It's Monday Morning - Will You Vote Tomorrow?
I am just as tired as the rest of you of the political ads that never seem to say anything. I will be so relieved when the election is over,...
I am just as tired as the rest of you of the political ads that never seem to say anything. I will be so relieved when the election is over, and we don't have to hear "the other guy's" rhetoric any longer. But truly, don't let that discourage you from voting.
What a great privilage it is to vote! Do you know all that our ancestors went through for this right? I won't bore you with a history lesson, but just keep this in mind. There was a time when a black man and a woman couldn't vote in this country. Now, we have an opportunity to vote FOR either a black man or a woman. Now that's progress!
Try to educate yourselves before heading to the polls. Don't think of this as "voting for a woman for woman-kind" or "voting for a minority for the sake of all the other repressed minorities." Try to look at what they stand for, what they profess, what they want to do with this great country, and make your decision from there.
I don't believe anything that one person says about another, without hearing what each individual has to say for themselves. Try to hear what the candidates say about themselves, not about one another. Try to see the good in all things, and good will follow.
Please, whoever your choice, don't let this election pass by without your vote!! Go out tomorrow and make a difference in this world; for yourself, your children, and for the sake of this great nation. Remember that many of our troops have given their lives over the years to protect this right that too many of us take so lightly.
Make the time, and VOTE!
What a great privilage it is to vote! Do you know all that our ancestors went through for this right? I won't bore you with a history lesson, but just keep this in mind. There was a time when a black man and a woman couldn't vote in this country. Now, we have an opportunity to vote FOR either a black man or a woman. Now that's progress!
Try to educate yourselves before heading to the polls. Don't think of this as "voting for a woman for woman-kind" or "voting for a minority for the sake of all the other repressed minorities." Try to look at what they stand for, what they profess, what they want to do with this great country, and make your decision from there.
I don't believe anything that one person says about another, without hearing what each individual has to say for themselves. Try to hear what the candidates say about themselves, not about one another. Try to see the good in all things, and good will follow.
Please, whoever your choice, don't let this election pass by without your vote!! Go out tomorrow and make a difference in this world; for yourself, your children, and for the sake of this great nation. Remember that many of our troops have given their lives over the years to protect this right that too many of us take so lightly.
Make the time, and VOTE!
......and if you do not vote, you forfit your right to complain.
ReplyDeleteStand up take charge and be heard!
For the first time in 232 years, America will plunge head first into Socialism beginning on Wednesday. November 5, 2008 may very well mark the beginning of the end of the America we have all known, loved, defended, swore oaths to and died for.
ReplyDeleteReaders... there is a reason why the mainstream media has kept a lid on everything related to Barrack Hussein Obama. No college transcripts, no published dissertation, no speeches, no voting record (or lack thereof). This guy comes out of a Chicago political machine that is the most corrupt in America (Yes, I used to live there... can anyone spell Daley?).
Each of us needs to look in the mirror before casting your vote tomorrow and ask yourself - Do I really want the government in my life? Well, bend over because here it comes!
Thank you for the wonderful post Steve. Anonymous - His post was about voting in general, not an open invitation for your depiction of Senator Obama.
ReplyDeleteDear Anonymous 6:54 am,
ReplyDeleteI heard that Obama is from another planet and has been planted here to infiltrate our Government. His mission is to pass secret information and relax out defenses for on oncoming intergalactic invasion.
It's true, I've not seen his birth certificate and I have not seen any of his medical records showing he is warm blooded.
Prepare fellow Americans!
PS- The mainstream media is in on it for they are all from the former planet Pluto.
I'm really bummed because I registered to vote October 10, through the mail... and am YET to know if I am even registered and where to vote. I looked online and told me where to vote, however if I have not received a postcard from Riv County it was not processed. That doesn't seem fair. I followed the rules... Does anyone know if I can still go down and vote even though it has not been processed yet? Its not my fault they are slow due to the abundance of voters this year.
ReplyDelete~Cheryl & Marcus
Cheryl, ACORN has made sure you can vote. They registered your name several dozen times. Just show up.
ReplyDeleteBut then again Cheryl , if you happen to be poor, minority, or young, the Republicans have worked overtime to make sure your vote is thrown out as "suspect". You may need to worry on Tuesday. I guess you will find out when you get there. Acorn is an exception to the norm. Isn't it funny Steve that the Republicans have made it policy to tamper with elections and the voting population, and you don't say a word, yet when a Liberal group starts acting like their Republican counterparts, The right gets scared. Know you know what the rest of us have felt for the last eight years.
ReplyDeleteThese comments, including Steve's are embarrassing, it is hard to believe that you might be my neighbors. All Tina said was go and vote, and she is right - GO VOTE - and be done with it.
ReplyDeleteWow. I can't believe that a positive public service post has so quickly degraded in to such a mud slinging fest. You lot should be ashamed of yourselves. Instead of seeing the positive side of this election, that it is motivating more people than ever before to vote, the tone has immediately jumped to bringing out rash biases. Really. Grow up. Set a good example for your children. Be accepting of those with other views. And, regardless of who wins tomorrow, be proud you live in a country where you even had the option to vote.
ReplyDeleteThe reactions are not unexpected though. With so much on the line for our society, feelings are going to be strong. The key thing we need to remember is that we have to vote. There is NOTHING more patriotic than voting. NOTHING. I must admit though, that it is hard to stay calm when this site is running ads, one day before election day, asking which candidate is most likely to cheat.
ReplyDeleteI can't believe people are so ignorant! What are you teaching your children? It's ok to vote for whomever you want to, we all have different views but why make all these remarks: Where was Obama born etc. etc. Grow up people and look at the big picture, listen to the candidates watch the news. It doesn't matter if we are black, white, brown or whatever, which candidate will offer this country a new change? That's what we should be focusing on, not where they came from or what they did or said decades ago. People lets get out there and VOTE! And may the best man win this election. God Bless America!
ReplyDeleteAccording to Biden paying more taxes is patriotic.
ReplyDelete~Cheryl & Marcus you can call the Riverside County Registrar office at (951) 486-7200 to verify that you are in fact registered to Vote and where you can vote at. They were very pleasent when i called.
ReplyDeleteTo Anonymous at 10:38 am:
ReplyDeleteYou must be making over 250,000 to be complaining, right? Don't you guys watch the news or watch the candidates speak????
Obama/Biden 2008! I really hope they win. Obama will open the doors to many other Americans regardless of race & religion.
I will be happy once this election ends! I think this is such an important year and things are definitely going to be different after tomorrow. I hope that people quit "mud slinging" and just get out and vote. Allow everyone to vote for who they want and what props they want. Do not fault others because they do not have the same opinion as you, that is the beautiful thing about living in America, we do not have to agree & we are allowed to vote!! But we also need to respect everyone else!! On a side note: I happen to be voting NO on Prop 8 apparently people that do not agree with me can not just vote yes and respect my choice, they have to break the windows of my house ... thank you very much
ReplyDeleteFree coffee at Starbucks after you vote.
ReplyDeleteBen & Jerry's Ice Cream
Krispy Kreme Doughnuts
I'll just be so pleased NOT to see the ignorant parents standing out front of my childrens' school holding the "YES on 8" signs after tomorrow! Whatever side you are on on this issue, in front of an elementary school is NOT the place!
