Will Perris Annex Sun City?

I know there are many Sun City Core residents who are against the Menifee Cityhood effort. I don't exactly understand the reasons why t...

I know there are many Sun City Core residents who are against the Menifee Cityhood effort. I don't exactly understand the reasons why they are against it, aside from the notion that they don't want the core area to be under the influence of Menifee.

But it's either that, or be under the control of Perris.

An article published today in the Press Enterprise basically says what I've been trying to say all along...
But Daugherty believes all the legal wrangling clearly shows that if the Menifee area does not incorporate into its own city, it will eventually belong to Perris.

"We're ripe, we're ready to go and we're feasible. If we don't become a city (Perris) is going to annex us. I can see them going down both sides of Ethanac (Road) and both sides of the 215 right down the corridor through Menifee and Romoland".
You can read the whole article here...

Before there was a "Menifee Valley Incorporation Committee", there was another group called, "CEDCO". CEDCO was formed by a group of Sun City Core residents, concerned over reports that Perris was looking to annex their neighborhood. CEDCO eventually spawned off the present-day Menifee Valley Incorporation Committee.

In other words, an annexation threat from Perris is what spawned the entire Menifee cityhood effort. That threat hasn't gone away folks. It's only gotten bigger.

To all of you Sun City Core residents: If Menifee cityhood fails, you'll all become Perris residents. Continuing under County administration is no longer an option.

So pick which city you want to be controlled by: Perris, or Menifee.


Sun-City 3339680702286011116

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  1. Perris could annex large areas going south and esst into Romoland, Quail Valley and Sun City. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Perris was on the march. They annexed land in North Quail Valley and swoop close to Sun City by stopping at Ethanac Road. In 1993-1884, Perris had proposed an annexation attempt as far south as Rouse Road but it faltered. In addition, Perris' Sphere of Influence extended as far east as Briggs Road but Rivereside County LAFCO around 1990pushed it back close to I-215. I beiieve there has been little change in Perris' Sphere of Influence since the early 1990s. Perris has been involved in internal dissent since the late 1980s. There has been recall attempts and there were times in the 1990s and early 2000s that city manager were fortunate to last a year. As you guest it, Perris has had approximately ten city managers or more since 1988. Therefore, the city had been too busy surviving to think about annexing. Now, they are ready and if cityhood fails, they are ready as indicated in the Press Enterprise article yesterday.

    Please consider the history of this area before voting.

  2. To all readers,

    Sorry about the early post, there were some silly typos. I wish to repost again with the corrections and additional comments.

    Perris could annex large areas going south and esst into Romoland, Quail Valley and Sun City. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Perris was on the march. They annexed propeties in North Quail Valley and swoop close to Sun City by stopping at Ethanac Road. In 1993-1994, Perris had proposed an annexation attempt as far south as Rouse Road but it faltered. In addition, Perris' Sphere of Influence extended as far east as Briggs Road but Rivereside County LAFCO around 1990pushed it back close to I-215. I beiieve there has been little change in Perris' Sphere of Influence since the early 1990s.

    Perris has been involved in internal dissent since the late 1980s. There has been recall attempts and there were times in the 1990s and early 2000s that city managers were fortunate to last a year. As you guess it, Perris has had approximately ten city managers or more since 1988. In fact, Riverside County had to sent a government recovery team around 2000 to keep Perris from going into bankruptcy. This team also help to recruit a city manager that was fired in favor of the current city manager and his team. The city has been too busy surviving to think about annexing kuntil now. They are ready if cityhood fails and are contemplating grabbing more land as indicated in the Press Enterprise article yesterday.

    If the no cityhood voters are successful in blocking incorporation, many Sun City, Quall Valley and Romoland residents that includes residents of Heritage Lakes, tracts next to Kentucky Fried Chicken and other new tracts throughout Romoland may have the City of Perris across the street or have Perris addresses.

    Please consider the history of this area and read rebuttals of the 'No Cityhood" supporter's comments before voting. Please read the Voter Guide that all voters have received for good rebuttals. If you were to go to Menifee Live and then click on meet the Candidates. You will then find a listing of all the candidates. Scoll down to Scott Mann and then further scroll down to near the bottom of information on him. You will find a rebuttal to the flier passed around last weekend by the "No Cityhood" supporters.

    You also might want to read the Menifee Valley Incorporation documents on the Riverside County Local Formation Commission web site. All you have to do, is type in Riverside County Local Formation Commission in the white box next to your search engine search button.

    Read and get informed. Don't allow yourself to be bamboozled!

  3. Property values are bad enough as it is, why would you want to further decrease them by taking the chance on having a Perris address?? Vote for Menifee cityhood and stop jerking around people!!

