Shop Locally

Shop Locally Shopping locally has never been more important than now, Menifee, in light of the current circumstances surrounding our soon-to...

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Shop Locally

Shopping locally has never been more important than now, Menifee, in light of the current circumstances surrounding our soon-to-be city. Why? Because of the slow third quarter, many of your local business people are seeing a significant drop in their revenue. OK, but what does that mean to me, the Menifee resident?

The small businessperson, who probably chose to invest their life-savings in a business in Menifee, runs on a very tight budget most times. Rent costs more than the average consumer would think, attaining product usually comes with a certain amount of difficulty, and advertising is sometimes expensive to be effective. Add all of this together, and you have more expenditures than your local business owner anticipated. Couple this with the fact that many Menifee residents don’t think twice about hopping on that freeway to shop in Murrieta/Temecula, simply because they didn’t know that the items they sought were available locally for a fair price. Many of us don’t even know all that Menifee has to offer in the way of goods and services. We simply drive to our neighboring cities because we know that we can get it there fast. But really, how much extra are we spending in gas, and how much time are we taking to drive out of our way, just to get it fast at a fair price?

Perhaps we did shop around, via Internet or phone, and found that we could save a few dollars by going to a neighboring city. What did we save ourselves, really? Those Menifee business owners made a choice to bank on you, the Menifee residents, to be their shoppers. If we all sought goods and services out of Menifee, the local businesses would cease to exist. Wouldn’t that in turn, lessen the competition for neighboring city business owners and then, in turn, drive up prices? Doesn’t every business that dies in our city decrease our options, and put money into a city that isn’t doing anything for Menifee?

Don’t get me wrong. I am not saying “Never shop out of town!” But, when available at a competitive price, why not shop here? I am just asking that we all do our homework before taking our hard-earned-dollars to another city. Invest in the businesses that chose to invest in you. Give these little guys a chance!

The fourth quarter is looking good for business valley wide. Sales are up, believe it or not, and people are shopping again. The busy holiday time is really just around the corner, and with the new center opening in Menifee, many dollars can and will be spent at home. As homeowners and residents of Menifee, you have chosen to make an investment in this small soon-to-be city; make even more of an investment by keeping your dollars local when you can.

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  1. I think a lot of us will be shopping locally once Countryside Marketplace opens up, and fills out over the next year. Menifee will enjoy a lot of more tax revenue just because we won't be losing it to Temecula and Murrieta.

    It would be more cool if we could attract unique businesses that are not replicated in other towns. For example, Lane Bryant is coming to Menifee, which will be the only one between Riverside and Escondido. People in Murrieta and Temecula will spend their money in Menifee for womens sized clothes.

  2. FYI: Lane Bryant has a store at the Promenade Mall in Temecula. So far I don't see anything in the Countryside Marketplace that is not in Temecula/Murrieta except SUPER Target. I was hoping for something different. A Panera would have been great. It really will be a great day of Menifee when the Marketplace opens!!!!

  3. SUPER Target is going in at Clinton Kieth/215.

  4. we are a small business and want to thank you Steve for promoting the businesses in Menifee...we try as much as possible to buy here in town also....

  5. I'm a bit too frustrated right now with the businesses moving into the Countryside Marketplace. My 19 yr. old daughter has attended every job fair, filled out a total of 17 applications in Menifee, received just a few call-backs, and only 2 interviews - neither which produced a job. The competition is adults looking for 2nd and 3rd jobs and Moms looking to get back into the workplace. I pity our young adults in Menifee.

    For shame that Menifee businesses don't want to hire the younger Menifee workers! Thankfully, she was offered a couple of Temecula jobs; one that she desperately accepted, though the gas prices will eat most of her income.

    So that is where we will shop now, thank you.

  6. I agree with the previous comment. I have also attended many job fairs and applied to every company coming into the countryside marketplace only to get rejection emails (super target) or letters from them. While, I have friends that live in Temecula and Murrieta that walk into the job fairs and walk out that same day with a job as long as they pass a drug test.
    Now I understand that there are many people in the valley that need jobs but what the heck. MAny of the people I talked to that interviewed with me were looking for their second or third jobs, didnt live in the menifee area or were not professional looking when it came to interview attire. Many were snapping their gum and wore flip flops with ratty jeans and t-shirts. I truly hope that I was not passed up for a much needed job over someone like that.

  7. I have to say that I disagree with some of the previou comments. I had searched for a job in the Menifee area for months and recieved NO call backs and NO interviews. I also applied for numerous positions ranging from clerical to fast food. So your daughter applying for a whole 17 applications doesn't impress me and recieves no sympathy from me. And Menifee Tina is correct in the assesment that it only hurts the Menifee residents by not shopping locally.