ReplyDeleteI'll be glad when McCain wins. Maybe then we can start cleaning house in the congress.
ReplyDeletei agree driving by theres parnts making there kids hold prop 8 signs outside of school insteed of being inside of it is crazy!!!
ReplyDeleteHello...I posted a comment earlier about the ridiculous people in front of my kids' school with signs. After I posted that, I read another post from someone who had a "No on 8" sign in front of her house and had her windows broken. Now I am certainly not for violence or disrespecting ANYONES property but...I have to say, I really don't like to read other people's views on ANY (whether I agree or not) political issue, on their lawn, on a street corner,I don't want to see your retarded Sarah Palin t-shirt while I'm eating my lunch or your Obama sticker on your car. I know that it is their right...freedom of speech...blah blah blah! But to me, anyone who advertises ANY political view is asking for trouble. There are too many crazies in this world!
ReplyDeleteTo tell you the truth, it changed my opinion of some of my neighbors. I wish people would keep their political opinions to themselves unless asked. Don't make me hate you! lol
Wow! "Hate" is a strong word, I sure hope I am not your neighbor! You do not want to see political views, opinions or choices from anyone & anywhere?! Do you also not watch tv or read newspaper??. You should probably eliminate the internet from your life as well. It is sad that this election has become less about voting/politics and more about finding the ignorant people in the world.
ReplyDeleteFROM ANONYMOUS @ 11:55am
ReplyDeleteIf anyone has any information about my broken window, please post it here [anonymously of course] It would be greatly appreciated :-)
To the knucklehead at 3:45pm today,
ReplyDeleteIsn't your opinion on those who voice their political opinions, a political opinion?
What a quandry you have put yourself in. If you hate those with political opinions, you must not think very highly of yourself!
Well we tried all day to call the Riv County registrar office as suggested and it said online, it was busy all day. So I guess we'll show up and hope we can vote! Thanks!
ReplyDelete~Cheryl & Marcus
PS. I hope you will all just vote and stop yelling at each other on this blog. The only way people will hear you is through your individual vote, so just go do it!!
To our countries regret, i am sure that the windbag Obama will win. I've never seen anybody speak so well, but deliver no solid plans or answers. This guy flip flops on just about everything. At least McCain will elaborate on the details of his plans and not just talk and talk and talk about Change.
ReplyDeleteI personally believe that along with the requirements to be president, not only do you have to be born in the United States, but that you also MUST serve at least 2 years in our Armed Forces. This at least would prove that the individual is willing to die for our country.
As for parents standing outside schools - I dont think ignorant is what they are - passionate - not ignorant.
ReplyDeleteProp 8 is RIDICULOUS. Were supposed to keep church and state seperate. I get that. However - its a proposition that taps into peoples religious beliefs. If your are a Christian, and you believe in the Bible - you have to vote YES. A NO vote would be going against your beliefs. So why most Christian's dont condone or wish to discriminate, they must vote according to their beliefs. Its a shame to force people into this vote.
I am proud to see people's passion for either side (in a non violent way of course)
Whomever wins President - I pray that they are honest and best for out country. I think neither are.
And yes Im a Christian who will be voting Yes on 8.
no on hate.
ReplyDeleteDid not appreciate the Jeff Stone letter for Magnass for Valley Health Board. Magnass is the guy who renewed Chaduarrhi (sp?) contract, now he claims he got rid of him. Frankly it appears that all the board members sell their souls after they are elected.
I love of all your comments. It shows that you are passionate about your country as am I.
ReplyDeleteThe sad truth of the matter is this...California, as the 8th largest economy on the face of the planet, will have ZERO impact on who is President of the United States. All of the 55 Electoral Votes will go to waste once again in another close election. So, keep voting on your whacked out agenda in this silly un-governable state.
Why? California is so left of center that it should probably be it's own country (at least North of Bakersfield)...but, short of that improbability, the Electoral College, an absolute BRILLIANT 'checks and balances' placed in the Constitution by the Founding Fathers (yes..old white men in wigs), will prevent Barrack Hussein Obaman (BHO) from being President of the United States.
McCain is closing fast and substantially so in Missouri, Indiana, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Florida and North Carolina. I can't wait for the "Dewey Wins" headlines... the 'Annointed One' (annointed by the media who still pissed off that Bush won is 2000), will lose this election by another razor thin margin. And, the beauty of that is... the 'truly informed' voters will have saved America in the process!
I have to agree with the last post. the truly "informed" will save America, by voting for Barack. God help us and this country if John McCain wins.
ReplyDeleteAs for Prop 8, those of you supporting it are no different from the racists that lynched young black men and the anti-semites that fueled the holocaust. You are filled with hatred and we should look at you as no different than the racists and other filth in our society. No on Prop 8. Support the real meaning of America. Don't tolerate hate of any kind. Don't call yourself a Christian if you vote yes on 8. You are not. Not even close. Close-minded and judgmental yes. Christian, No.
It amazes me. We have just went through the last eight years of the single worst administration in our nation's history, yet many of you will still vote for McCain, who is nothing more than another Bush, with the potential to be worse. The US cannot stand another eight years of Republican nonsense. It has already damaged this country and made the world a more dangerous place for our children.
ReplyDeleteAll of you 'No on 8'ers' are missing the point and are misinformed. The gay community already has rights afforded to every American...especially in the State of California. The 'Domestic Partner' laws, and some rather generous case law in courts, have taken care of the following:
ReplyDelete1. The ability to insure one another, i.e. medical and life insurance;
2. The ability to adopt;
3. The ability to name each other in a will, including Living Trusts;
4. The ability to have joint bank accounts;
5. The ability to obtain loans, credit, and go into debt with one another;
6. The ability, like most everyone, to what they want behind closed doors;
7. The ability to put DNR orders in place;
8. Etc., etc., etc.
Given all the legal protections presently afforded by existing laws, why do you insist on attempting to bastardize the institution of marriage which is a 'covenant' between a man, a woman, and God?
I am willing to allow every right afforded to the gay community under existing laws, however, I am not willing to give away the sanctity of marriage.
The covenant of marriage with God is about Adam and Eve not Adam and Steve!
I am a Christian and voting NO on Prop 8. Why? Because it's just plain wrong to discriminate against any human being.....period.
ReplyDeleteHere's a great example of my fellow belivers and their great acts of kindness. A group of young adults were on the corner of Haun/Newport this weekend with "No on 8" signs and people were yelling horrible things at these young "faggot", "Your going to hell faggots"....awful stuff.
If that's being a good Bible pounding Christian........I WANT NO PART OF THAT !!!!
Gay marriage does nothing to undermine my marriage or threaten it in any way.
P.S...schools don't teach about marriage......just another scare tactic......
The fall of Rome and the Roman Empire was due in large part to the social denegration of their society. We are most assuredly experiencing the same thing in America today.
ReplyDeleteWe will not last.
To the 'Anonymous 8:37 pm Christian',
ReplyDeleteYou are a wolf in sheeps clothing! Get behind me Satan.