  4. I sincerely hope that everyone reads that article ~ They put it back on page 3 of the Local section! I wish all voters would be required to read it BEFORE voting so they would realize there will be consequences if we don't incorporate now. At least that way no one could say "Oh, I didin't know that" if the worst happens and we don't incorporate now.

  5. The City of Perris in the past, and in the current have not had any influence or control of neighboring towns. If they did, those towns would be Perris today, and Perris would be capitalizing on the business revenues of those areas. Don't be fooled by scare tactics into voting against your best interests. The vote is not a choice between Menifee vs. Perris. It’s a simple Menifee land grab issue. Just follow the money trail and your answer should be simple.

  6. For the benefit of the latest post of advising us not to worry about Perris, I am simply reposting my comments that Perris could annex large areas going south and east into Romoland, Quail Valley and Sun City. In the late 1980s and early 1990s, Perris was on the march. They annexed propeties in North Quail Valley and swoop close to Sun City by stopping at Ethanac Road. In 1993-1994, Perris had proposed an annexation attempt as far south as Rouse Road but it faltered. In addition, Perris' Sphere of Influence extended as far east as Briggs Road but Rivereside County LAFCO around 1990pushed it back close to I-215. I beiieve there has been little change in Perris' Sphere of Influence since the early 1990s.

    Perris has been involved in internal dissent since the late 1980s. There has been recall attempts and there were times in the 1990s and early 2000s that city managers were fortunate to last a year. As you guess it, Perris has had approximately ten city managers or more since 1988. In fact, Riverside County had to send a government recovery team around 2000 to keep Perris from going into bankruptcy. This team also helped to recruit a city manager that was later fired in favor of the current city manager and his team. The city has been too busy surviving to think about annexing until now. They are ready if cityhood fails and are contemplating grabbing more land as indicated in the Press Enterprise article last week.

    If the no cityhood voters are successful in blocking incorporation, many Sun City, Quall Valley and Romoland residents that includes residents at Heritage Lakes, tracts next to Kentucky Fried Chicken and other new tracts throughout Romoland south of Ethanac Road in northern Sun City may have the City of Perris across the street or have Perris addresses.

    It would be very easy for Perris to swoop down the mountain separating us from Quail Valley to Valley Blvd with only the support of large property owners of vacant land and the vote of Sun City residents will not be required. The same scenario could play itself out on either side of I-215 to the northern boundary of the Club and properties east of the freeway. Let's don't forget the march of Perris easterly into Romoland to get prime commercial and industrial properties.

    The above reasons should give anyone concerns about Perris. Remember our boundaries have been protect from annexation of surrounding cities since 1997 because of being designated as a Unincorporated City. This designated will be lost if the "No Cityhood" voters prevail. The Unincorporated City designation is one that the Board of Supervisors are not using any longer. The potential of Perris annexing is very real and not a scare tactic!

    Please consider the history of this area and read rebuttals of the 'No Cityhood" supporter's comments and fliers before voting. Please read the Voter Guide that all voters have received for good rebuttals. If you were to go to Menifee Live and then click on meet the Candidates. You will then find a listing of all the candidates. Scoll down to Scott Mann and then further scroll down to near the bottom of information on him. You will find a rebuttal to the flier passed around last weekend by the "No Cityhood" supporters.


  7. Should we worry more about annexation or taxes? It's simple annexation takes only a 25% vote and increased taxes takes a 66% vote. The no on city-hood citizens can't tell which is greater and thats not the only numbers they can't comprehend. Sad isn't it?
    : 0

  8. Annexing any zone requires 25 percent of the vote of area property owners. Menifee Valley proponents are so against being a part of Perris, and are using that to sway the No on City hood voters. Perris cannot possibly annex anything with such opposition. So again you are changing the issue at hand which again has nothing to do with Perris, and everything to do with special interest in Menifee and their plans to overdevelop all of Menifee Valley including Sun City. The state is looking to cap its total number of cities by July 2009, so that’s why proponents are trying so hard to get this passed now. If this doesn’t pass now, Sun City will be safe from further land grab attempts.

  9. "Sun City will be safe from further land grab attempts"

    Unfortunately, Sun City will not be safe from near-nonexistant police service.

    I'm voting for cityhood so that we can control our policing.

  10. Funny you should post that Steve! After numerous failed attempts to ask politely, I called the police last night to report some VERY loud neighbors that would not keep it down. I live in Sun City, (not the 55+ area) it was after 10pm, and they had already awaken my baby twice. At 2:00am, I was awaken by a phone call from the Sherrif's dept asking me if they still needed my assistance. He said it was a busy night and he was sorry that they couldn't get to my call sooner.
    My point is...We need more police! I too voted yes to cityhood!


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