Let's Talk
The Menifee-Sun City Chamber sent this to its members in response to the recent negative articles. I thought that the community deserved a r...

The Menifee-Sun City Chamber sent this to its members in response to the recent negative articles. I thought that the community deserved a response too.
As you may know, we are in the news! Headlines from local newspapers include Conflict Erupts Over Funding and Stone Rebuked For Choosing One Group Over Another. It’s unfortunate that we have to spend time on this but your involvement and continued support in the Menifee-Sun City Chamber is important and we want to be sure that we are communicating with you.
All of this coverage in the newspapers stems from a request from Supervisor Stones’ office for funds to be donated to our Chamber at the recent Board of Supervisors meeting of August 23, 2005.
(Visit www.boardofsupervisors.co.riverside.ca.us for details of the request. Follow the link below to the complete request: http://www.clerkoftheboard.co.riverside.ca.us Look under 8/23/05 Item 3.107.
Please note there were 15 other individual organizations under consideration for funding including the Idyllwild Chamber of Commerce.
As noted in the articles, there were opponents to the donation at the meeting. We will not spend time commenting on their efforts, but you can safely say that we are one of the two groups that simply don’t agree. We will mention that asking for the funds or having the Supervisor give us funds as designated in the proposed 3.107 Agenda item was NOT improper by any means.
While the $30,000 would be very much appreciated, we are not, as pointed out by one newspaper, "a fledgling" chamber of commerce. We are solvent and have contingency plans in motion.
"Fledgling"? I took time to look up the definition. The word "new" sounds much better than fledgling!
Main Entry: fledg·ling
Pronunciation: 'flej-li[ng]
Function: noun
1 : a young bird just fledged
2 : an immature or inexperienced person
3 : one that is new
Technically we are a new company but we are not immature and we are certainly not inexperienced!
It is our cumulative experience that enable us to meet our goals and weather any storm. Remember, we have grown to almost 200 members in a very short period of time. We are drawing on that knowledge and maintain a positive approach that keeps the focus on our members, their growth and developing our community. We refuse to be distracted from our mission.
Please contact us if you have any questions or comments regarding this note or other items. As always, your membership is the reason why we exist and we always look forward to hearing from you.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has" – Margaret Mead
Now, let's get down to business!
Have a great Menifee-Sun City Day!
Julie Johnson, Pres./CEO,
Menifee-Sun City Chamber of Commerce

All of this coverage in the newspapers stems from a request from Supervisor Stones’ office for funds to be donated to our Chamber at the recent Board of Supervisors meeting of August 23, 2005.
(Visit www.boardofsupervisors.co.riverside.ca.us for details of the request. Follow the link below to the complete request: http://www.clerkoftheboard.co.riverside.ca.us Look under 8/23/05 Item 3.107.
Please note there were 15 other individual organizations under consideration for funding including the Idyllwild Chamber of Commerce.
As noted in the articles, there were opponents to the donation at the meeting. We will not spend time commenting on their efforts, but you can safely say that we are one of the two groups that simply don’t agree. We will mention that asking for the funds or having the Supervisor give us funds as designated in the proposed 3.107 Agenda item was NOT improper by any means.
While the $30,000 would be very much appreciated, we are not, as pointed out by one newspaper, "a fledgling" chamber of commerce. We are solvent and have contingency plans in motion.
"Fledgling"? I took time to look up the definition. The word "new" sounds much better than fledgling!
Main Entry: fledg·ling
Pronunciation: 'flej-li[ng]
Function: noun
1 : a young bird just fledged
2 : an immature or inexperienced person
3 : one that is new
Technically we are a new company but we are not immature and we are certainly not inexperienced!
It is our cumulative experience that enable us to meet our goals and weather any storm. Remember, we have grown to almost 200 members in a very short period of time. We are drawing on that knowledge and maintain a positive approach that keeps the focus on our members, their growth and developing our community. We refuse to be distracted from our mission.
Please contact us if you have any questions or comments regarding this note or other items. As always, your membership is the reason why we exist and we always look forward to hearing from you.
"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has" – Margaret Mead
Now, let's get down to business!
Have a great Menifee-Sun City Day!
Julie Johnson, Pres./CEO,
Menifee-Sun City Chamber of Commerce
I certainly never considered the Menifee-Sun City Chamber of Commerce to be "fledgling". I've met Julie on many occasions and know what an asset she is to the communities in the Menifee Valley.
ReplyDeleteI'm also a member of the other chamber, the Menifee Valley Chamber of Commerce. Really, it doesn't matter to me which chamber is doing what, as long as these communities come out as the winner.
My perception of what transpired over the past year is that the old chamber sought to merge with the Hemet Valley Chamber of Commerce, thereby giving Menfiee businesses less of a voice. The businesses in Hemet, being in a larger town, would have obviously gotten more more attention. And anytime an organization gets larger, it becomes more bureaucratic, that's just simply a fact.
That's why I supported the new Chamber, and supported Julie.
As for Supervisor Stone, I appreciate the fact that he is trying to help Menifee. It's too bad that "politics" is preventing him from empowering organizations to do good in our area. I firmly believe that when government empowers its people, good things happen, rather than government trying to do everything on its own.