In Regards To Anonymous @ 8:11pm, you said "I am not willing to give away the sanctity of marriage" have you noticed the divorce rate lately?? To each his own, live and let live! Everyone should be able to love whoever they want and celebrate like everyone else.
Regardless of how you feel about the issue, we should not eliminate fundamental rights for ANY Californians.
FICTION: Prop 8 doesn’t discriminate against gays
FACT: Prop 8 is simple: it eliminates the rights for same-sex couples to marry. Prop 8 would deny equal protections and write discrimination against one group of people—lesbian and gay people—into our state constitution
FICTION: Teaching children about same-sex marriage will happen here unless we pass Prop 8
FACT: Not one word in Prop 8 mentions education, and no child can be forced, against the will of their parents, to be taught anything about health and family issues at school. California law prohibits it, and the Yes on 8 campaign knows they are lying. Sacramento Superior Court Judge Timothy Frawley has already ruled that this claim by Prop 8 proponents is “false and misleading.” The Orange County Register, traditionally one of the most conservative newspapers in the state, says this claim is false. So do lawyers for the California Department of Education
FICTION: Churches could lose their tax-exemption status.
FACT: Nothing in Prop 8 would force churches to do anything.
In fact, the court decision regarding marriage specifically says “no religion will be required to change its religious policies or practices with regard to same-sex couples, and no religious officiant will be required to solemnize a marriage in contravention of his or her religious beliefs"
FICTION: A Massachusetts case about a parent’s objection to the school curriculum will happen here
FACT: Unlike Massachusetts, California gives parents an absolute right to remove their kids and opt-out of teaching on health and family instruction they don’t agree with. The opponents know that California law already covers this and Prop 8 won’t affect it, so they bring up an irrelevant case in Massachusetts
FICTION: Four Activist Judges in San Francisco
FACT: Prop 8 is not about courts and judges, it’s about eliminating a fundamental right. Judges didn’t grant the right, the constitution guarantees the right. Proponents of Prop 8 use an outdated and stale argument that judges aren’t supposed to protect rights and freedoms. This campaign is about whether Californians, right now, in 2008 are willing to amend the constitution for the sole purpose of eliminating a fundamental right for one group of citizens
FICTION: People can be sued over personal beliefs
FACT: California’s laws already prohibit discrimination against anyone based on race, religion, gender, or sexual orientation.
This has nothing to do with marriage
FICTION: Pepperdine University supports the Yes on 8 campaign
FACT: The university has publicly disassociated itself from Professor Richard Peterson of Pepperdine University, who is featured in the ad, and has asked to not be identified in the Yes on 8 advertisements
FICTION: Unless Prop 8 passes, CA parents won’t have the right to object to what their children are taught in school
FACT: California law clearly gives parents and guardians broad authority to remove their children from any health instruction if it conflicts with their religious beliefs or moral convictions
According to a recent poll regarding Prop 8 [this came from the Press Enterprise]
ReplyDeleteDeomcrats: support NO on 8
Republicans: support YES on 8
Women: support NO on 8 more than men
College Educated People: Support NO on 8
High School Educated People: Support YES on 8
No Preference/Other: Support NO on 8
Catholic/Protestant: Support YES on 8
Coastal Counites: Support NO on 8
Inland Counties: Support YES on 8
To anonymous at 8:11pm, if it makes you feel better about your hatred and ignorance, then feel free to rationalize the way you have. It doesn't matter that Gays have the same rights under domestic partnership, the issue is whether we will allow any member of our community to have their rights limited IN ANY WAY, by those who adhere to ignorance. If you don't like homosexuality, then don't partake in a same sex relationship. Keep your nose out of other people's lives. Prop 8 is about hatred and fear, plain and simple.
ReplyDeleteI am praying that all of you who vote yes on 8, will have children who grow up to be gay and lesbian. Then you will realize how ignorant your beliefs are.
ReplyDeleteTo all bloggers that had rebuttals to my earlier posts (1:37 & 3:45)…The truth is, I am kind of a knucklehead and I actually do think highly of myself! I was kidding about “hating” my neighbors. It was supposed to be funny, but apparently it wasn’t, or certain readers are too serious. As for the “passionate” parents, I think that’s all good and well; I am actually thrilled that so many people are getting involved in this presidential race. My complaint is that I do not believe that an elementary school is the place to showcase your beliefs, especially on this topic. This has NOTHING to do with the fact that I don’t agree with the ignorance of the so called “Christians” that yes on 8 is the way to go. I try and teach my children that love is love. This is no different than any other form of discrimination. I say ignorant because it means uninformed; unaware. I just can’t believe that we are in 2008 and people are trying to “protect” marriage; Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve??? OMG! It is unbelievable the homophobia that is obviously present. But anyway…
ReplyDeleteWhen I talked about not getting people’s personal political views I was not talking about the information that is provided by watching TV, reading newspapers or using the internet. Those are all outlets that I have a choice to take part in…and I do. I was simply saying that in today’s world it could turn dangerous (ie: the poster that had her windows broken). I like to keep my opinions to myself or anonymously like on here.
One last note, KUDOS to anonymous 9:25! No matter what rights any domestic partnership has, when two people love each other, they should be able to legally marry one another. Sometimes the title of husband or wife is what can really mean a lot. I think heterosexuals forget that sometimes and take it for granted.
Anarchy and Freedom is what i want!
ReplyDeleteone person can make a difference, but one vote cannot
ReplyDeleteif we did not have an electoral college this may be a contradicting statement.
we are a republic not and democracy
i am not saying dont vote.
i think everyone should vote, but what is probably more important than what president will be next are the propositions.
people should really read all of the props and have a full understanding of what they will do.
and for you pompous voters that forcing all of your attention on prop 8, you are probably the most narrow minded people. there is much more important issues on the ballot than just gay marriage.
I dont mean to insult anybody, but seriously come on!
one person can make a difference, but one vote cannot
ReplyDeleteif we did not have an electoral college this may be a contradicting statement.
we are a republic not and democracy
i am not saying dont vote.
i think everyone should vote, but what is probably more important than what president will be next are the propositions.
people should really read all of the props and have a full understanding of what they will do.
and for you pompous voters that forcing all of your attention on prop 8, you are probably the most narrow minded people. there is much more important issues on the ballot than just gay marriage.
I dont mean to insult anybody, but seriously come on!
first let me say....I really don't care about prop 8 either one reader said, We have Domestic Partnership laws and anyone can have commitment ceremonies.(which I think is sweeter...but I can get married so I suppose that doesn't mean much)BUT, I seriously doubt you can group supporters of prop 8 as being no different from the racists that lynched young black men and the anti-semites that fueled the holocaust.There is a big difference. (cough cough...but I'm sure some were probably christians- just the facts) I am amazed at the amount of money and time, energy... that is wasted for these type of arguments. It's like pro-choice, how many $$$ are eaten up on that topic. Fanatics in any group is bad!! The big winners have always been the lawyers!! I'm looking forward to one day having both.....a wife and husband!! LOL sheesh, Anyways,What was the Collapse in major societies? ecological suicide? competitive frenzy?, lack of adaption? Whatever it was I'm sure reality TV isn't helping us, Where have all the good writers gone?...LOL Lighten up folks!!! It's a new day :)
ReplyDeleteProp 8 - YES. Why? Because Marriage wasn't invented by the state, or by humans, it was invented by God, and we have no right or authority to redefine it or change it no matter what laws are passed.