  8. This article by Menifee Tina tells it like it is. Ever since (1977)Proposition 13 limited property tax increases to a maximum of 2 percent per year, cities have relied on sales tax for a large part of their revenue. As much as some people dislike them, it is sales tax from new/used car lots and big box stores like costco, Lowes, Home Depot, and all other stores and businesses that support city government. Look at Temecula's budget compared to Murrieta. Both are doing pretty good but Temecula is better off because it has more of these types of businesses that generate a larger sales tax base.

    It is very important to shop in the local area when ever we can to support our businesses, generate sales tax to support city government and create jobs for as many people as possible who want to work.

    What we need is a publication sent to every residence within the boundaries of the new City of Menifee listing all businesses and what product or service they provide. This could be something we could keep and refer to before we drive down that freeway and spend our money somewhere else. Usually something like this is handled by the local chamber of commerce. It they already have such a publication, they should update it and send it out again. If they don't they should meet and figure out how to pay for it and get it sent out.


  9. I am really looking forward to Countryside Marketplace opening. I have only lived in Menifee about a month, and I am not sure what other retail establishments there are in the area. We always go to Murrietta to shop usually.

    I am a local small business, and I am wondering if there are any sort of forums, bulletin boards, websites where perhaps there can be a directory of local businesses? Maybe there already is something like this and I just don't know about it.


  10. I told my 18yr old son today how lucky he was to have landed a new job at the countryside market in Menifee. He as well put out about 7 applications and attended the job fair. He told me that he figured there was about 1500 people applying at Super Target the day he was there and he came home pretty discouraged.
    It's a sign of the times....lots of folks out of work or looking for a second job and not enough employment for all of them. I still think the new shopping center will be a great asset to Menifee.

  11. recycling places?

  12. If you click on 411 Menifee on the left..they have local business listings..I know we are listed there.....and you also can read reviews of the different businesses too

  13. Anonymous August 29, 2008 9:10 PM, I am curious as to why you dont have sympathy for someone that has put in 17 job applications only to get big fat no's from all of them? Did you actually mean that you could actually relate since you looked for months in this area? I for one have been looking and applying for 2 months and have been discouraged by people walking in and getting hired on the spot and being told that I am over qualified for a retail job because my last job was in the mortgage industry, an industry where my job is currently in constant jeopardy due to todays market. I am tired of it and want out and retail is something that I feel in can depend on in menifee since we dont have anything like the countryside marketplace in our area. the stores do not run the risk of closing a few short months after opening. I still have yet to figure out how I as well as others I know are getting passed up for even second interviews when we are more than willing to take minimum wage with no complaints.
    I will still shop in the city. It is just more convenient for us and we also believe in supporting our city.

  14. I'll still shop locally once Countryside Marketplace opens up. Though they didn't hire me, I want to see who they hire. It's nice to have friends and relatives who can back you up to get a job!

  15. The one business that has not been affected by the economy during the past year or two has been Costco. This is what we really need within the city limits of Menifee. Having a Costco within or very near the Countryside Marketplace would be very helpful to Menifee. There's enough open land to put one in.
    I don't know about you, buy everywhere I have lived that a Costco was located within a large Marketplace, all of the businesses benefit. With gas prices the way they are, it is much easier to do all the shopping in one central area. I currently drive into Temecula to go to Costco and then while in the area I will go to a variety of other stores.

  16. We definitely need a Costco and some other stores that are more unique that will get people to drive into our city to shop. I've been in the Ross store and several people have told me that people drive from Riverside because it is the only one around. The Lowe's will probably be the busiest of the stores, with SuperTarget next, then Kohl's. The Petco is a great thing. I think a poll should be taken via this website to see just what people would like to see as far as shopping goes in Menifee! Then this information could be provided to the new city officials to try and lobby for those businesses. What's everyone think?

  17. More unique eateries and health foods like Sprouts. If Hemet can support those types of businesses than Menifee could as well.

  18. I know jobs are scarce and competition is fierce for them. Our family has their own experience with it. However, please keep in mind that a lot of the new jobs opening up tend to have a high turn-over. So maybe the guy you saw in the cut-off jeans and ratty t-shirt will only stay a few months and then get fired or quit. Be persistant! You could be the person hired to replace the first wave of folks! In addition, there are existing businesses here that are hiring right now (like Papa John's in the old Target shopping center).

