Graffiti in Menifee
Diana Lauzon, a new Menifee 24/7 reader, asks about graffiti that she's seeing around Menifee, and wants to know if this is a growing pr...
Diana Lauzon, a new Menifee 24/7 reader, asks about graffiti that she's seeing around Menifee, and wants to know if this is a growing problem...
You can also visit their "Graffiti Busters" website at...
I've seen graffiti here in Menifee for as long as I've been here (since 2001). It's still a lot less than what I used to see in the neighborhoods of Santa Ana and San Diego, where I grew up.
Hi Steve,Riverside County Economic Development Agency has a hotline to report graffiti: (951) 955-3333 or (866) 732-1444 (toll free)
My family recently moved to Menifee, and have been enjoying the area. We are however concerned over the recent tagging/graffiti that is cropping up all over town. Do you have any news about that?
Thank you for Menifee 24/7 !!
Diana Lauzon
You can also visit their "Graffiti Busters" website at...
I've seen graffiti here in Menifee for as long as I've been here (since 2001). It's still a lot less than what I used to see in the neighborhoods of Santa Ana and San Diego, where I grew up.
I agree, Graffiti is so ghetto and I think any "Tagger" should be prosecuted to the MAX.
ReplyDeleteHowever, the one good thing about the Menifee Lakes Master Assoc (and trust me there are not too many good things right now) is that if you place 1 phone call to Vince Valdez at Valley-Wide Rec, he will make sure the Graffiti is taken care of in less than 24hrs. It has happened over the years, and at least the Taggers don't get to view their so called "Art" for more than a day!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for the information on graffiti! It truly is a shame that our future "artists" are not prosecuted more heavily when caught or found guilty.
My next question: There is a bus stop at the entrance to Newport Hills II track at the end of La Ladera. The kids who wait at the bus stop have destroyed the entrance to this housing track by removing all the letter to the sign that says "Newport Hills." I contacted the association--and of course they state it is not their problem, but the counties. Do you have any information on who I may contact regarding this. It truly is an eyesoar and everyone in the neighborhood complains, but I want to do something about it.
Thanks for all your comments and your hard work on this website. I really appreciate it! I read it and comment almost daily.
Call the Sheriffs non-emergency number and report someone if you see them tagging. They will respond. Get a description and see if there is a vehicle in the area and call it in. Some times they can't since they are covering Perris as well but they do respond most of the time. We have had three groups of taggers caught in our area by the Sheriff
ReplyDeleteWhat's just as worse as graffiti is the sloppy clean up by business owners and/or the county. For example, several "throw ups" have been cleaned up behind the US Post Office wall off Newport (you can see it from the 215 south), but the clean up is horrible with paint that does not match the block wall. I believe this encourages more tagging/graffiti, because clean up is not taken seriously.
ReplyDeleteI agree that the tagging is getting worse...this week on the wall on Bradley towards the high school, there are new tagging. I called the graffiti hotline and reported it but its still there two days more tagging is evident.
ReplyDeleteThe more time that passes the more problems we are going to have. Shortly after the La Ladera Park sign was put in place it was vandalized with graffiti. Almost all the letters for the housing areas from La ladera east on Honey Run to Valley have been removed. Honey Run is used as a drag strip during the night and early morning hours. Graffiti on Valley Blvd. Then go to the Stater Bros. shopping center on Newport. There you have a choice of being run over by a slug on a skateboard or a half wit on a bike. The store owners I guess are afraid to call the Police. I was In one of the businesses in the shopping center one night when some skate boarders came in and began giving one of the workers some trouble. They began swearing at the worker, then went out side and threw eggs at the business. That's the kind of thing I moved here in 2001 from OC to get away from. I guess the jerks followed me here and brought their kids with them.
ReplyDeletewe live very close to the Stater and have had no problems at all. I am kinda surprised to hear about this.
ReplyDeleteI work night shift Sun City and I drive around ALOT for my job... on a couple occasions (Halloween in particular) I saw what I thought were taggers around 1 and 3 in the morning and when I left work in the morning, many buildings, electrical boxes, and signs were tagged... the people I saw were on Encanto street south of Mccall emerging from behind a electrical box with a shiny object in hand, and due to the location of all the graffiti, I highly suspect they reside in the apartment complexes on that side of Encanto... Keep and eye out people!
ReplyDeleteI am a new resident to the city as of 11/07/07. I moved here from Orange County. I love the city and have met some really nice people while my home was being built. The graffitti that continues to occur around the high school and north / south on bradley is not being taken seriously. I am currently employed as a law enforcement officer. My experience in these situations is, it is ultimately up to the residence to combat this problem. It is us who must put pressure on the county and the city when we incorporate to solve this problem. without public pressure nothing will get done. I have arrrested numerous individuals in the county I serve for vandalism and for possession of graffitti tools. I am interested in forming a committee of menifee residence to combat this problem. If anyone is interested?????????????????????
ReplyDeleteI have been traveling to the Menifee area for approx. 12 years now. I'm happy to say I have recently purchased a home here. What i'm not happy to report is the graffiti problem getting a little out of control. When I step out into the back yard all I see are boulders all tagged up. Some of the graffiti are gang related. Some are just dumb kids with too much time on their hands. The gang stuff usually has 3 dots (Meaning "my crazy life"), area codes, "13" (represents the letter "M" the gangs loyality to the Mexican Mafia). I caught a large group(White and Hispanic) on Bradley tagging with markers recently and called the police. I followed the group reporting descriptions and direction to dispatchers until deputies arrived. They got away, but knew they were being followed. You never know who has a gun anymore so leave the confrontation to the professionals. 99% of the problem falls back onto the parents. NO SUPERVISION!!!! If you think Bradley looks bad look at the wall on Corsan and Murrieta RD. Let's form a committee/graffiti watch group.
ReplyDeletei wouldnt trip about it most graffiti is not gang related and even if it was the most gangs dont care about anything but other gangs and people who disrepect them ya most likely the best thing to do is paint over it or let the county know
ReplyDeletei grew up writing graffiti when i was nine . quite illegal graff at 16 after i got outta the halls for the third time after 3 felonys and a misdemeanor i decided i needed to stop or id never be able to aspeceialy sence graffiti was the only thing in my life that ment anything after that we moved to anahiem hills a really nice area of orange county and there was no one who did graff so i pretty much went online to and started doing murals did that for three years and now i make my own t shirts