ReplyDeleteObama - NO. Why? Because there are too many questions concerning his friends, his politics, his background, his policies and his beliefs that he has AVOIDED, COVERED UP, and LIED about during this whole campaign. The guy is either hiding something sinister, or he's a puppet being controlled by the real power brokers.
You people who throw the word 'racism' and 'hatred' around cheapen these words' meanings. The same with you Christians who call people 'satan' or 'faggot'. Why don't you try to win your opponent by having a genuine conversation and loving them? Do you expect to shame or humiliate your opponent into submission?
Most of us have never seen or experienced true hate or racism. To associate those of us who oppose Sodomy on moral grounds with the lynching mobs, and Nazis shows true ignorance. We oppose the act of sodomy because we believe it is (and it has been proven to be) destructive to its participants and opposed to God's natural, good order.
You should seriously try to talk and listen to other points of view than yours if only that you might better understand where your opponents are coming from. Throwing around slogans, accusations and labels doesn't convince or persuade anyone to your point of view. You're just making enemies and causing strife.
This nation was founded upon Judeo-Christian principles and designed by our founders to stand as long as those values, ethics and morals resided among its peoples. We have seen those morals slowly decay, and our society will follow as long as that trend continues.
As much as you might hate Christians, they are the ones who are keeping our nation from completely destroying itself, as we continue to pray for God's mercy and grace to be upon our nation and especially our own churches.
Obama will win - Unfortunate for the entire country. All of you that voted for him will realize that he is a wolf in sheeps clothing.
ReplyDeleteProp 8 will NOT pass - Thank god!
Prop 2 will pass
I'm sorry, ignorance makes me crazy, and I have to address this:
ReplyDeleteAnonymous from November 03, 2008 10:15 PM said:
"Anarchy and Freedom is what i want!"
You cannot have both anarchy AND freedom. Freedom comes from God (not the State) and is perpetuated in society through morality, ethics and the rule of law. The people must feel they have a common cause, and that they are symbiotic.
Anarchy is doing whatever you want, to or with whomever you want, with no restraints, inhibitions or consequences. Sounds good until you start thinking of the ramifications: that means EVERYONE (not just you) get to participate. Not so fun when you have to LIVE with anarchists. Just think of the fear and paranoia inherent in a society of anarchists! What if you make someone else mad at you? There is no freedom there.
Freedom and Anarchy are mutually exclusive. I suggest you read some history books and get some political perspective on how good we have it here in the US and start to appreciate it before it slips away.
Actually this country was founded on principles that came from the enlightenment and the writings of Montesquieu and John Locke which had little if anything at all to do with Judeo-Christian values. What made the founding fathers so unique was that in their desire to form a free society is that they kept themselves from becoming shortsighted zealots and gave the country a form of government that could change to meet the future needs of the citizenry. Although I know this is difficult for some of us to comprehend, but the principles that drove the formation of the US government were those of tolerance not condemnation and it had nothing to do with religion, save that the framers of the Constitution wanted US citizens to be free to practice as they wish, free from the dear of persecution.
ReplyDeleteIf I could, I'd like to take all of you anarchists, socialists, communists and progressive democrats and dump you in the desert of Afghanistan with a weapon and a few MREs for about two weeks.
ReplyDeleteFor you teachers and PTA leaders on this blog who are touting your 'no on 8' filth, I'd like you to hold a real job for a while just to see what it is like before you pollute the minds of our youth.
Maybe then you would have a better appreciation of the sacrifices that others have made and are making so that you can push your extreme agendas!
The beauty and silver lining of this country if Barack Hussein Obama wins... is in the 2012 Election!
I am a Obama supporter. I hope and and pray he wins. I will extremely disappointed if he doesn't. But in case the worst (in my opinion) happens I am going to support John McCain in every way. Because I really do care about my country first. Lets give whomever gets the job a chance. I know people are passionate but really, some of these posts are hate filled. I would bet these folks are the type that complain about everything. ~sis
ReplyDeleteRegarding Anonymous @ 5:02am
ReplyDelete"For you teachers and PTA leaders on this blog who are touting your 'no on 8' filth, I'd like you to hold a real job for a while just to see what it is like before you pollute the minds of our youth."
Are You $h!tt!ng Me ?!?!?! I am NOT a teacher or PTA leader. I can NOT believe that you would tell them to hold a "real job". Teachers are 1 of the MOST important jobs and I applaud them and feel they are not appreciated enough or paid enough for the jobs & responsibilities that they have. If you happen to have a problem with the teachers in Menifee I challenge you to then pull your child or children out of school and home school them yourself.
My children are in the Menifee school district and I couldn't be happier with the teachers we have had over the years and everything they have taught my children in their education. As far as my childrens beliefs and values I am extremely proud of those as well which I have introduced to them & they chose their own paths in life.
SO if you let the schools teach your childrens beliefs and are not involved, then you have failed as a parent.
Bible Thumpers, keep your religion to yourself and out of our lives. While many of the Original founders were CHristian, the true framers were all Deists. They believed in God, but believed in a ditinct seperation between the two, for the good of both. I know it makes Jeff and his kind feel better about themselves when they use the bible to justify their bigotry and hatred, but facts are facts. Hatred isd a strong word. Bigotry is a strong word. Both are appropriate descripters of the Pro 8 supporters. If Prop 8 passes and McCain is elected, we should be embarrassed as Americans and as human beings.
ReplyDeleteI voted!!!!
ReplyDeleteAnd Im a libral democrate who shows up
ReplyDeleteIn front of the elementary school is EXACTLY the place for the courageous moms with the YES on 8 signs. I don't care how people live their lives...but I do care if you want to FORCE a radical change to what young children learn about marriage and family life. California mandates social norms be taught as norms...If this passes, I for one will start looking for alternative education options.
ReplyDeleteCalifornians already voted against this... and some judges have changed our constitution by 'deleting' the traditional definition of marriage.
A yes vote just puts it back.
Parents, I urge you to vote YES, and if this fails, I urge you to take your children back!
I am voting yes on Prop 8 because the proposition itself is flawed. Prop 8 discriminates! Why should homosexuals be the only ones that have the right to marry? Polygamy should be included in the Proposition. Fathers should be able to marry their sons or their daughters. Sisters should be able to marry. Who are these people hurting if they get married? Doesn’t affect me.
ReplyDeleteEveryone should have the right to marry.
When will I have the right to marry my sister?
ReplyDeleteLive and let live?
To the one who said those of us who vote yes on 8 and prays that our children are born gay or lesbian.
ReplyDeleteI have a son who is gay and I'm still voting yes on 8. And I'm voting yes on 8 because to marry the same sex is wrong plain and simple. Just because everyone says it o.k. doesn't mean its o.k., and to the christian who is voting no on 8. It's obvious you don't know the LORD or read your bible, just because you stand for what is right in GODS eyes doesn't mean your discriminating against anyone. Maybe you should go talk to your pastor.
who ever said anarchy and freedom cant work with each other and said i need to read some history books obviously doesn't know what anarchy is and believes just what they are told.
