Romoland and Menifee School Districts

There appears to be some question coming from Heritage Lake as to what will happen with Heritage High School, and the other schools in Romol...

There appears to be some question coming from Heritage Lake as to what will happen with Heritage High School, and the other schools in Romoland, with unification efforts underway, and now that Menifee cityhood has passed.

The answer to this question was answered in the comments of an earlier article...
Heritage Lake is under two school districts. Romoland has the elementry(Mesa View), and middle school(Boulder Ridge). Perris Union has the high school, Heritage High. Even though we are now Menifee instead of Romoland that does not change the school district boundaries they will stay the same. I agree with you that Heritage should also be in the unification process and put in the Menifee district but I don't think that will ever happen!
The answer is that nothing will change.

Heritage High School will continue to be in the Perris Union High School District. Mesa View and Boulder Ridge will continue to be in the Romoland School District. Neither of these schools will move to Menifee Union.

Menifee cityhood doesn't affect any of this stuff.

Another question is the following...
Will they (Heritage High, Mesa View, and Boulder Ridge) ever be apart of Menifee School District, or will we be paying city taxes for schools our kids will never be apart of?
City taxes for schools? Any city taxes that residents of Heritage Lake will be paying will not be spent on Menifee Union School District, or any school district. The new City of Menifee is not connected with Menifee Union. They are separate, and independent of each other.


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  1. So are you saying that the City of Menifee will not use any of our tax dollars for Eductaion within the Menifee School District? I know with most cities they contribute to their school districts using the cities general fund.I know most of the general fund is used to pay fire, police, admisitrators and so on but usually some of this money goes to the school district.

  2. I have never heard of any city providing any money for the education system in their boundaries. What they can do is make sure that they have good libraries and multi-use facilities like Temecula and Murrieta to enhance the education opportunities for our children. I wish our schools in Romoland would be included in the Menifee unification process because the schools operated by the Romoland SD our poor. Mesa View Elementary is the only exception but its still not up to par with any school in Menifee and as long as the principal of Mesa View and the superintendent are running things, they will never be great schools. They lack the innovation and passion to make the changes that need to be made for our schools to be great public schools.

  3. Mark,

    Your comments about Mesa view are very concerning to me. We live in Heritage Lake and have a small child that will eventually go to this school. What problems have you had there. Why do you feel this school is not up to par? We are coming from a very successful district (CNUSD) and with your comments i may look into a alternative elementary school for our youngest.


  4. Mark must be living in some unknown parallel universe. Mesa View IS a great school and Mr. Valdez is a WONDERFUL principal. We live in Heritage Lake and I have 3 daughters in the school and have been very pleased with the entire school, which surprised me for being it's first year.

    I highly recommend the school, and suggest that Mark find a new school if he's so unhappy with it. Or, maybe he can open his own since he thinks he can do a better job...

  5. Mark,

    As a Romoland School Board Trustee I will have to disagree with you all around. I come from Temecula and Murrieta and find Mesa View to be every bit as good as either district. I believe our Superintendent is one of the finest around and truly dedicated to enriching kids education.

    In a recent CPM review of Romoland School, we received terrific marks and the comment was made from the reviewers that they would have no problem with their grandchildren attending our school. We have test scores being released in a couple of months, and I am confident that all of our schools will see a rise in scores.

    If you have any ideas how to improve the education experience I encourage you to contact me, all of my contact info is at I am always open to good ideas!

    I look forward to hearing from you,

    Bill Gould

  6. Sandy,
    Please don't listen to Mark, I don't know what he is talking about. I too am a mother in Heritage Lake and I have a child at Mesa View and the principal, Mr. Valdez, is the best we have ever encountered! I agree with Heather he is WONDERFUL!! I have never seen a principal so involved, not only with each child(it would not surprise me if he knew the name of every kid in the school) but with every detail of running the school! I cannot tell you how many times Mr. Valdez has really impressed me this year. Please feel confident about Mesa View.

  7. I too live in Heritage Lake and couldn’t agree more with Bill Gould’s assessment of the Romoland School District. Having four sons that have been in resource and/or special education in different school districts I have encountered my share of principals. I have had the pleasure of meeting with Mr. Valdez regarding my son’s education and found him to be involved with the students (he has taken the time to get to know my son by name) and always puts the student’s interests first. I have not met a finer principal and consider Mesa View and RSD fortunate to have Mr. Valdez.

    As for the rest of RSD, I found their special education and resource teachers just as competent and caring as any my four sons have had.

    In response to Mark’s comment “the schools operated by the Romoland SD our [sic] poor” is rather misguided. Granted, many of the students are poor, but what the school district may lack in financial resources, I have found they more than make up with a wealth of dedicated staff. Yes the Menifee school district benefits from its socio-economic demographics, however, I prefer to not dwell on this but on what the positive things RSD is doing for their students.

    Dean Deines

  8. Sandy,

    We too come from a high performing school district and the focus was on the "tests" but they also had a PE teacher and an Art teacher and they did teach science and social studies. My daughter is doing well because of us and she has an excellent teacher at Mesa View but they dont teach anything other than Math and Language Arts. Dont let anyone tell you differently. The school is safe and beautiful and they do have some good teachers but you will have to supplement at home if you want your child to have a well rounded education. While other surrounding districts also focus on tests, they also have incorporated all the other disciplines/subjects into their curriculum. Menifee has art and PE teachers that roam from school to school and Murrieta and Temecula also teach art, computers and PE. For Mesa View to be a great school our children need a well rounded education and we need leaders that believe that its important too. I have only met the principal a few times and dont him well but I can care less if he is nice or not, I want him to be proactive and deliver an outstanding education for my daughter.

