed subdivision as to which a tentative map meeting the criteria of this section has been approved by a board of supervisors is incorporated into a newly incorporated city, the newly incorporated city shall approve the final map if it meets all of the conditions of the tentative map and meets the requirements and conditions for approval of final maps as provided in Article 4 (commencing with Section 66456), and other requirements of this division.
    Some of the reasons that the newly incorporated city may condition or deny a map based on the following:
    (1)Failure to do so would place the residents of the subdivision in the immediate community, or both, in a condition dangerous to their health or safety, or both.
    (2)The condition or denial is required in order to comply with state or federal law.

    The following provision is the one that requires the City Attorney to interpret and guide the City Council on considering final maps. This provision states that an approved tentative map shall not limit a newly incorporated city from imposing reasonable conditions on subsequent required approvals or permits necessary for the development, and authorized by the ordinances, policies, and standards described in Section 66474.2.

    The approval process is highly procedural and a city can get into legal difficulties if it takes capricious actions in denying tentative or final maps. The City Council members have great responsibilities to follow the City Attorney’s advice and take heed of the local and California Subdivision Map Acts so that litigation can be lessen from applicants receiving negative actions from denied project, particularly final maps.

    I wish the City Council continued success in establishing a good foundation for governing the City of Menifee.

    Louis G. Mazei
    Resident of the City of Menifee

  33. I am hearing alot of blah,blah,blah on developement here in Menifee. Everyone needs to drive to the corner of Murrieta road and Newport road to see what developement can do for our new city ! The Audie Murphy Ranch project....what a disaster !Those of us who drive north on Newport can't even make a right turn onto Murrieta road without standing in a line of traffic. Trying to get into Walgreens from Newport is a nightmare for the tires on your car. There is a partial block wall started along Newport that has all the rebar there some with plastic caps and some without, just a matter of time until a kid gets impaled on them. And now we get all the motorcycles illegally in there tearing up the land even more than the developer did. Audie Murphy must be turning in his grave to see how his ranch has been desercrated. People coming here to live take a look at that disgraceful mess and they turn around and head back to the freeway ! Which is exactly what all of us homeowners who live around that site would like to do too. Developers are crooks and feel they are above the commitments they make. No more wastelands being created by developers please !!! We have beautiful stores down at the freeway now so if you have the urge to "develope" anything, keep adding some stores and restraunts down there, and a Costco there would be nice. It is the best looking shopping center around for miles.....beautiful to look at and nice to shop.

  34. If it was up to Fred Twyman, our city would be filing bankruptcy due to litigation from denying a project that is almost near completion and was approved by the county well before we became a city. Fred should stop crying over spilled milk and focus his energies on future development. In addition, he should stop crying over accepting all county ordinances as our own. If he educated himself, he would know that rewriting an ordinance is a very lengthy process, hence, the additional year needed to rewrite all those ordinances.

    Also, Fred, this is not high school. Be professional and ask educated questions that show you have done your research.

  35. I disagree with the above statement about being "professional". In my opinion there's no such thing as a dumb question, particularly when a councilman has the power to make changes that affect every voter and property owner. I don't want any council member to worry about his/her professional appearance, I want them to be just like one of us, representing us, not the developers.

  36. I agree that Fred is the only member that has the communities best interst in mind. I appreciate that he asks questions and is concerned about what is going on.

  37. Steve,

    I agree that questions are good, however, Mr. Twyman just needs to do a little more research prior to asking questions because many of his questions appear to lack common sense that if only he had paid more attention to the issue, he would know the answer.

  38. I agree with Steve no question is a dumb question. No matter how you may interpret it to be.

  39. I council member should fight for what's best for our city. He or she should not just go with the flow, period!
    If a council member is not willing to fight for what we as citizens believe is in our best interest, then we as citizens need to make sure that they are not re-elected!

  40. To the above posters on Dec 24th at 11am and 8:16pm:

    Is this you, Fred?

  41. It's not me I never use "Anonymous" I have asked Steve to remove the option but no luck. I think people who don't introduce them selves and give their names have bad manors. No insult intended.

    As for researching the projects I read ever word of the info given. But bad projects are bad project no mater how much paperwork they use to obfuscate the council. All other cities have planning commissions to research this for months before it come to the city council. However, seem to be in the minority that we need a planning commission before we give one time approval of projects. Event the county doesn't have the fast tract that we here in Menifee do.

  42. of course kuenzi and mann support it... $$$$$$$


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