ReplyDeletefreedom and anarchy coexist synonymously.
pure anarchy is full lease from government, which would be absolute freedom.
the only problem with that would be the greed most of the American hold onto so so strongly.
religion would also conflict with an anarchy society, because religion conflicts with almost every major topic.
There are also several different types and levels of anarchy, so before you judge ones belief and "ignorance " of someone else's political point of view, i suggest you take a gander at your own ignorance.
If you are unsure of how to vote today, take a couple minutes and browse this site. It has every prop with both sides on it:
I posted WAY earlier that our registration didn't get processed in time for voting today.
ReplyDeleteYeah! I got to vote! I didn't get my notice that I was registered... but I went down to the poll anyhow, THEY HAD MY NAME! So I got to vote! So yeah, I feel much better now knowing I did my part! If you haven't gone down yet, go down even if you aren't sure if you are registered!
~Cheryl & Marcus
If you are voting yes on 8 and your children are gay, then you are truly sick and ignorant beyond belief. I feel bad for your children.
ReplyDeleteAnd too the poster who thinks prop 8 is unfair because it doesn't allow polygamy, you are truly beyond ignorant. An idiot may be a better term.
If God is the reason for all of this hatred and ignorance among his people, than the sooner we wipe religion off of the planet, the better for the human race.
But, I believe that the hatred and ignorance is not of God's doing, just the hate-filled ignorance of those who are blind. We should look at homophobia as no different than racism or antisemitism. Hatred is hatred. Hatred has no place in true christianity.
For the ignorants out there let me clarify. According to ED code 51933Section 7 Marrige and/or committed relationships can only be taught in regards to HIV/AIDS education. Not what is and isn't marriage. Ed. code 220 also states that no schools should show preference to any student regardless of sex, religion, or sexual orientation. Section 6 states that teachers are to emphasize to students that their parents are the first source for all sexuality questions.If you still think that the schools are going to teach your children about Gay marriage being an option, then you need to question your own parenting skills, and learn to read.
ReplyDeleteJust because people are voting YES on 8 does not mean they are ignorant, it's about being a hater or unfair, I myself have respect for gays and lesbians, I think they deserve respect, but what us the people that do not agree with no on 8, do our feeling count?? There you have Diane Feinstein saying "No matter how you feel about marriage" REALLY?? are you kidding me with this, it doesn't matter how we feel about? Wel guess what...It does matter how we feel about it, unfortunatly some people (gays/lesbians) will not be happy about this but we have to stand up for what we believe in, just like they stand up for what they THINK is right well so do we. YES on 8. And by the way I am a College graduate, so not only High School grads will be voting YES on 8. Oh, one more thing, who will change all the dictionaries on the meaning of MARRIAGE?? Some things should never change. And I do love and respect gays, I have a few friends that have relatives that are gays and they know how I feel about it and some feel the same way. It's all about respect, and that is what I intendt to teach my children, remember it all starts at home and how you raise your children. I told my kids why I'm voting on yes on 8 but I did say one day you will make your own choices and I will respect them, I'm not one of those parents who will stand in the streets with my children protesting. But I will continue to say VOTE YES on 8!
ReplyDeleteGod Bless us all and our new President (Obama- I hope)
To the poster who called me a "wolf in sheeps clothing", and the other poster who said I must not know the Lord or read my Bible, I say to you both......Do not Judge or yet thee be Judged. How dare you claim to be the Judge & Jury on another person. I leave that to MY GOD and him alone. I'm sure you thought you were doing God's work when you screamed horrible things at young adults who were exercising their FREE SPEECH. Christians like you are sheep who cannot think for themselves, who are lead by what their Pastor tells them and are brainwashed to think it's okay to bash others as long as you are doing it in God's name.
ReplyDeleteSHAME ON YOU....This is not the teachings of Jesus, and I for one know that my faith is not rocked by loving all people and respecting the free will and choice that God gave us all.
to the previous poster, no you don't care about the rights of gays and lesbians, and no, following what makes you feel comfortable or as you say "right" doesn't make it so. Yes on 8 is ignorance. Yes on 8 is hatred. Justify however you like, as long as it makes your insecure heart feel better. Prop 8 is what it is. Hate-filled and ignorant.
ReplyDeleteTo Anonymous, at November 04, 2008 10:55 AM.
ReplyDeletePlease explain why polygamy is such a terrible marriage? If those involved are consenting, then who are they hurting?
Are you saying it is Morally wrong to take more than one wife or more than one husband?
have an idea. Since marriage itself seems to be a problem, we should just ban marriage period. Then we can marry as many people as we want and those gays won't get married. Thanks for the idea 12:01 poster. We might as well look at the real problem. Marriage.
ReplyDeleteDo you want to ban marriage or marry as many as you want? I am confused.
ReplyDeleteDid we get off topic? I for one am excited that I voted today. Although I know that CA goes democratic I am happy that at least my son saw me exercise my right and vote for McCain. I know that a lot of people are voting for the opponent but it just felt like I did something important before a potential country changing action might happen. Before all you Obama supporters jump on me just listen. Iam not here calling anyone names nor am i spewing talking points. I voted with my conscience and my moral and ethical upbringing. I was excited to see my son with his bright eyes reading the ballot and asking me mom mom did it count did it work? So lets just sit back and wait I will bite my nails but in the back in my mind I know McCain just might pull this off and God has his plan already set. So for all the servicemen and women who have died or fought to give me this right I thank you.
ReplyDeleteGet rid of marriage period. That way we can have arelationship with as many people as we choose. Sorry for the confusion, but it makes about as much sense as th 12:01 posters comment.
ReplyDeleteI too am voting with my conscience and my moral and ethical upbringing. Your right about God having a plan already set and it is for Barack Obama to win and take the country in a new direction. For some reason republicans think they have the corner on ethics and morals. How silly.
ReplyDeleteseparation between church and state should be on peoples minds when voting today.
ReplyDeleteMarriage did start out as a religious event, but that has changed, it is a legal document. so pressuring your religious views on people that dont believe what you believe is wrong! and homosexual couple should have every right to marry as a heterosexual couple.
it is amazing to me that this topic should even arise in this day and age, but i guess we will never live in an equal nation.
separate but equal might be good enough for everyone else, but for me it isnt.
Why can't I have three wives??
ReplyDeleteListen, if you want to torture yourself with three wives, be my guest.
ReplyDeleteNobody said the the republicans hold the ticket on morals and ethics. I voted with the morals and ethics that I was brought up with. This is what I mean I try to be unbiased and not bad mouth and you come back with this. As my pastor said on Sunday until the church does more in the moral and ethics department how can we as republicans and christians stand firm. We must continue to do as we think is right and if that means I bvote for MCCain and you for Obama then you did what you felt was right. There are immorals on both side. Now just think about how much you work and if Obama gets elected how much are you prepares to give to the neighbor who does not work. This is a country founded on hard work and aspirations of getting to the top. Nobody gave me a free ride I worked hard to get where I am at so please don't tell me I have no morals I feel that this election has been ugly on both sides but it's a little easier ofr the left to say that the right is mudslinging when you have the media covering everything up for Obama. But my talking is useless because as far as you are considered spreading the wealth is better then standing firm on terrisom and although I did not agree with everything Bush did at least we were safe and oh by the way the Mccain told the senate we were headed for a finacianl crisis regarding the mae and mac but i won't forget which senators on both sides more on the left lined there pocket with millions of dollars.
