Menifee Valley Talk Radio - a Success

This morning at 10:00am, I had a chance to listen in on the first broadcast of Menifee Valley Talk Radio. You can now hear the full replay o...

This morning at 10:00am, I had a chance to listen in on the first broadcast of Menifee Valley Talk Radio.

You can now hear the full replay of the show using the link below...

The special guest was Julie Johnson, former CEO of the Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce, as well as former CEO of the Menifee Sun City Chamber of Commerce. Julie was there for the entire 2 hours, and shared her thoughts and experience about many of the candidates for city council, and named specific candidates that she would not support, why they would be bad for the new city, as well as those she would support.

A lot of discussion was placed on city council candidates who are also current members of the Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce, and discussed the conflict of interest that their elections would create, particularly through their relationship with developers, and their intentions for running.

Therese Daniels, one of the show's hosts, spent some time about why she's supporting Wallace Edgerton for city council.

Two candidates called into the show, Darci Castillejos, and Sue Kristjansson, and spoke about their candidacies. Sue spoke only briefly, while Darci was on the show for about 30 minutes.

A few other listeners called in with their questions and comments, including one who works in the CalFire department, and talked about the state of the emergency services department.

There was also some problems hearing the show due to browser problems. It seems that Internet Explorer has some troubles delivering the audio. I was able to hear the show fine using the Firefox browser. Others said that the audio came through fine when listening to show in their native audio player.

One of the nice aspects of tuning into the show, is that you can also take part in the "chat room", and talk to the other listeners. At one point, there were as many as 16 people in the chat room, including some city council candidates.


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  1. I am listening to this because I want to be informed but it is really painful to listen to. I hope future broadcasts are a lot more organized...

  2. From: Marc A. Miller Candidate
    I heard what Mrs Johnson stated about me, she might have been upset because I did not give the petition rights to the new chamber so they could continue with the Cityhood process and make a name for themselves. I decided the cityhood petition process belonged to the Menifee Valley Community Economic Development Council where it started (501c3). I was the Chair from 2001-2007. Mr. Royer volunteered to collect signatures because he realized the importance of Cityhood and Local control. I have recognized the Royers (Betty and Ron) publically on numerous occassions. We could not have done it without them, and yes I too was in the hot sun collecting signatures. I also want everyone to know alot of the people collecting signatures have approached me and thanked me for runnng for city council. I do not take developer contributions either!

  3. From: Fred Twyman
    Julie I have been working closely with both Marc Miller and Luis Mazei and do not see that they are in anyway divisive. I see them as men of integrity that are greatly concerned with the quality and future of Menifee. Both gentleman have fought for what they believe is the good of the community and when you fight for the doing the right thing you don't always make everyone happy. Mazei effectively fought against an improper development that you and the chamber supported and I can see how you might be opposed to loosing a good fight. I admire his resolve even when his job, at the county, might have been the line. Luis will do the right thing even if it may cost him. You are correct Marc's heart is in the right place. He has been working along time on behalf of city-hood. He is one of the most knowledgeable candidates on the process of becoming a city. He also has extensive understanding of the county planning process as does Luis Mazei. I believe that both of theses men would make excellent councilmen. As I have said Thomas, Miller, Mazei and Edgerton would make excellent city councilmen. If you don't vote for me please consider Tom Fuhrman or Jason Reeves.

  4. On your show you said there were no canidates from Romoland. According to the Californian Dean Deines, a canidate for city council, lives in Romoland.

  5. Mr Twyman,
    What was the improper development that Mrs. Johnson fought for? Some of us are new to the area and have not kept up on Chamber politics.

  6. I was slammed by Julie Johnson on the Menifee Valley Talk Radio. Unfortunately, I was not able to rapidly respond because I was working in Riverside and could not participate.

    I wish to clarify some comments that Julie made about me. First of all, I and my neighbors in Summit View Subdivision have been fighting for 15 years a property owner who owns approximately 20 acres of vacant land.

    This property owner has continuously pushed to construct a high density project in an area that has been designated single family or one house, one lot.

    The latest fight was three years ago when the owner and his developer got approvals from Riverside County Planning Department and Board of Supervisors for a general plan amendment, a change of zone, a tract map and a plot plan approval.

    During the approval process, Julie organized several meetings between the developer and my neighbors, including myself. No progress was made. In the last meeting the developer was able to make his presentation without interruption but myself and other neighbors were constantly being interrupted by Julie sometimes after each person spoke for only twenty to thirty seconds. People were trying to make their points and tensions rose out of frustration. She then closed the meeting and threaten me in front of my wife and neighbors that we would have my job. She did try. She filed a complaint with Riverside County, my employer. Human Resources contacted me and I explained my side with them in two meetings. The complaint was dropped by my employer.