  19. Leslie's Pool supplies! Costco! Joann's!Claim Jumper! El Torito!
    PF Chang's! The Golden Spoon!
    Outback Steakhouse! Kirklands Home store! A MOVIE THEATRE!

  20. No doubt that Super Target will be the busiest store around. People will come from all over until the Clinton Keith store opens. Does anyone know if the store that is going up between Winco and Home Depot is a Petsmart? I hope so, Petco is more expensive in almost every category. I heard that Costco is going up at Scott and 215but on the Murrieta side? What about TGIF's. Is it still slated for Countryside? FYI: I helped opened the Kohls on south 79 many years ago. I quit after 2 months but continuted to shop there and slowly but surely within 6 months 85% of the new hires had quit or been fired. Be persistant! If you want to give yourself an edge in filing out applications and interviewing take a trip to Barnes and Noble and read up on the job hunting tips. Leave every job interview by shaking hands and I saying something like "I hope you will consider me for this position I will be an asset to your company". It works!!!

  21. I heard a few weeks ago that a Marshalls is coming in next to Win Dixie Lumber; true? Then we have a new Burlington Coat Factory store going in Alta-Murrieta (?) near the Asia Buffet? So it looks like we are going to be rounding out with a nice group here in our new Marketplace. I also wonder when our first motel is going to be built just off one of our ramps? Hope its something nice.

  22. There is a Marshalls slated to be built in the Dixieline center. There are several smaller shops and fast food places scheduled as well. Next time you go into Dixieline, go to the customer service desk and you can see the plans.

  23. Burlington Coat Factory is going into the old "House to Home" building, in the same parking lot as Toys r us. Check out this website, it has all the shopping centers that are scheduled for our area

  24. Tina's comment is right on the point. As much as were asking for more stores in our area we need to remember that they will not survive without the support of the residents. Older businesses and new businesses alike. I own a small business in Menifee and for the past 5 months I have approx 5 to 10 people EVERYDAY asking for a job and i have to reject them. Not because I want to but because business is not stable as it was was last year. As it is my current crew has been affected so much that they as well are having to look for 2nd jobs. Its tough times believe it or not for everyone but we will have to find a way to get thru this as a community and that means shopping local to keep the jobs local.

  25. While driving thru the new Marketplace today, it was rewarding to see many of the places were obviously holding new employee orientation. I also noticed several with the "Now Hiring" signs still out; so all you job seekers don't give up. And history knows that not all the ones being 'mass-hired' will work out for one reason or another, so stay encouraged. It would be nice if we could have a maintained list along one of the margins of our ever-popular Menifee 24/7 showing the confirmed stores coming to the new Marketplace. First I hear gossip that this or that is coming (and get all hepped-up...excited) only to then hear it was only wishful thinking.

  26. Steve: If that is really your picture in 'steve said' - did you see a UFO or what's up there? Cute... thank you for Menifee 24/7 and all the work that goes with it.

  27. Yes that's me, if you look at the background, I was laying in a wooden coffin, pretending to be dead.

  28. We went to the new marketplace today to look around. It is going to be so nice!! Loved the seating areas, one with a water feature and one with a fire pit. I didn't see any signs though for BJ's, Starbucks, TGIFridays, Michaels, Lane Bryant. Did they all back out or just not start building yet? Does anyone know the answer to this? There were, however, quite a few spots that appeared to be vacant and available. Perhaps some of these stores will go in those spaces. But if they put in a Starbucks it needs a drive thru!!

  29. I want a MOVIE THEATURE, Craft store, PF CHnags, Steinmart, and BIG LOTS, TJ max would be good too.

  30. Michaels would be great! When my kids have school projects I always got to Michaels in Temecula...don't know where you all shop for school projects for the kids. One comment for the mother of the girls with the 19 applications, grow up lady, you are not going to shop in your city because your daughter did not get hired??? please what are you teaching your just don't give up, maybe it was just not meant to be for her at this time.

  31. i am sooooo tired of the of the same old chain stores!!! we need more mom and pop stores, places with quality. if chain stores are the only choices then- Trader Joe's, Henry's, Dave and Buster's, ethnic eateries (not Panda Express), Home Goods, Corner Bakery, 24hr Fitness.