ReplyDeleteTo anonymous at 1:04,
ReplyDeleteI have to agree with you for some reason people think if you are voting for Senator Obama you don't have how ignorant is that, I am voting for Senator Obama and YES on 8 we don't have to agree with everything our president votes for, that is the beauty of our Country, we all have a vote. By the way I am a Christian believer and like I said I am voting for Senator Obama. And I also believe that Senator Mc Cain is and American Hero and deserves our respect but our Country needs a change. Sorry Mc Cain I bet Senator Obama will call you if he wins and ask you to work for his administration because believe it or not guys I believe Obama is that kind of humble man.
To: Anonymous, at November 04, 2008 1:38 PM
ReplyDelete"As my pastor said on Sunday until the church does more in the moral and ethics department how can we as republicans and christians stand firm."
WOW - Are republicans and christians one and the same? I thought christians were an accepting bunch, at least I was brought up to be. Democrates must be the opposite, immoral and unethical? Interesting!
Just remember to vote, no matter who or what you vote for. Remember to vote in a way that does not harm others, in a way that does not force your religious beliefs on another person. America is a great country where we are supposed to be free to make choices for ourselves that others might not like or agree with - however that is our right as American citizens.
ReplyDeleteYour religion might not be my religion and vice versa; would you want another religion forcing its ideals on you and saying you can not do something because THEY say it is right and moral?
Would you want Jews to ban pork for everyone just because they don't eat it? Would you want Christmas banished because Jehovah Witness don't celebrate the day? How about having caffeine and coffee made illegal because Mormons say so? What is we all had to bow to Mecca 5 times a day because Muslims told us to at the polls? What if Christians banned marriage between two people in love because they said so?
Freedom of choice is a right we all have and just because I think the gay lifestyle is not right for me doesn't mean I should make that choice for everyone else.
Keep that in mind while at the polls voting.
Anonymous @ 2:41pm
I don't see how anyone could disagree with what you stated! No matter how we are voting or what we believe, you said it best!
I wish you weren't anonymous because you should be proud of what you wrote and I would love to know who you are. I am proud to have such a smart neighbor in menifee :-)
How can you vote for a man who says: I'm a christian and then approve the taking of an unborn childs life?
ReplyDeleteDoesn't make since to me.
This socialism excuse is BS. If you or your parents accept or rely on SOCIAL security, then your a socialist. If you are hoping to get Medicare-> then your a socialist also. The Free market had made healthcare unaffordable to most.
ReplyDeleteI recommend all those who are anti "socialism" denounce social security and don't accept medicare health insurance.
Its funny how all the Christians who are usually anti Darwin when it comes to human origins, believe in the social Darwinism. They believe in survival of the fittest and don't want to help the "less fortunate" unless they get a tax write off. Jesus was clearly a SOCIALIST! he was anti- establishment, told us to feed the hungry, visit the sick and clothe the naked. That sounds like a SOCIALIST to me...
I may not approve of gay marriage but I voted No on 8. My brother is gay and been in a relationship for over 15 years. More than some Heterosexual couples.
ReplyDeleteI think when Blacks and Whites could not marry and it was against the law.
Historically speaking interracial relationships were actually illegal in 16 states until 1967. I think it is unfair to take away someones right to marry.
I want to marry my English Bulldog!
ReplyDeleteThis is so sad. I knew my community was very conservative but I didn't know it also had deep hostilities towards others views. The good new for me and my family is we are very blessed. In addition to having the right to vote we also have the "ability" to vote with our feets. I'm a US Marine Officer with 25 years of fateful active service with several combat tours to include OIF in Iraq. I was planning to retire in Menifee.
ReplyDeleteProp 8 is more than just gays being able to marry. Get more information by going to
ReplyDeleteThere was an add on this page which stated, who is most likely to cheat? Obama or Mccain? Well, McCain did cheat on his first wife. So I guess McCain is the answer...If you don't see the add, refresh the page..
ReplyDeleteGod is not a republican! He is against the death penalty! It is ironic that most Christians are pro death penalty which was the law under Mosaic Law. Eye for eye! But when Jesus came, he freed us from the old mosaic law! Besides- wasn't Jesus wrongly convicted and killed by capital punishment? the death penalty? So why do so many Christians support something that killed our Lord and Savior? Strange logic out there...
ReplyDeletePS: Ohio went to Obama!
If being Gay is such a sin, why didn't it make God's Top 10 Sin list (10 Commandments)? No on Prop 8. I figured once we perfectly obey the 10 commandments, we can concentrate on the "gay issue"
ReplyDeleteTo: I want to marry my English Bulldog!
ReplyDeleteVery childish..wait a child would know better than to say that.
The Bush Bashers need to remember that the president is not responsible for all the problems in our country. The majority of our problems are driven by the House and the Senate which have been a Democrat majority for years. So, if you want to blame anyone, blame the democrats. With Obama becoming president and the house and senate being even more of a majority of democrats let's see how much more our country can be screwed up in the next 12 months. The economy and housing market will turn around (No matter who is president). It is unfortunate though that Obama will get all the credit when he does not have to do anything since it is a normal cycle in our history.
ReplyDeleteSo all of you Obama supporters remember this comment because he should not be given credit when the economy turns around. If McCain was to win (not likely), then everyone would praise the democratic run house and senate for turning everything around.
I don't care for either candidate to tell you the truth. The problem is that 99% of the population will always believe the junk facts and sway to their party affiliations.
As for prop 8. It needs to fail, otherwise we are returning to segragation!
Mr Anonymous,
ReplyDeleteAll counties have some sort of Socialism including ours for many years. So no it is not the first time. You have a lot to learn.
Bend over America..... the next four years will be very, very painful. The stock market will drop tomorrow by 700 plus points or more.
ReplyDeleteIndividual investors and institutional investors will take their money off Wall Street to take what gains they can before Obama raises capital gains.
Never in my lifetime did I think that some extreme progressive socialistic limousine liberal ever be elected to the Presidency of the United States.
The next four years will be a very, very, very dark economic time unseen since the stretch of time between 1929 and 1941.
To Mr. Bulldog lover- you cant marry him but you can continue to be affectionate with it if you choose! Just do it behind closed doors! It really does not matter who wins. Both candidates are puppets anyway! Go to and watch terrorstorm and loosechange 2nd edition.
ReplyDeleteBy the way- we are scheduled to have a US terrorist attack in the next 12 months if current tradition persists, ie. Oklahoma, 9/11. Even Biden said so. Its part of the initiation for new Presidents. Wake up Menifee! 9/11 was an inside job.
Hell-half of America can't even find Iraq on a map, do you think those in power, the real movers and shakers, would really allow us to vote for a candidate who they did not approve of?