    My neighbors organized Menifee Valley Residents Against Poor Planning (MVAPP) and filed a CEQA Lawsuit against Riverside County (Edmons vs. Riverside County). In 2006, MVRAPP and Ms. Edmons won the CEQA lawsuit and the County had to rescind all approvals as stated above.

    My neighbors and I were simply fighting to maintain a single family environment and Julie was supporting the developer.

    As a council member, I will fight for other neighborhoods when a developer decides to plop an apartment complex next to a single family development.

    Louis G. Mazei, Candidate for City Council.

  7. Why was my earlier post taken off. Julie Johnson slammed me, Marc Miller and those that were part of the Chamber of Commerce. To respond and defend myself, which I am entitled as an individual, I have only stated facts about Julie Johnson regarding a meeting that I will again state. First of all, she supported a developer when he wanted to build a high density project next to Summit View. The developer was also a member of the Chamber of Commerce when she was the CEO. My residence is located in Summit View.

    She called a meeting of residents in Summit View. The representative of the developer was allowed to speak for thirty minutes. When we tried to speak in opposition, she frequently interrupted at least five speakers, including myself. Everyone was getting frustrated. She then closed the meeting in a huff and threaten me by stating that she would have my job. This threat was stated by her in front of my wife and neighbors. She later tried to get my job by filing a complaint with my employer, Riverside County. Riverside County Human Resources then spoke with me. There were two meetings. After meeting with me, the complaint was dismissed.

    Meanwhile my neighbors organized themselves into Menifee Valley Residents Against Poor Planning (MVRAPP). After the County approved a 52 unit high density project on 13 acres, MVRAPP filed a CEQA lawsuit (Edmons vs. Riverside County) against the County with the developer has an interested party. MVRAPP's attorney was able to get the lawsuit ruled in favor of them. The general plan amendment, change of zone, tract map and plot plan were all rescinded.

    When Julie goes on the air and make very negative statements about myself and the other candidates, we all have a right to respond as individuals.

    Hopefully this post will not be removed.

    Louis G. Mazei, Candidate for City Council of Menifee/Menifee Valley.

  8. Hey Louis, I didn't remove your comments. It just takes some time for comments to get processed by Blogger, and uploaded to the Menifee 24/7 server.

  9. Louis,
    Now come on, I have never threaten you about your job in front of you or anyone. People who know me know that isn't true. I am not the issue here. So get defensive all you want, but you are NOT doing yourself a favor you are just proving my point.

    I find it interesting that the candidates want to attack me instead of showing evidence that they are committed to the residents.

    The last time I saw you was when I was representing Jeff Stone at the Sun City Civic Assocation Meeting in which you... a county employee with the planning dept was there to get the community to rally up against Supervisor Stone. I was doing my job.

    I stand my original that I don't feel you could bring people together and that you are divisive.

    Having said that I am not a candidate. If you win Louis, you must be prepared that the residents will not always be in your favor. In others words you will be at odds with community at times. Can you really handle that? Can you work with other council members without thinking that there is a conspiracy going on between them?

    For candidate that is running: If you can't stand the heat, then get out of the kitchen because being City Council representing the people will NOT be an easy job.

    Julie Johnson

  10. Julie,

    I want to clarify some of your statements.

    These are the following facts:

    1. You did threaten me that you would have my job. I heard it, my wife heard it and my neighbors.

    2. You did file a complaint against me. I had to defend myself with Human Resources of the County. After their investigation that complaint was dismissed.

    3. I never organized a meeting against Jeff Stone! There was a meeting of more than 250 people in Webb Hall that the complaint from you alleged that I organized. I had "nothing" to do with organizing it or attended any organizing meetings. You are wrong!

    4. You did ask me to find residents to meet with Mr. Stone before he took office. In less than 24 hours we were able to get approximately 15 to 20 people to attend and listen to Mr. Stone. I got these people to assist you.

    I have considered you a friend and was very nonplus when you filed your complaint. That being said, I do appreciate your fund raising activities in helping to pay for Menifee Valley to incorporate. I also understand that the developer whose project that we opposed was one of those developers that help to raise money for cityhood. If we vote for cityhood, I will personally suggested that you be recognized for your contributions to us becoming a city.

    Louis G. Mazei, Candidate for Council of the City of Menifee/Menifee Vallley

  11. No need to recognize me, Louis. I am thrilled that I no longer am a employee of the County or the Chamber of Commerces. I feel the residents of Menifee Valley deserve the best chance possible in securing a great future.

    I am self-employed in 3 lucrative businesses in which I am thriving financially and emotionally. Everything that happened to me was a huge blessing!

    I still believe that you are not a good choice for City Council.

  12. Hi Julie,

    It has been nearly three years since you were very active in Menifee Valley and my "dealings" with you. I do believe we need to recognize or appreciate the contributions of everyone that were involved in the incorporation process of Menifee/Menifee Valley, particularly over the past ten years.

    Have a nice life.

    Louis G. Mazei, Candidate for Member of City Council of Menifee/Menifee Valley


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