Freedom Crest Elementary Salutes Veterans Day
Penny, a Menifee 24/7 reader, submitted the following description of Freedom Crest Elementary's salute to Veterans Days, along with the ...
Penny, a Menifee 24/7 reader, submitted the following description of Freedom Crest Elementary's salute to Veterans Days, along with the photograph...
I was proud to attend the Freedom Crest Elementary Salute to Veterans today. A number of the elementary classes gave presentations showing their appreciation for veterans for serving their country and helping to keep America a Free Country.
Mr. Chet Johnston, a 5th grade teacher at Freedom Crest, was the MC for the day and between his direction and the wonderful presentation by the students it was a fantastic day. The school was joined not only by veterans from various branches of the service, but also from members of the Menifee City Council and the Menifee Union School District. The finale was Mr. Johnston’s 5th grade class doing a medley of the anthems for each service ~ Air Force, Navy, Army and Marines. A majority of the students were dressed in Red, White, Blue and/or fatigues in honor of the veterans. In addition, they had issued an open invitation for local veterans and those currently serving in the military to come for the presentation. As you can see from the attached picture, they had representatives from World War II, Vietnam, the Gulf Wars and active members serving today.
I wish more positive news like this could be shared with everyone, instead of always having reports of all the negative things happening. These young people truly understand that we live in a great country and that our day to day freedoms are defended by our Armed Services.

Chet Johnston is a patriot and an awesome teacher. I have watched these presentations at this school for a few years now and they are always moving. Thank you to Mr. J and to all the students and teachers at Freedom Crest. This IS a very positive annual event and the students and our community are better for it!
ReplyDeleteAlthough my child does not attend Freedom Crest most of the neighborhood kids do. All you have to do is talk for about five minutes and even if they are not students of Mr. Johnston they sure know and like him.
ReplyDeleteIn a day where kids seem to have less and less respect for just about everything, it is great to read a story about this. I know Chet is a true American and am proud to know that he teaches locally. Keep up the good work.
Great article; thank you! Today should be a special day for all of us; we should be certain EVERY child and teen know and reverence it for what it is. Thank you servicemen; you're honored for protecting our country!
ReplyDeleteMenifee 24/7 thank you very much for such an outstanding, positive post. It's great to know that we have teachers in our schools who have good old fashion values and love of country. This story is very inspiring and it's great to see that our students are learning what freedom is about.
ReplyDeleteGod Bless the USA!
I find it strange or better yet very sad that this post has returned so few reader comments. Yet the story about Wheat Field and softball players drinking in the park turned into such a mess that Steve had to shut down the comments.
ReplyDeleteHere is a story about saluting our veterans on and near Veterans Day and we cannot comment on or commend teachers like Chet Johnston for his efforts to our communities youth.
Yes I do know Chet and I know how committed he is to our kids and their education as well as his true patriotism. He is a great role model for our kids and if you do not believe me, ask the kids who are in his class or have been.
Let's see this board be more positive and productive. At least in cases like this where it is well deserved!
Good job Chet!
Great article. Nice to read the good stuff from time to time. As an active duty Marine serving overseas it's always great to read and see what my community is doing to recognized those that have or are serving our nation call. God bless America and God bless Menifee. Semper Fi.
ReplyDeleteI must agree with all of the above! God Bless America and God Bless teachers like Chet Johnston!
ReplyDeleteBoth of my boys had Chet when he taught at Callie Kirkpatrick, they are now 20/18 and still talk about him as one of their favorite teachers! That says alot right?
Regarding the other post getting many negative posts, well it's like driving by an accident, you just can't help but look. For Menifee Lakes, Don Harris is their Accident !!!!!!!!!!!!!
TO THE POSTER OF 11/13 @ 9a.m.: SHAME on you and your obsessions! You start off with something nice and then negate all you've said with smearing someone. Don't you DARE turn this honorable post into your smear campaign; you're thoughtless and dishonorable to the vets on this one. Back off and get a life! This teacher is worthy of the respect he is shown in this article; may we have 'oodles' more like him. THANK YOU TO THE VETS!
ReplyDeleteSteve, PLEASE don't let 'them' railroad any more articles; you do such a great job of keeping us up on worthy projects such as this one. I also like Tina's articles; she's a positive writer, which I really like.
Gee, the last time I checked this country was fought for by our Honorable Vets, so that we could have FREEDOM OF SPEECH !!!! I only made the comment to shed some light on what has been a negative issue in our community.
ReplyDeleteYou are the one who needs to get a life, and understand that we don't live in a perfect world, and there are people who have the right to speak there minds.
I'm sorry if I offended anyone, but more importantly I'm sorry if I offended any vet. They are to be honored and respected, but I thank them for my right to be FREE!!
P.S. Steve, I no way have you been railroaded as the poster stated.
Enough! Let's get back to the subject at hand and give the credit to Freedom Crest for being patriotic and for having teachers that care enough to put forth the extra time and effort I'm sure it took to put together an event like this.
ReplyDeleteThank goodness for Menifee 24/7 since I didn't see ANY coverage in EITHER of the "local" newspapers about ANY school Veteran Days celebrations.
I'm glad we have schools and teachers like this in Menifee - it's one of the things that make it a great place to live and raise our children.
You have to contact the papers if you want an article or story done.
ReplyDeleteI would be very surprised if our district did not contact a paper. We have someone that does public relations and EVERY DAY my work email has a message asking for info on great school happenings. Did the papers have thier focus elsewhere? Maybe the story is on a back burner. A phone call from the public might bring it out.
ReplyDeleteWay to go Freedom Crest and Chet!
Just an fyi ~ Each time Freedom Crest has a special event they do contact the local newspapers ~ they just seldom get a response ~ Probably too much negative news around to report on!!