PS: Stocks were up 300 points today and wall street knew Obama would win. It will be up 700 tomorrow, not down.
i like the point that being gay isnt on the 10 commandments
ReplyDeletegood job to whoever said that
It looks like we have a new president! Senator Borack Obama is our new President! may God Bless him and give him the knowledge to lead our country! Go Obama/Biden 2008! YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ReplyDeleteNo, the next eight years will be positive. The Republicans have left us with a mess that will take years to clean up, but it will be done. We will have to work together, but tonight proved that even open-minded Republicans see the truth and they voted for Barack Obama. The Conservative Republicans are dying off, the way their archaic ideas should. The new Republicans won't fall for the same garbage that Republicans of the past have. You can't call yourself Conservatives, then spend more money and grow the government quicker than any President in history. Social Republicans and Democrats are the future of this nation. Maybe now we can put our nation back on track, after eight years of wallowing in idiocy. Thank you to all of you who voted today. You are all true patriots.
ReplyDeleteIn the United States, Inauguration Day is the day on which the President of the United States is sworn in and takes office. Inauguration Day occurs once every four years, about two and a half months after the national election.
ReplyDeleteThe next Inauguration Day will occur on January 20, 2009, at which point president-elect Barack Obama will take office.
Today history has been made and the United States (Black, White, Hispanic, Asian etc..) has voted for our first Black President!!
ReplyDeleteI thought Bill Clinton was our first black president?
ReplyDeleteWe're DOOMED NOW! LOL
ReplyDeleteCongratulations to Senator Borack Obama and Biden. Great speech from Senator McCain we need to support our new President and stop being haters. By the way to all the ignorants Senator Obama is not a Muslim he is a Christian. And even if he was, we are a country that has Freedom of Speech/Religion. GOD BLESS!
ReplyDeleteDid you guys see that??? What a beautiful scene that was, Obama and Biden with family and friends on stage. This is our America. God Bless you both!
ReplyDeleteisle if he wants something passed. All I have to say is this in four years ask yourself am I better off now or was I better off then. Iam going to get my 401k and start stuffing my mattress. And oh by the way can we use the same argument you lefties used for 8 years but he did not win by very much. All I can say is that this country is still very divided and mabye this is what us republicans need to start a revolution. And you wanted change and you will get that with this guy for prez now just start counting the things that he does for you and when you have no change in your pockets you will understand what we were saying.
ReplyDeleteCongratulations Barack and Biden! America will become a better place because of you! A country of Hope and not a country of Fear!
ReplyDeleteBarrack Hussein Obama.... Un-by-God-believable!
ReplyDeleteI am pulling all my cash out of my bank account and my investments. I am stashing 1/4 in mason jars in the back yard, another 1/4 in the mattress in the guest bedroom, and the other half is going into gold coins which will also be buried in my backyard.
Barrack Hussein Obama will not be 'allowed' to govern from the center because of Pelosi and Reid. Thank GOD there remains a fillibuster proof Senate to keep the lid on the nut cases in both chambers.
Here is where the Constitution gets shredded to pieces: Barry Obama will get to appoint up to 3 (or more) U.S. Supreme Court Justices and nearly 90 other Federal Justices in the lower courts.
Goodbye U.S. Constitution!
Just because you vote Yes on prop 8 - does not mean you hate gays. Like a previous poster wrote - marriage was created by the church. It was a religious ceremony that the government incorporated into their laws. So while I dont hate anyone - I have several gay friends - I do not support gay marriages as being legal. Doesnt mean I am comparible to a racist, lynching hate mongrel. Thats why politics cant be debated - because some people see it as so black and white. It doesnt have to be. Just as many who are voting NO on Prop 8 are against gay marriages. AS for those yelling gay slurs out the window at ralliers on the corner - I guarantee none of them were real Christians. Real Christians dont act like that.
ReplyDeleteGo ahead and vote with your heart. Thats truly all that matters. In the end - we all pay for our actions. So do what YOU think it right.
God Bless
Prop 8 Results for Riverside County Only as of 10:21 pm :
ReplyDelete8 - Marriage - Const. Amend.
698/1403 49.75%
Vote Count Percent
YES 86,283 63.45%
NO 49,710 36.55%
Total 135,993 100.00%
Oh no! It's gonna take at least 8 more years to clean up the mess that Obama and his possy are going to create in the next 4.
ReplyDeleteI guess the gay people better stay out of Riverside county. What at bunch of pansies.
OH YEAH! Barack Obama is now President of the United States! It's been a long time coming, but we are finally going to get the change we need! This election shows how much we have overcome as a nation. All races gave a big chunk of their vote and support to Obama's presidency, and look how far we've come. We should all be proud that our country has shown the world that we have come so far. Democrats have worked long and hard for this moment, and now we've GOT IT!!!
ReplyDeleteMay GOD Bless our new President-elect Borack Obama and Joe Biden. Congrats! We need Change and now we will have it. I'm blessed to know that such a humble man will be my President. Lets Unite as a country and congratulate him and support him just like we supported Bush even when some of us did not agree :)
ReplyDeleteWhat percentage of black does one have to be, to be called black?
ReplyDeleteI would be willing to bet, one of our former Presidents had black ancestors.
For all the people who want to put your money in a mattress that is the stupidest place to put it. I guess you do not watch the Suzie Orman show.
ReplyDeleteI hope you get robbed.
I can not believe their are so many racist people here in Menifee/Sun City. You disgust me! What are we teaching our children and grandchildren about race? We are in a melting Pot here weather you like it or not. It is time for a change!!
ReplyDeleteIf you do not like that Obama won pack up and leave the United States.
Bye Bye!! Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
Thanks for this website Steve and allowing people to express themselves. However, I'm sad to know I live among some people here in Menifee who have such a deep hate for black people and gays.
ReplyDeleteFor you gun toting, moose hating, rights..mass exodus Menifee and head to Wasilla. For the comment that someone is waiting for McCain to
ReplyDeleteYes Menifee maybe a new city, but not one for change. If it does not open up for the populus and allow the old and dying ideas run this city, so it will it do also. You might not have a Black on the Board of Riverside County or the Menifee School Board or even heading your new Police Department..Today, in the most Powerful office in the World, "That one Sits". Become a part of the Future Menifee and not part of it's racist past.
ReplyDeleteions of some posters is incredibly sad. Racists and homophobes abound. Our country showed that it has common sense last night by electing obama, but California took a step into the Jim Crow days with Prop 8. You are a homophobe so be it. But wher do we draw the line when it comnes to infringing on peoples lives. Yes this battle was mostly over wording, but the mindset of the Prop 8 supporters was the same as the racists of the past. Where do we get off telling anyone who they can and can't marry. If this was based on religion, then I hope religion and God die off and disappear from our society. I won't honor or give thanks to any entity that promotes hate. But, then again, God didn't create or support Prop 8. People who claim to be followers did. Organized religion is the problem, not God. Either way, we have infringed on the rights of a segment of our population, now what stops us from infringing on anyones rights. Oh by the way, Prop 8 past, and do you know what is going to change? Schools can still teach about Gay marriage, because the law states Marriage and committed relationships. Sorry, pull your kids out of public school now, because nothing you did "protected" your children from nothing. Thanks to the Supreme Court in 1980, Churches couldn't be sued for failing to perform ceremonies that went against their faith, and they still won't have to. What you didn't know that the law already protected religion? Life will move on, the I.E. will still be backwards, and America finally has hope for the future.