  32. WOW! Does this hit home. We own a food business in Menifee and have for the last 2 years. We never expected to have such a downturn and possibly loose our business. Nomatter what type of business you own at this time everyone is having a very hard time making ends meet. We as well have an average of 5 people a day come in and ask for a job and we are always sad to say not at this time. We hire 16-19yr olds and we love to work with them and know how much they need the work but our own crew is having to look for a 2nd job because they are working 3-8 hours a week max. So for thos of you seeking a job in Menifee your not alone its in every city right now and we just hope that our community will pull together so that we don't have to shut our doors. Don't just think of the new stores but all stores that took a risk when the population was half of what it is right now. Don't forget those that bought into the city when it was a small town and have grown with it. For the newer stores that are coming into something more established well they are risking less. So to everyone out there, Come out to your community and enjoy what's there for you.
    Thanks Everyone!

  33. Regarding the 17 applications and other employment posts: I'm one who has a great resume and after applying for 3 to 5 jobs DAILY for a few months (from retail to clerical) only got TWO call backs. Target hired me right away, the other said they had wittled it down to two candidates but thought I was "over qualified" and would have a hard time working for people less intelligent (YES, she actually said that). Needless to say, I was grateful to Target (where 98% of the people are WAY younger than me).

  34. I would like to ask the residents of Menifee (of which I am one), how you feel about the absolutely disgusting appearance and quality of the now former Targer shopping center on Newport and Antelope. The entire center is in a state of disaray and forget about it at night, I actually get fearful for my life. I would love to find out what we need to do, to get that place 1, renovated, 2 get a new store to take up residence in the old Target 3 get rid of the pretty nefarious looking people who hang around the gas station over there at night so I can feel a bit safer. Anyone agree disagree? Have any ideas who we contact?

  35. On the corner of Garboni and Antelope the road heading East, is absolutely an eye-sore. Certain people have taken the liberty of dumping their trash on the sides of the road. I think it is unacceptable and something should be done to prevent this from happening. Being a Menifee resident, I would like to take pride in my neighborhood and it's surrounding areas. Please keep an eye out everyone.

  36. Maybe your daughter just didnt have what they were looking for. Just because she didnt get a job - doesnt mean it was because there were too many "adults" looking for more jobs. As a mom myself - I might take a look at the possiblily that your daughter had an issue or reason she wasnt hired? This is in no offense to her - but as a n adult - Im sure you know MOST older adults get passed up for younger people all the time. In this poor economy - you had to realize that there would be me more adults out of work - therefore - more apply for lower paying jobs.

  37. to be totally honest, i really feel that the new shopping center complete with starbucks and target are probably the worst things that could happen to local businesses. where there was once a market for people who offer a quality good with great service, this mentality of quantity and instant gratification are totally counterproductive to local businesses. I remember my granddad talking about working out on the farm in kentucky all week and going out to the market place to make a living a few days a month. where is that devotion to work, and respect for working people. because to be honest, all i see is big business and developers who have probably never even seen our amazing little slice of heaven called menifee. Maybe im just blinded by the lights.

  38. I'm all for spending our dollars in our new city if we can, but I think the planners REALLY blew it by not decorating for Christmas and providing some sort of ambience in our new city. Our FIRST chance to celebrate and get people out and involved, yet from the appearance of our marketplace, its just another humdrum place. WHERE'S THE EXCITEMENT IN OUR NEW CITY ??

  39. I tend to agree with "doglover08" to a certain extent, but for many of us who are new to the community, it is difficult to know where to go for local products and services. It is much easier to stick with what is familiar, tried and true than to gamble what money we have on local small businesses. Small businesses need to communicate through advertising and word of mouth. I'd really like to support small businesses, but how do I know I can trust you?

    Can anyone recommend some local small businesses? Maybe we should start another post for that. Of course, how do you verify anything unless you go and try it yourself with regards to recommendations?

    Food for thought, I guess.

  40. I THOUGHT I posted a comment here a couple weeks ago? Was it not approved, or am I just mistaken? Wondering...

  41. I deleted a couple comments over the past few weeks, but I think they were all from anonymous. One person trying to perpetuate his/her fascination with MSJC police, and another that seemed to slime someone by name.

  42. I would also like to bring up the issue with the vacancy of the old Target Store. It is appauling to me that the City Board would not have demanded Target Corp (since it is their bldg) to promplty sell the building to a new tenant to avoid the look of the new center. It is as if the city has abandoned its small business owners that helped establish Menifee and are putting all their efforts into the new BIG BUSINESS. Don't get me wrong I think its great to see the variety and we need it but why aren't we moving to find a new tenant for that space, we can thin of many new businesses that could go there and benefit the city.

    Let's make some noice about this!!

  43. NP, Steve. For some reason it didn't show up on the initial thread page, but after I posted the comment, I scanned the page and it was there at the bottom. Weird, it's there now, BTW. thanks


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