Vendors Wanted for Christmas in Menifee

The annual "Christmas in Menifee" event is scheduled for November 15, 2008, at Mt San Jacinto College in Menifee. Vendors are sou...

The annual "Christmas in Menifee" event is scheduled for November 15, 2008, at Mt San Jacinto College in Menifee. Vendors are sought to fill in the available booths. $50.00 for Chamber of Commerce members, and $75.00 for non-members.

Contact Joan Ring at (951) 672-1991.

Festivities will include: Craft Fair, Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony, Live Entertainment, and Music.


Christmas 5182640201425427705

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  1. This sounds so neat! I hope we have LOTS of people there participating to keep our city warm, alive and welcome! And for good shops to keep coming; its so great to have our 'own' shopping places now. I can't help but think that keeping everyone informed on all the events, etc around our new city on this site has really helped. Thank you for keeping us all up to snuff on happenings in our new city!

  2. What type of vendors are wanted? Those selling Christmas Trinkets? Antiques? Farms Market type?

  3. Are you sure that is the right contact number? I've called it twice and I've been hung up on twice!

  4. It would be great if more info on space and booth etc was put up-also dbl check on phone #-looking forward to seeing the fair. I hope its not like a swap meet!

  5. If in Swap Meet you mean other people used clothes ect, I totally agree, not approriate. But if your talking new stuff of all types and maybe antiques (theres lots of cool vintage Christmas stuff) maybe even fruits and veggies, why not? Its something for everyone and more money for the city.

  6. Are antiques not other peoples used stuff?

  7. Greetings:
    The Chamber phone number is 951-672-1991. That is the number to call for more information for the Cristmas in Menifee / Christmas Tree Lighting. They are looking for all types of vendors. This is not a swap meet. Beautiful crafts will be for sale. There will also be live holiday dancing and music. And great food booths if you get hungry.
    Booths are still available. You can also e-mail for booth application and info.

  8. Which chamber of commerce are we talking about here? Aren't there two here in Menifee?

  9. The two chambers merged into one about a year ago.

  10. Has anyone been reading Ann Mottee's blod regarding the out of control situations going on with the MSJC police?

  11. Excuse me, I missed something. Just checked back to see how participation was coming on Christmas in Menifee shindigs. What does Ann Motte's blog for MSJC Police have to do with the Christmas Tree Lighting and Craft vendors?? Are they disrupting anything that's held there or what? Would be a real shame for anything negative to push its way into our new city functions every time they plan something.

  12. We did this in Sun City Alabama, it is great!


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