  9. Mark is right!
    The school is ok not excellent by any means and wasnt the superintendent going to send our kids from Heritage Lake to the other school on the other side of highway 74? That was a smart move.

    I love this website, gives us a venue to express our opinions. Thanks Steve

  10. What makes the best financial sense is for the Menifee and Romoland districts to come together and create one Unified district and the Perris and NuView districts to make one unified district. Resulting in 5 districts becoming 2 new unified districts. Unfortunately, you can't talk the Perris El, NuView and Romoland boards to even looking at the issue. Maybe if more willing people in those areas run for school board we can see some movement in this reasonable direction for the future.

    I can wish can't I

  11. Clarification...

    There are no PE or Art teachers in Menifee elementary schools.

  12. To 'Anonymous, at June 17, 2008 7:41 PM':

    To clarify, at no point ever were kids from the Heritage Lakes development going to be sent to either Romoland or Harvest Valley. I am not sure where you received that information, however it is incorrect. A few months back in April there was a vote on the best way to deal with possible over crowding at Mesa View and as a Board we voted to build 2 new classrooms at Mesa View this summer. There is more info about this issue at as I made a few posts about this vote and the ideas surrounding the vote.

    Thank you,

    Bill Gould

  13. Bill,
    What is your take on Marks previous comment about Mesa View Not providing a well rounded education? Does Mesa View really not offer ANY science education? It sounds like a riduclous question because what kind of school district would NOT think science is important? Please tell me more about what Romoland SD has to offer.My oldest will be starting at HHS but science is that backbone of her current career path and i cant imagine my youngest not having the same if not better education then my oldest including the science fair, history day and so on.Please tell me Mark just has a misunderstanding. He makes very valid points if his statements are true.

    Thanks Sandy

  14. I've toured HHS, and their science facilities are top of the line! I know nothing of the personnel in their science dept.

  15. I can answer that Sandy,
    There is a science fair and that is their extent of science, but they dont teach any science or background to even do a science project and forget about a history day! Its not the teachers fault, its the state tests and because Romoland School District is a program improvement district they need to boost their test scores to get out of the program improvement and the tests are language arts and math only until grade 5 where they test science. Go to and look up the schools test scores and focus on the science scores for 5th graders, they are embarrasing. How is Mr Gould going to spin those scores??

  16. Hey Bill
    I cant even believe that you are lying about moving our kids to Romoland Elem. It may have not been your idea but it was presented to the board members by the district superintendent as an option to solve overcrowding. That issue prompted protest from parents in heritage lake and if it wasnt for them getting involved who knows where our kids may have attended and I was at that meeting at the club house regarding that issue so dont try and lie to the readers and concerned parents o this blog.

  17. Hello All,

    As for the test scores, they have steadily improved over the course of the last few years, and will continue to improve due to the hard work of our staff and the dedication of parents. What is done is done and we can only look toward the future. As I have stated, I am always available to listen to ideas, if you have some bring them on and lets work together to make this a great district.

    Tuan, as for the options presented to the board earlier in the year, we asked to be presented with all possible options, no matter how 'off the wall' they might have seemed. Never was the option to send 4th and 5th graders to different schools seriously considered, nor was it an action item on the Board agenda on April 15.

    I was at the meeting at the Heritage Lake Club and what I saw was Mrs Plough explaining all of the options and why they were presented and what the recommendations would be. Never did she say anything about Heritage Lakes kids being moved as an absolute truth.

    It would have been terribly impractical and would have provided a logistical nightmare on a daily basis, but we wanted to look at every possible idea so that we could make the best choice. We were doing our homework. I believe that we made the best choice given all of the factors.


    Bill Gould
    Romoland School District

  18. I'll bet you anything that scores have "steadily improved" due to the development of Heritate Lake and other newer and more expensive communities within the district.

    Program improvment programs don't work. Changing demographics and a community's attitude towards education always moves the test-score dial (up or down).

  19. We are thinking of moving from Menifee Lakes to Heritage Lakes but honestly the school worries us.

    Are there extracurricular clubs/activities after school at all? Menifee offers band, jazzercise (must pay), running club, spelling bee, family activity nights (daughter/mom night, father/son night, harvest festival, etc). I want a school that not only provides a broad education for my children but also cares enough about the community to get the parents involved at the school, both during school and after school.

    yes, test scores tend to improve when the socio-economic status of the community improves. Look at Temecula schools compared with Perris schools...

  20. After reading this string of postings it's a bit frustrating. Both of my sons have been attending school at Mesa View and my oldest was at Boulder Ridge when it was an Elementary School. We have been in other school districts prior and everything has been a pleasant experience here at Mesa View. Both of my boys rec'd Presidental Rewards (gold). And guess what I don't live in Heritage Lake. I live in Monument Ranch. I was pretty disappointed when I heard people from Heritage Lake held closed meetings at their Lake House for Heritage Lake residents only to try to move us out of "their" school. We outnumber the students from Heritage Lake by a landslide. I feel like Heritage Lake residents believe they are the "elite" in this area. Why?
    Mr Valdez is a hands on principal. Not perfect but neither are you nor I. The majority of the teachers are great. Our parents couldn't even get along to have a PTO sad....I think the parents need to step it up a bunch to make this a great school/district and create some unity for once! We can't help the children when we think we are better than others.


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