Menifee Schools Face Tighter Budgets

The Californian ran an article today about school districts across the south west County ara facing tighter budgets. It says districts are...

The Californian ran an article today about school districts across the south west County ara facing tighter budgets. It says districts are looking to delay the opening of new schools, and are finding ways to consolidate jobs.

Here's what it has to say about Menifee Union...
In the Menifee Union School District, officials are taking similar measures. The district is only hiring essential positions and eyeing its spending very carefully, said Dan Wood, assistant superintendent for business services.

He said budget cuts could be on the table, but he doesn't know for sure yet.

"There is always a chance, but at this point we don't have any official information," Wood said. "We have a lot of speculation, and it's always best to plan for the worst."
The only explanation The Californian gives for this budget shortfall is a loss of student growth. It perhaps suggests that school districts are losing students due to the foreclosure problem. Each student represents thousands of dollars of state money.

Another thing that residents might not be aware of is Proposition 92, up for vote this February 5. Prop 92 will boost funding to community colleges. But what you might not know is that the State of California limits spending on public schools to 40% of its General Fund. Assuming we are already hitting the 40% cap, the State would have to take money away from K-12 schools and 4-year colleges, to increase spending on community colleges.

Throughout this budget crunch, Menifee Union will also be asking residents to support a bond measure, Measure B, that will raise $31.46 million for the district, to finance the construction of three new schools. If approved, it'll cost each homeowner $17.90 for every $100,000 in assessed value.


Menifee-Union-School-District 5312112437299241651

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  1. the state max is 40% but over the last several DECADES, yes 30-40 years, they have funded public schools at a rate of 4-9% of the general fund.


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