City Hood delayed one more time
Once you become a city, there is no turning back. You are stuck with the tax deficits, the repairs and maintenance, and public safety issues...
Once you become a city, there is no turning back. You are stuck with the tax deficits, the repairs and maintenance, and public safety issues (to name just a few). That is why LAFCO (Land Agency Formation Commission) is the government agency responsible to guarantee that an area has enough funds and a correct plan of action to make a new city work. There must be a LAFCO approval before it can even go before the people to vote for or against City Hood.
Unfortunately, last week (and I'm pretty sure it can be attributed to the State Budget negotiations), it was decided that the bill proposing restoration of the Motor Vehicles Fees given to potential new cities, will be delayed one year. These funds make up a major part of a new city's budget. I think it is safe to say that without these funds, California will never see a formation of a new city again. So this definately puts a damper on the incorporation of Menifee Valley. Without those funds, I don't see how LAFCO can approve a formation of a new city.
Having written that, I personally think that the state budget will correct itself within a few short years. By that time, Menifee Valley should easily have the businesses necessary to generate sales tax dollars as well as high quality of jobs to purchase those goods and services.
Did you know that currently a new city should generate about $100/pp (state average) in sales tax revenue to be able to incorporate? Unfortunately, Menifee Valley only has about $20 per person (if the fiscal anaylsis is correct). This means that there is an incredible amount of leakage of tax dollars to other areas because we are lacking in so many business categories.
I predict that City Hood could very well be a reality within three to five years due to the tremendous amount of growth that will be taking place. During this 3 to 5 year time period, the Menifee-Sun City Chamber of Commerce has many plans in place to put this area on the map. It's our desire that residents will be able to live, work and play in Menifee Valley. This plan of action should very well ease the burden of traffic on the 215.
If you know of any business that is looking to relocate in Menifee Valley, have them look us up. Our business is to make business for Menifee Valley.
Unfortunately, last week (and I'm pretty sure it can be attributed to the State Budget negotiations), it was decided that the bill proposing restoration of the Motor Vehicles Fees given to potential new cities, will be delayed one year. These funds make up a major part of a new city's budget. I think it is safe to say that without these funds, California will never see a formation of a new city again. So this definately puts a damper on the incorporation of Menifee Valley. Without those funds, I don't see how LAFCO can approve a formation of a new city.
Having written that, I personally think that the state budget will correct itself within a few short years. By that time, Menifee Valley should easily have the businesses necessary to generate sales tax dollars as well as high quality of jobs to purchase those goods and services.
Did you know that currently a new city should generate about $100/pp (state average) in sales tax revenue to be able to incorporate? Unfortunately, Menifee Valley only has about $20 per person (if the fiscal anaylsis is correct). This means that there is an incredible amount of leakage of tax dollars to other areas because we are lacking in so many business categories.
I predict that City Hood could very well be a reality within three to five years due to the tremendous amount of growth that will be taking place. During this 3 to 5 year time period, the Menifee-Sun City Chamber of Commerce has many plans in place to put this area on the map. It's our desire that residents will be able to live, work and play in Menifee Valley. This plan of action should very well ease the burden of traffic on the 215.
If you know of any business that is looking to relocate in Menifee Valley, have them look us up. Our business is to make business for Menifee Valley.