Participate in Temecula's 15th Annual Toys for Tots!
Would you like to take your family or special someone out to a movie theater for a free movie? On Wednesday, December 14th, starting at 4:30...

On Wednesday, December 14th, starting at 4:30pm, come over to Temeku Cinemas and drop off a toy at the 15th Annual Temecula Toys for Tots. Each person who donates a toy gets to watch a free movie, get a free hot dog, drink, popcorn, and sit on Santa's lap for a free photo-op.
Movies to choose from are "Miracle on 34th Street" or "Home Alone", both starting at 6:00pm.
Toys for Tots is a nationwide effort operated by the U.S. Marine Corp Reserve. A member of the community volunteers to coordinate an area toy drive, in which the toys are distributed to needy kids in the local area. This year, Lisa Forss, a Temecula based Realtor with Coldwell Banker, is driving the effort.
Other Ways to Participate
Lisa Forss is looking for folks willing to help out by setting up a toy collection box in their office, clubhouse, store, restaurant, or anywhere people can conveniently donate a toy.
Contact Lisa at (951) 302-1492 or at (951) 303-3000.
Last year, the effort collected 5,000 toys for local area kids. This year, they would like to extend that to 6,000 toys in light of the additional families our area welcomed in from towns affected by Hurricane Katrina.
Wednesday it the 12th folks NOT the 15th. Come on the 12th.