Victor Giardinelli, MUSD Candidate Statement

The following is a statement from Victor Giardinelli, candidate for Menifee School Board... Menifee Union School District has a long history...

The following is a statement from Victor Giardinelli, candidate for Menifee School Board...

Menifee Union School District has a long history of success, built on a legacy of strong leadership, vision and integrity. As a member of the Governing Board for the past twenty-one years, I have been committed to continuing that success for our students, staff and community. During my tenure, The Board has collaboratively initiated and implemented many beneficial programs. Some programs that I have been fortunate to personally and successfully introduce include:

  1. A more complete music program including band offerings at all schools

  2. Improved health services and education so that at all schools we now have health aides or nurses

  3. Instead of only library books we have now established multi-media centers with technology plus books.

  4. We now have a liaison community aide to network with our multi ethnic society.

  5. Let the efforts to hire a public relations person to communicate with our public

  6. "Wellness Program" to fight against obesity in children – over hauled our food program

  7. Major supporter for preschool programs and individual campus

  8. Introduced the concept of interest based bargaining which resulted in increased harmonious labor relations
My background includes a tour of duty with the United Stated Navy, serving aboard a P.T. boat. Educationally, I have a Bachelor of Science degree from the State University of New York and an Master of Science degree from the University of Southern California. With a strong understanding of science, often my decisions are data based driven. I have also earned the master Boardsmanship and The Advanced Masters in Governance. Also I have thirty-four years in public education, both as a teacher (10 years) and an administrator for twenty-four years.

I am married to a very understanding and wonderful wife, have two fantastic and remarkable daughters and four extraordinary college educated and future thinking grandchildren. Yes, I am proud! Also, proud of the work we have done and appreciative of my other board members and the many parents, community volunteers, faculty and district administrators who have collaboratively made our successes possible.

Future concerns and projects include:

  1. Reduce class size in grades 4, 5, and 6 and then progress to grades 7 and 8 when possible

  2. Explore same gender classes in some middle school classes

  3. Seek ways to better engage the community in the educational enterprise

  4. Maintain and up-date present schools and plan for future facilities

  5. Modify curriculum as future concerns are identified

  6. As a follow up our unification efforts, contact our legislators in Sacramento

  7. Immediately implement the new California State Physical Education framework

  8. Study the new unfunded mandate 8th grade algebra standards

  9. Identify children with food allergies and how to respond to thier needs

  10. Increase student awareness regarding environmental issues: water and energy conservation, recycle, THINK GREEN etc.

  11. Recruit, hire and retain highly qualified personnel and offer a competitive salary
I ask for your vote on November 4th. In return, I commit to ensuring that our greatest treasure - our children - are provided with world-class educational opportunities designed to further enhance their exceptional achievements.

Everybody is a Somebody!

Victory Giardinelli


Menifee-Union-School-District 4855614036083622235

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  1. When the school district was preparing to change the boundaries to accommodate the two new elementary schools I was in disagreement with the manner in which Mr. Wood and the district went about notifying the parents, especially those at Ridgemoor. Mr. Giardinelli contacted me and invited me to meet with him to discuss my issues face to face over coffee. This showed me how much Mr. Giardinelli actually cared about the students and parents of this district. From that point on I have gained so much respect for him and know how valuable he is to our school district.

    Thanks for your service Victor, you have my vote!

    Jason Roth

  2. Likewise to Jason's comment above. In February when the massive budget cuts were proposed, Mr. Giardinelli was out at many of the school sites talking to teachers and parents of all grades. He visits school sites during the day as well as attending many school functions in the evenings. He is very involved with parents, teachers and students and understands it is his responsibility to do what is best for the students. He is a wonderful advocate for improving our schools and our district. He also has my vote.

    Robert J.

  3. You are one of the members that voted in that nasty lunch are you going to help rid it from our elementary. Stop accepting positions and taking none.

  4. mr. giardinelli is an asset to our community! he attends all the school functions (with his lovely wife) at our school and he is very visible out in the community. he cares. he is absolutely committed to our schools and more importantly, our children. what a wonderful man. what is up with the lunch comment? our kids throw most of i heir food away anyway (go volunteer and you will see it!) -- if soy burgers, spinach, celery and wheat buns were given, most all of it would end up in the trash. at least our school offers a meat (or meatless) entree, veggie and fruit, along with milk to our kids. this is a lot more and a lot better than some other districts we've lived in. what do you propose?

  5. mr. giardinelli is an asset to our community! he attends all the school functions (with his lovely wife) at our school and he is very visible out in the community. he cares. he is absolutely committed to our schools and more importantly, our children. what a wonderful man. what is up with the lunch comment? our kids throw most of their food away anyway (go volunteer and you will see it!) -- if soy burgers, spinach, celery and wheat buns were given, most all of it would end up in the trash. at least our school offers a meat (or meatless) entree, veggie and fruit, along with milk to our kids. this is a lot more and a lot better than some other districts we've lived in. what do you propose?

  6. I am most certainly interested in the reduction of class sizes of 4th and above. How would that even be possible considering our present budget situation. Can you further elaborate on that?

  7. The Menifee District has faced many challenges over the past year; many related to the substantial state budget cuts. Mr. Giardinelli has always been well-informed on the issues and is actively engaged in crafting solutions. It appears that the next year will present more unprecedented challenges that will affect the future of our district, schools, and students. When our kids practice hard to present a band or choir concert, Mr. Gardinelli and his wife can be seen quietly joining the parents in the audience. Some people are more talk than substance, but he is the "real deal".

  8. Does anyone know if Menifee will ever change the start times of the elementary schools back to a reasonable time? 7:30 is so early! All the surrounding districts seem to make it work starting at 8:30 and even 9:00. I hear teachers, parents, and students complain about it a lot, but I never hear of any changes proposed. My kids are always tired and complain about going to bed when it is still light outside. Does anyone else feel this way? What can we do?

  9. My kids complain about a lot of things. It doesn't mean I accomodate them for it. I like school getting out at 2:00. Allows time in the afternoon to play.

  10. Girls-only and boys-only classes in middle school? I'm not too sure how that would fly... it's an interesting idea, though.


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