Menifee City Council - First Meeting

The Menifee City Council-elect, at least those five currently with the most votes, are meeting this Wednesday, June 18, 5:00pm, and the Kay ...

The Menifee City Council-elect, at least those five currently with the most votes, are meeting this Wednesday, June 18, 5:00pm, and the Kay Ceniceros Senior Center, on Newport & Evans Rds.

The agenda is a closed-door session to discuss establishing a transition staff, and taking the first steps. The council-elect will allow the public to make comments before the session starts.

Via Mieke Jacobs


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  1. So you're saying the public is welcome and can make comments? And then we all have to leave to allow them to go into private their meeting? Just want to make sure its worth the effort to attend.

  2. I think its tacky that they are having a meeting before the election is official. The registar of voters is still working on the last of the ballots, the next update will be Saturday, nothing will probably change. The canidates should use this time to get the rest of their signs down. I have seen signs for John Denver, Darci and one for Fred on Newport.

  3. The reason why they are meeting now, is because they don't have much time before Oct 1. A lot of stuff needs to be done by that time.

    To the first commenter, if you don't have anything to say to the council, then you're correct, you don't have to go. That's why we elected a council: to do the work for us.

  4. I can't see how waiting one week could make that much difference. It just says that all of us who voted with a provisional ballot don't count!

  5. Darcy needs to go around town and take all her sign down it's looking might shabby for our new city

  6. concur with getting all those 'darci' signs down.
    Why would you think your provisional ballot isn't counted? Call the board of elections and check the number on your ballot. We may as well accept who our council is by the election and get behind them.
    Is the meeting in the Wednesday 'bingo' room at the center? If so, standing room only I'd expect.

  7. I strongly disagree with Steve's comment "That's why we elected a council: to do the work for us."

    No, Steve. The council members are there to provide a common voice for us, but they are not there to do the work for us. We all hold a personal responsibility to take part in our communities, even if it's as simple as attending meetings to make sure our voices are heard and that our elected officials are moving in the right direction.

    The sit back and have "them do the work for us" method isn't working in the nation as a whole, do you really want the same for your city???

  8. Hey Heather, read my comment again. I responded to the first commenter who questioned whether it was worth the effort to attend the first meeting. It was sarcasm.

  9. I agree with Heather's comment about each of us having a personal responsibility to take part in our communities. But I also took Steve's comment with the grain of salt in which I think he intended it. I've ready too many articles by Steve to think he meant his second comment in any way other than sarcastically.

    I hate to sound hypocritical, because my own work schedule would typically prohibit me from attending the first council meeting, but the best thing we as citizens can do is show up and make our voices heard. I am, however, going to do what I can to re-arrange my work schedule to allow me to be at this meeting, if for no other reason than I would like to prove I'm no a hypocrite.

  10. Sorry - that should have been "not a hypocrite" at the end.

  11. Did a notice of this meeting appear in the press-enterprise? I didn't see it. I think it is important for the council to be very active in notifying the community about meetings and the results of same.

  12. Yes, it was reported in The Californian, actually. I'm just wondering how I can get the council to include Menifee 24/7 on their press distribution!

  13. Steve your head is so far up in City Council that looks like we have 6 members...No we did not elect them to make decisions for us, we elected them to bring ideas to us so we would decide. I was gonna stay home, but looking at the way you and your cronnies want to run things..see ya there

  14. To anonymous on June 18, 2:06 pm

    We did elect the city council to make decisions for us! That is why it was so important to find out about the canidates and elect the right ones! I'm not sure that has happened in this case but whats done is done.


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