ReplyDeleteI agree Menifee needs to start on the right foot here.
ReplyDeleteTheir is a new Menifee we need a new one. Steve does a great job here and has been a around for years. It has pictures on it and it says, " We are Diverse"
Nothing in the pictures taken on that site show Menifee as Diverse. Wake up Menifee!! We are a society of young, old, black, white, Hispanic, Asian and Multi-Racial.
The person running that site doesn't have a clue.
Wait a minute, Is it Barack, Borack, or Borat Obama (Uhmmm, wasn't it the one i've watched in the movie?) You people confused me.
ReplyDeleteFor that person who is concerned about Obama destroying the Constitution- Dude! Have you been in a cave the last 8 years? Seriously...
ReplyDeletePresident Bush has admitted that he has authorized the use of
surveillance upon American citizens and residents. He has
argued that he has the authority to do so, that he has balanced
the need to spy on us and our civil liberties.
Firstly, the spying upon Americans without probable cause, due
process and a warrant supported by evidence and sworn before a
competent magistrate violates the 1st, 4th, 5th, 9th and 14th
Amendments of the US Constitution.
It is essential to the
argument to understand that the US Constitution and the Bill of
Rights does not create the rights of citizens, but places our
government in the position of GUARANTEEING these inherent
and INALIENABLE rights. Infringing upon these rights in any
manner is unlawful, unconstitutional, immoral and evil.....
I want to set the record straight!
ReplyDeleteI am a homosexual person and I would like everybody who voted YES on 8 to know I AGREE with you and respect you, I myself voted yes because I respect my parents and they respect me, it's not about hate it's about what you believe in and I have never felt disrespected by knowledgeble people, only the ignorants which their comments do not bother me. I hate the phrase Mrs. Diane Feisntein said " No matter how you feel about marriage vote No on 8" Well it matters to me and I believe in God and read the bible (yes a gay person)and I respect YOU the ones that stand in what they believe in. My parents respect me , my friends respect me and I RESPECT them, they accept me like I am. I have rights us gay people have them I know many probably will not agree with me but that is how I feel. I can have a civil union with my partner and be happy it's not about "marriage", it's what we have in our hearts. I'm sorry to all my fellow gay and lesbians, but WE cannot impose in what they believe in, marriage is sacred to them just like what we feel in our hearts for our partners. Lets respect each other. Prop 8 lost, but we are not, we are who we are, we have come a long ways, lets stop picking on people only because they stand for what they believe in.
God Bless America!
Dear Jack, November 04, 2008 8:44 AM:
ReplyDeleteI hope you'll find that God doesn't feel the same way about you as you feel about Him. His love for you is eternal.
I am appalled at the misinformation and the accusations of racism and hate-mongering on this site.
ReplyDeleteRegarding Marriage: Politically and Sociologically, people believe in marriage between 1 man and 1 woman because it is the building block of society. It has nothing to do with race since homosexuality is not a race and cannot be logically defined as such. If you want to hold that belief as part of a religion, go ahead, but don't force your religion on me.
Civilizations die when morality and, subsequently, the family is destroyed. Family is defined historically as a male husband, a female wife, and their children. The facts about the family stated thus far are fact, and cannot be reasonably refuted. Check history, if you dare.
Theologically, Christians, Jews, Muslims and many other world religions believe marriage was created by God, (NOT the church as someone has said here). Marriage pre-dates the church by at least 4,000. It is vitally relevant to state that God created marriage, because if He didn't, then it is merely a human idea open to interpretation, which is the opposing position. But even if this were true, history speaks for itself: when marriage dies, the nation dies. That's why we support Prop 8.
8 things that destroy a society:
Jeff, spare us your mindless gibberish. God and religion are two seperate entities. God of your religion is a figment of your imagination. It gives you meaning to this life because you can't create your own meaning. You talk about people forcing their religion down your throat, yet that is all that you do. You use a fictional piece of text to justify your ignorance and hate. History also shows that Religion has been the downfal of more than one society, and that mindless, unquestioning believers are more dangerous to society as a whole than any gay or lesbian individual. Don't worry about me, I don't need your useless prayer, or your bible "evidence", we have all seen enough of your ideology, and most intelligent individuals realize that life is much too complicated to be summarized in a bible passage. Our society has much more to fear from religion and all of the hate and intolerance it supposedly represents. God exists, but no religion actually represents God. Each of your has god in your hearts and can talk to him in your car, your room, your couch. Church and organized religion is a tool used to control the weak of mind, and it has worked as it was intended. All you have to do is look at the "christian" actions by so-called "Christians". Give me a break. The most hateful and intolerant people in our society fly the flag of organized religion. The sooner we abolish religion, the better for our society. Worship God, not the church. God is looking down today, embarrassed at the actions of those who claim to represent him. Spare to bible quotes, or you revisionist history. It means nothing, just like your fake religion.
ReplyDeleteI don't think we teach socialism or any of the 'ISMS' anymore. When I was in school we learned the difference between socialized services in a free market system vs socialism without a free market system. Marxism teaches the need for class warfare between those who have and those who don't have as the way to topple capitalism. I don't care if a candidate is a socialist or a marxist or even a communist, I care about honesty. We already have an indexed tax system that has people paying MORE of a % of their income in taxes, but the purpose of taxes is to pay for government not economic justice. If you think folks have a fundamental RIGHT to a job, a living wage, then you found your candidate. But that is socialism...and it's not something to be laughed at.
ReplyDeleteOur courts and our constitution should be upholding the RIGHTS to pursue and not discriminate in that pursuit. We don't have a right to a living wage or a job! That's a distortion of truth.
Please stop voting if you can't be an informed voter. Please don't run for office on a lie. If you believe in "economic justice" then just say so, and those who want it will vote.
Don't pretend to be a capitalist just so you can get elected and then push for economic justice.
Capitalism is a tool of the rich to keep the poor/middle class in their place. Almost all of those in the top two percent have "family" money. Yes you do have some, like Bill Gates, etc... who earned their way in, but for the most part, Capitalism keeps the rich rich and the poor poor. Most people who are die hard Capitalists are either rich, in which case I understand, or stupid, which happens to be most of them. Capitalism is not trhe backbone of America. The working class are. The working class is what makes the world function. If taking care of the working class requires that the rich pay more taxes, so be it. America has provided you the opportunity to become rich. Try doing the same thing in other parts of the world, and you will see the gift America gives it's people. Take care of each other and you will find our nation becomes stronger financially and socially.
ReplyDeleteLast Word?
ReplyDeleteHaHa you backwater hicks. All you people do is complain.
Peter, I couldn't have said it better myself! I've been having that same argument with my own Dad for years! Maybe I should have you call him! LOL
ReplyDeletePrivatization of our military, police services and prisons threatens our democracy. Outsourcing of political decisions, security, and other significant functions that were once inherently the government's responsibility has stripped the power from the people and given it to companies and corporations such as Blackwater and Halliburton. This is a very dangerous trend for our country. Smells of Hitler's SS!